Reputation: 76
I'm using the Vision framework to obtain a masked image and an image with a transparent background. I want to extract the outline path of the image using contour detection.
Here’s the function I'm using:
private func detectContours(image: UIImage) async throws -> CGPath? {
// Convert UIImage to CIImage
guard let ciImage = CIImage(image: image) else {
return nil
// Set up the contour detection request
var request = DetectContoursRequest()
request.contrastAdjustment = 1.5
request.contrastPivot = nil
// Perform the contour detection request
let contoursObservations = try await request.perform(
on: ciImage,
orientation: .downMirrored
// Retrieve the detected contours as a path object
let contours = contoursObservations.normalizedPath
return contours
This is how I'm using it
Task {
do {
contours = try await detectContours(image: maskedImage)
} catch {
print("Error detecting contours: \(error)")
This function returns the desired contours, but it also includes an extra path representing the image frame. How can I modify this function to exclude the frame path and only return the contours of the actual content?
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Views: 27
Reputation: 76
I just inverted the color of the mask with the help of this function and it is working perfectly.
func invertColors(of ciImage: CIImage) -> CIImage? {
let invertFilter = CIFilter(name: "CIColorInvert")
invertFilter?.setValue(ciImage, forKey: kCIInputImageKey)
return invertFilter?.outputImage
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