Reputation: 1
I'm working on a GitHub Actions workflow that uses Workload Identity Federation (WIF) to authenticate with Google Cloud. As part of the workflow, I can successfully authenticate inside the container using gcloud CLI commands, but I can't get R's bigrquery package to pick up the credentials. Below is the relevant portion of my workflow file:
# Step 3: Authenticate to Google Cloud via Workload Identity Federation
- name: Authenticate to Google Cloud
uses: google-github-actions/[email protected]
id: auth
workload_identity_provider: ${{ secrets.WIF_PROVIDER }}
service_account: ${{ secrets.WIF_SERVICE_ACCOUNT }}
token_format: "access_token"
create_credentials_file: true
# Step 5: Docker login to Artifact Registry using the WIF token
- name: Docker login to Artifact Registry
run: |
echo ${{ steps.auth.outputs.access_token }} | docker login -u oauth2accesstoken --password-stdin https://${{ env.location }}
# Step 6: Pull the specified Docker image
- name: Pull Docker image
run: docker pull ${{ env.location }}${{ env.project }}/${{ env.repository }}/base-image:latest
- name: Debug for google auth in R
run: |
docker run --rm \
-v ${{ steps.auth.outputs.credentials_file_path }}:/gcp/creds.json:ro \
-e GCP_PROJECT=${{ env.project}} \
${{ env.location }}${{ env.project }}/${{ env.repository }}/base-image:latest \
sh -c '
gcloud auth login --cred-file=/gcp/creds.json
gcloud config set project $GCP_PROJECT
bq ls --project_id=$GCP_PROJECT --format=prettyjson # works fine
# The following R lines all fail to authenticate:
# Rscript -e "library(bigrquery); bq_auth(use_oob = TRUE); print(bq_project_datasets($GCP_PROJECT))"
# Rscript -e "library(bigrquery); bq_auth(path = \"/gcp/creds.json\"); print(bq_project_datasets($GCP_PROJECT))"
# Rscript -e "library(bigrquery); library(gargle); gargle_token <- gargle::credentials_service_account(path = \"/gcp/creds.json\", scopes = \"\"); bq_auth(token = gargle_token); print(bq_project_datasets(${{ env.GCP_PROJECT }}))"
# Rscript -e "library(bigrquery); library(gargle); gargle_token <- gargle::credentials_app_default(scopes = \"\"); bq_auth(token = gargle_token); print(bq_project_datasets(${{ env.GCP_PROJECT }}))"
# Rscript -e "library(bigrquery); library(gargle); gargle_token <- gargle::credentials_external_account(path = Sys.getenv(\"GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS\"), scopes = \"\"); bq_auth(token = gargle_token); print(bq_project_datasets(${{ env.GCP_PROJECT }}))"
What works
Workload Identity Federation: GitHub Actions successfully acquires an access token and creates a credentials JSON file.
gcloud CLI (within docker):
gcloud auth login --cred-file=/gcp/creds.json
gcloud config set project ${{ env.GCP_PROJECT }}
bq ls --project_id=${{ env.GCP_PROJECT }} --format=prettyjson
All of these commands work perfectly from within the container, demonstrating that authentication does succeed at the gcloud level.
What doesn't work
All attempts to authenticate within R using the bigrquery package (and underlying gargle package) fail. I've tried multiple approaches:
bq_auth(use_oob = TRUE)
bq_auth(use_oob = FALSE)
bq_auth(path = "/gcp/creds.json")
gargle_token <- gargle::credentials_service_account(path = "/gcp/creds.json",
scopes = "")
bq_auth(token = gargle_token)
gargle_token <- gargle::credentials_external_account(path = Sys.getenv("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"),
scopes = "")
bq_auth(token = gargle_token)
No matter which method I try, bq_project_datasets({{ env.GCP_PROJECT }}) returns an error indicating it can’t authenticate or can't find credentials. The most common error message I get is:
Error in `bq_auth()`:
! Can't get Google credentials.
ℹ Try calling `bq_auth()` directly with necessary specifics.
No matter which method I try, bq_project_datasets({{ env.GCP_PROJECT }}) returns an error indicating it can’t authenticate or can't find credentials.
Question: Why does gcloud successfully pick up the credentials but bigrquery doesn’t? How should I configure my R environment or credentials setup so that bigrquery recognizes the token/credentials generated via Workload Identity Federation? Is there something special about WIF-based credentials that requires a different approach in bigrquery? Any help or insights on how to properly configure bigrquery (especially in a non-interactive Docker environment) would be greatly appreciated!
Please note I do have to use WIF authentication in github actions - there is no way around this
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