Reputation: 138
Below is Server EA that will send trades to client EA
#property strict
#include <socket-library-mt4-mt5.mqh>
input ushort ServerPort = 6000;
ServerSocket * glbServerSocket = NULL;
ClientSocket * glbClients[];
bool glbCreatedTimer = false;
void OnInit()
if (glbServerSocket) {
Print("Reloading EA with existing server socket");
} else {
// Create the server socket
glbServerSocket = new ServerSocket(ServerPort, false);
if (glbServerSocket.Created()) {
Print("Server socket created");
glbCreatedTimer = EventSetMillisecondTimer(TIMER_FREQUENCY_MS);
} else {
Print("Server socket FAILED - is the port already in use?");
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
switch (reason) {
glbCreatedTimer = false;
for (int i = 0; i < ArraySize(glbClients); i++) {
delete glbClients[i];
ArrayResize(glbClients, 0);
delete glbServerSocket;
glbServerSocket = NULL;
Print("Server socket terminated");
void OnTimer()
for (int i = ArraySize(glbClients) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
void AcceptNewConnections()
ClientSocket * pNewClient = NULL;
do {
pNewClient = glbServerSocket.Accept();
if (pNewClient != NULL) {
int sz = ArraySize(glbClients);
ArrayResize(glbClients, sz + 1);
glbClients[sz] = pNewClient;
Print("New client connection");
} while (pNewClient != NULL);
void HandleSocketIncomingData(int idxClient)
ClientSocket * pClient = glbClients[idxClient];
bool bForceClose = false;
string strCommand;
do {
strCommand = pClient.Receive("\r\n");
if (strCommand == "quote") {
//Alert("Jesus is Lord");
string msg = "Symbol: "+ Symbol() + " Bid: " + DoubleToString(SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_BID), Digits()) + " Ask: " + DoubleToString(SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_ASK), Digits());
pClient.Send(msg + "\r\n");
} else if (strCommand == "close") {
bForceClose = true;
} else if (StringFind(strCommand, "FILE:") == 0) {
string strFileData = StringSubstr(strCommand, 5);
uchar arrBase64[];
StringToCharArray(strFileData, arrBase64, 0, StringLen(strFileData));
// Do base64 decoding on the data, converting it to the zipped data
uchar arrZipped[], dummyKey[];
if (CryptDecode(CRYPT_BASE64, arrBase64, dummyKey, arrZipped)) {
// Unzip the data
uchar arrOriginal[];
if (CryptDecode(CRYPT_ARCH_ZIP, arrZipped, dummyKey, arrOriginal)) {
int f = FileOpen("receive.dat", FILE_BIN | FILE_WRITE);
if (f == INVALID_HANDLE) {
Print("Unable to open receive.dat for writing");
} else {
FileWriteArray(f, arrOriginal);
Print("Created receive.dat file");
} else {
Print("Unzipping of file data failed");
} else {
Print("Decoding from base64 failed");
} else if (strCommand != "") {
Print("<- ", strCommand);
} while (strCommand != "");
if (!pClient.IsSocketConnected() || bForceClose) {
Print("Client has disconnected");
delete pClient;
int ctClients = ArraySize(glbClients);
for (int i = idxClient + 1; i < ctClients; i++) {
glbClients[i - 1] = glbClients[i];
ArrayResize(glbClients, ctClients);
void OnTick()
if (!glbCreatedTimer) glbCreatedTimer = EventSetMillisecondTimer(TIMER_FREQUENCY_MS);
void OnChartEvent(const int id, const long& lparam, const double& dparam, const string& sparam)
if (lparam == glbServerSocket.GetSocketHandle()) {
Print("New server socket event - incoming connection");
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < ArraySize(glbClients); i++) {
if (lparam == glbClients[i].GetSocketHandle()) {
Below is Client EA that will receive and copy trades from server EA
#property strict
#include <socket-library-mt4-mt5.mqh>
input string Hostname = "localhost";
input ushort ServerPort = 6000;
ClientSocket * glbClientSocket = NULL;
void OnInit() {}
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
if (glbClientSocket) {
delete glbClientSocket;
glbClientSocket = NULL;
void OnTick()
if (!glbClientSocket) {
glbClientSocket = new ClientSocket(Hostname, ServerPort);
if (glbClientSocket.IsSocketConnected()) {
Print("Client connection succeeded");
} else {
Print(__LINE__,": Client connection failed: Error code = ", GetLastError());
if (glbClientSocket.IsSocketConnected()) {
string strMsg ="quote\r\n";// "Symbol: " + Symbol() + " Bid: " + DoubleToString(SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_BID), Digits()) + " Ask: " + DoubleToString(SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_ASK), Digits()) + "\r\n";
// Receive a message from the server
string serverMessage = glbClientSocket.Receive("\r\n");
// Print the server message in the client log
if (serverMessage != "") {
Print("Received from server: ", serverMessage);
} else {
Print(__LINE__,": Client connection failed: Error code = ", GetLastError());
if (!glbClientSocket.IsSocketConnected()) {
Print(__LINE__,": Client disconnected. Will retry.Error code = ", GetLastError());
delete glbClientSocket;
glbClientSocket = NULL;
Let me explain what I have tried
I tried so many things in solving this problem, I enabled File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv4-In) on my laptop A by doing this I was able to use command prompt (CMD) ping IPV4 address of laptop A on laptop B which confirms both laptop are the same network and can communicate but the client EA on laptop B could not still talk to/communicate with server EA that is on laptop A.
Please help me.
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Views: 37