Mr. JWolf
Mr. JWolf

Reputation: 1395

ASP.NET Core 9 hangs in docker container while running sub-processes

I have an ASP.NET Core 9 application running in a linux docker container.

Made using this dockerfile:

FROM AS base

# Install base components
RUN apt update && \
    apt install -y curl htop nano
RUN curl -sSL | sh

# Set up the build env
FROM AS build
WORKDIR /source

# Install NuGet Packages
COPY "src/Dictus.AsrEvaluator.Backend/Dictus.AsrEvaluator.Backend.csproj" "src/Dictus.AsrEvaluator.Backend/Dictus.AsrEvaluator.Backend.csproj"
COPY "src/SunShared/Dictus.Sun.Shared/Dictus.Sun.Shared.csproj" "src/SunShared/Dictus.Sun.Shared/Dictus.Sun.Shared.csproj"
RUN dotnet restore "src/SunShared/Dictus.Sun.Shared/Dictus.Sun.Shared.csproj"
RUN dotnet restore "src/Dictus.AsrEvaluator.Backend/Dictus.AsrEvaluator.Backend.csproj"

# Build the app
COPY "src/" "src/"
ARG VersionSuffix=0
RUN dotnet publish "src/Dictus.AsrEvaluator.Backend/Dictus.AsrEvaluator.Backend.csproj" -c Release -o /app /p:VersionSuffix=$VersionSuffix

# Copy the app to the final build image
FROM base AS final
COPY --from=build /app .

# Setup defaults
HEALTHCHECK CMD curl --max-time 10 --fail http://localhost:80/health || exit 1
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "Dictus.AsrEvaluator.Backend.dll"]

But once in a while it completely hang.

I detect the hang by:

1 root      20   0  263.8g 641220 196992 S   0.0   2.0 242:33.04 dotnet

I have tried to get some information out of my application. Inside the docker container I have tried to install and run:

None of them can get any information out of my application.

dotnet-trace collect and dotnet-counters monitor both completly hangs, and I cannot exit them using CTRL+C, I have to close the terminal. dotnet-dump never creates or writes anything to its output file.

The application logs just stops when it hangs, not providing any additional information.

When does it hang?

Once in a while my application gets a new job sent to it. To handle this job it prepares a number of files and folder, and then starts 2 sub-processes which runs in parallel to complete the job.

It is while the 2 sub-processes are running the main ASP.NET Core 9 application hangs. It is very random if the application hangs or not. I can run for weeks without any problems and then suddenly it just hangs, or maybe just a few days before hanging.

The ASP.NET Core 9 application starts the 2 sub-processes and listens to their STDOUT and STDERR

ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
     WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,
     RedirectStandardOutput = true,
     RedirectStandardError = true,
     UseShellExecute = false,
     FileName = "docker -v /job_data:/job_data run my_other_docker",
     Arguments = arguments,

using Process process = new Process
     StartInfo = startInfo,
     EnableRaisingEvents = true

// Outputs
StringBuilder stdOut = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder stdErr = new StringBuilder();
// Runs the command

ReadStream(process.StandardOutput, stdOut, progress, true);
ReadStream(process.StandardError, stdErr, progress, false);
while (!process.HasExited || !isReadStdOutDone || !isReadErrOutDone)
     if (token.IsCancellationRequested)


     await Task.Delay(100);

// Reads the output
string stdout = stdOut.ToString();
string stderr = stdErr.ToString();
private void ReadStream(
     StreamReader stream,
     StringBuilder read,
     IProgress<string>? progress,
     bool isStdOut)
     Task.Run(async () =>
         var line = CleanLogLine(await stream.ReadLineAsync());
         while (line != null)
             line = $"{name} - {line}";
             if (progress != null)
             line = CleanLogLine(await stream.ReadLineAsync());
         if (isStdOut)
             isReadStdOutDone = true;
             isReadErrOutDone = true;

private string? CleanLogLine(string? line)
     if (line != null &&
         line.Count(x => x == '\b') > 1000)
         line = line[0..1000];
     return line;

My application hangs WHILE the 2 sub processes are running. I can see both of the two sub processes completes successfully. So I doubt the problem is with the sub processes.

Thoughts and ideas

How can I continue to debug and figure out why it hangs?

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Views: 69

Answers (1)

make sure you have ample threads allowance in docker settings, also make sure you properly close your threads after usage because if not closed properly, the threads will stay and cause blockage and eventually it will stop in docker due to resource utlitization

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