I am trying to move my windows but WinMove doesn't work

I am trying to swap windows on my screen. The MsgBoxes work but WinMove doesn't:

; Move from Monitor 1 to Monitor 2
    if (WinX >= Monitor1X && WinX < Monitor1EndX) {
        SwapToScreen(thisID, Monitor2X, WinX, WinY, Monitor1X)
        MsgBox , 1 to 2, %Title%
    ; Move from Monitor 2 to Monitor 1
    else if (WinX >= Monitor2X && WinX < Monitor2EndX) {
        SwapToScreen(thisID, Monitor1X, WinX, WinY, Monitor2X)
        MsgBox, 2 to 1, %Title%
    ; Handle fullscreen cases (X = -9)
    else if (WinX < 0 || WinY < 0) {
        WinGet, IsMaximized, MinMax, ahk_id %thisID%
        if (IsMaximized) {
            SwapToScreen(thisID, Monitor2X, Monitor1X, WinY, Monitor1X)
            WinRestore, ahk_id %thisID%
        if (IsMaximized) {
            WinMaximize, ahk_id %thisID%
    else {
        MsgBox, Active window is not within defined screen boundaries.

SwapToScreen(ActiveWinID, TargetMonitorX, CurrentX, CurrentY,
SourceMonitorX) {
NewX := TargetMonitorX + (CurrentX - SourceMonitorX)
WinGetPos, OldX, OldY, OldWidth, OldHeight, ahk_id %ActiveWinID%

; Adjust size based on scaling factor
if (TargetMonitorX = 0) {
    ScaleFactor := 1  ; Moving to Monitor 1
} else {
    ScaleFactor := 1 ; Moving to Monitor 2

NewWidth := OldWidth * ScaleFactor
NewHeight := OldHeight * ScaleFactor

; Move the window and report success
MsgBox, Moving Window ID: %ActiveWinID% to X: %NewX%, Y: %CurrentY%, Width: %NewWidth%, Height: %NewHeight%

WinMove, ahk_id %ActiveWinID% , %NewX% , %CurrentY% , %NewWidth%, %NewHeight%
MsgBox, Window moved successfully to X: %OldX%,%NewX%, Y: %OldY%,%CurrentY%, Width: %OldWidth%,%NewWidth%, Height: %OldHeight%,%NewHeight%.

I also need to resize it because of difference between resolutions.

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Views: 82

Answers (2)


Reputation: 11

#7 will be useful:

/*    🔥∙HOTKEYS∙🔥
Ctrl+Alt+Numpad1    ;;∙------∙Monitor of active window.
Ctrl+Alt+Numpad2    ;;∙------∙Detects monitor under current mouse cursor.
Ctrl+Alt+Numpad3    ;;∙------∙Detects monitor with largest intersection with a custom rectangle.
Ctrl+Alt+Numpad4    ;;∙------∙ENHANCED: Monitor of active window with Resolution & DPI.
Ctrl+Alt+Numpad5    ;;∙------∙ENHANCED: Detects monitor under current mouse cursor with Resolution & DPI.
Ctrl+Alt+Numpad6    ;;∙------∙ENHANCED: Detects monitor with largest intersection with a custom rectangle.
Ctrl+Alt+Numpad7    ;;∙------∙Move active window to the opposite monitor.
Ctrl+Alt+Numpad8    ;;∙------∙Shows monitor information with Primary monitor listed first.

#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 3
#SingleInstance, Force
Menu, Tray, Icon, imageres.dll, 291
SetBatchLines -1
SetTitleMatchMode 2
SetWinDelay 0

Monitors := MDMF_Enum()    ;;∙------∙Retrieves All relevant monitor information. **
^!Numpad1::    ;;∙------∙Monitor of active window.
ActiveWindow := WinExist("A")    ;;∙------∙Determines hwnd of active window.
ActiveMonitor := Monitors[MDMF_FromHWND(ActiveWindow)]    ;;∙------∙Retrieves display monitor that has largest area of intersection with this window.
MsgBox,,,% ActiveMonitor.Num "`n" ActiveMonitor.Name, 5    ;;∙------∙Shows active monitor's Number & Name.

^!Numpad2::    ;;∙------∙Detects monitor under current mouse cursor.
ActiveMonitor := Monitors[MDMF_FromPoint()]    ;;∙------∙Retrieves the monitor containing the cursor.
MsgBox,,,% "Monitor with Mouse Cursor: `n" ActiveMonitor.Num "`n" ActiveMonitor.Name, 5    ;;∙------∙Shows monitor number & name.

^!Numpad3::    ;;∙------∙Detects monitor with largest intersection with a custom rectangle.
InputBox, X, Enter X Coordinate, Please enter the X coordinate., , 200, 120
InputBox, Y, Enter Y Coordinate, Please enter the Y coordinate., , 200, 120
InputBox, W, Enter Width, Please enter the width of the rectangle., , 200, 120
InputBox, H, Enter Height, Please enter the height of the rectangle., , 200, 120
ActiveMonitor := Monitors[MDMF_FromRect(X, Y, W, H)]    ;;∙------∙Retrieves monitor that intersects most with custom rectangle.
MsgBox,,,% "Monitor for Custom Rectangle: `n" ActiveMonitor.Num "`n" ActiveMonitor.Name, 5    ;;∙------∙Shows monitor number & name.

^!Numpad4::    ;;∙------∙ENHANCED: Monitor of active window with Resolution & DPI.
ActiveWindow := WinExist("A")    ;;∙------∙Determines hwnd of active window.
If !ActiveWindow {
    MsgBox,,, Error, Active window not found., 7
ActiveMonitor := Monitors[MDMF_FromHWND(ActiveWindow)]    ;;∙------∙Retrieves display monitor.
If !ActiveMonitor {
    MsgBox,,, Error, No monitor found for the active window., 7
DisplayMonitorInfo(ActiveMonitor, "Monitor of Active Window")

^!Numpad5::    ;;∙------∙ENHANCED: Detects monitor under current mouse cursor with Resolution & DPI.
ActiveMonitor := Monitors[MDMF_FromPoint()]    ;;∙------∙Retrieves the monitor containing the cursor.
If !ActiveMonitor {
    MsgBox,,, Error, No monitor found under the mouse cursor., 7
DisplayMonitorInfo(ActiveMonitor, "Monitor with Mouse Cursor")

^!Numpad6::    ;;∙------∙ENHANCED: Detects monitor with largest intersection with a custom rectangle.
InputBox, X, Enter X Coordinate, Please enter the X coordinate., , 200, 120
InputBox, Y, Enter Y Coordinate, Please enter the Y coordinate., , 200, 120
InputBox, W, Enter Width, Please enter the width of the rectangle., , 200, 120
InputBox, H, Enter Height, Please enter the height of the rectangle., , 200, 120
ActiveMonitor := Monitors[MDMF_FromRect(X, Y, W, H)]    ;;∙------∙Retrieves monitor that intersects most with the custom rectangle.
If !ActiveMonitor {
    MsgBox,,, Error, No monitor found for the custom rectangle., 7
DisplayMonitorInfo(ActiveMonitor, "Monitor for Custom Rectangle")

^!Numpad7::    ;;∙------∙Move active window to the opposite monitor
Soundbeep, 1200, 200
ActiveWindow := WinExist("A")    ;;∙------∙Determine the hwnd of the active window
If !ActiveWindow {
    MsgBox,,, Error, Active window not found., 7
ActiveMonitor := Monitors[MDMF_FromHWND(ActiveWindow)]    ;;∙------∙Find the active window's monitor
If !ActiveMonitor {
    MsgBox,,, Error, No monitor found for the active window., 7
;;∙------∙Get the list of monitors, sorted to ensure the primary is first
SortedMonitors := []
For HMON, M In Monitors {
    If M.Primary
        SortedMonitors.InsertAt(1, {HMON: HMON, M: M})   ;;∙------∙Insert primary monitor at the beginning
        SortedMonitors.Push({HMON: HMON, M: M})
;;∙------∙Find the current monitor's index
CurrentMonitorIndex := 0
For Index, Monitor In SortedMonitors {
    If (Monitor["HMON"] = ActiveMonitor["HMON"]) {
        CurrentMonitorIndex := Index
;;∙------∙Calculate the opposite monitor based on position.
OppositeMonitor := ""
MaxDistance := 0
For Index, Monitor In SortedMonitors {
    If (Index != CurrentMonitorIndex) {
        ;;∙------∙Calculate distance between current monitor and each other monitor
        Distance := Abs(ActiveMonitor["Left"] - Monitor["M"]["Left"]) + Abs(ActiveMonitor["Top"] - Monitor["M"]["Top"])
        If (Distance > MaxDistance) {
            MaxDistance := Distance
            OppositeMonitor := Monitor
If OppositeMonitor {
    ;;∙------∙Get the current window's size and position before moving.
    WinGetPos, X, Y, Width, Height, ahk_id %ActiveWindow%
    ;;∙------∙Get the current monitor's position. (relative to the screen)
    CurrentMonitorLeft := ActiveMonitor["Left"]
    CurrentMonitorTop := ActiveMonitor["Top"]
    ;;∙------∙Get the opposite monitor's position. (relative to the screen)
    OppositeMonitorLeft := OppositeMonitor["M"]["Left"]
    OppositeMonitorTop := OppositeMonitor["M"]["Top"]
    ;;∙------∙Calculate the new position on the opposite monitor.
    NewX := X - CurrentMonitorLeft + OppositeMonitorLeft
    NewY := Y - CurrentMonitorTop + OppositeMonitorTop
        ;;∙------∙ *DEBUGGING*  Show current position, size, and new calculated position. *DEBUGGING*
        ;;∙------∙ MsgBox,,, % "Current Window Position: " X ", " Y "`nWidth: " Width "`nHeight: " Height, 5
        ;;∙------∙ MsgBox,,, % "Opposite Monitor: " OppositeMonitor["M"]["Name"] "`nNew Position: " NewX ", " NewY, 5
    ;;∙------∙Move the active window to the opposite monitor's calculated position, preserving the size.
    WinMove, ahk_id %ActiveWindow%, , NewX, NewY, Width, Height
} Else {
    MsgBox,,, Error, No opposite monitor found., 7

^!Numpad8::    ;;∙------∙Shows monitor information with Primary monitor listed first.
Gui, Margin, 20, 20
Gui, +OwnDialogs
Gui, Add, ListView, w660 r10 Grid, HMON|Num|Name|Primary|Left|Top|Right|Bottom|WALeft|WATop|WARight|WABottom
SortedMonitors := []    ;;∙------∙Sort monitors to bring primary one to the top.
For HMON, M In Monitors {
    If M.Primary
        SortedMonitors.InsertAt(0, {HMON: HMON, M: M})
        SortedMonitors.Push({HMON: HMON, M: M})
For Index, Monitor In SortedMonitors {
    LV_Add("", Monitor.HMON, Monitor.M.Num, Monitor.M.Name, Monitor.M.Primary, Monitor.M.Left, Monitor.M.Top, Monitor.M.Right, Monitor.M.Bottom, Monitor.M.WALeft, Monitor.M.WATop, Monitor.M.WARight, Monitor.M.WABottom)
Loop, % LV_GetCount("Column")
   LV_ModifyCol(A_Index, "AutoHdr")
Gui, Show, ,Monitors

;;∙-----------------------∙Enumerates display monitors and returns an object containing the properties of all monitors or the specified monitor.
MDMF_Enum(HMON := "") {
    Static EnumProc := RegisterCallback("MDMF_EnumProc")
    Static Monitors := {}
    If (HMON = "")    ;;∙------∙New enumeration.
        Monitors := {}
    If (Monitors.MaxIndex() = "")    ;;∙------∙Enumerate.
        If !DllCall("User32.dll\EnumDisplayMonitors", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", EnumProc, "Ptr", &Monitors, "UInt")
            Return False
    Return (HMON = "") ? Monitors : Monitors.HasKey(HMON) ? Monitors[HMON] : False
;;∙-----------------------∙Callback function that is called by the MDMF_Enum function.
MDMF_EnumProc(HMON, HDC, PRECT, ObjectAddr) {
    Monitors := Object(ObjectAddr) ;
    Monitors[HMON] := MDMF_GetInfo(HMON)
    Return True
;;∙-----------------------∙Retrieves the display monitor that has the largest area of intersection with a specified window.
    Return DllCall("User32.dll\MonitorFromWindow", "Ptr", HWND, "UInt", 0, "UPtr")
;;∙-----------------------∙Retrieves the display monitor that contains a specified point.
;;∙------∙If either X or Y is empty, the function will use the current cursor position for this value.
MDMF_FromPoint(X := "", Y := "") {
    VarSetCapacity(PT, 8, 0)
    If (X = "") || (Y = "") {
        DllCall("User32.dll\GetCursorPos", "Ptr", &PT)
        If (X = "")
            X := NumGet(PT, 0, "Int")
        If (Y = "")
            Y := NumGet(PT, 4, "Int")
        Return DllCall("User32.dll\MonitorFromPoint", "Int64", (X & 0xFFFFFFFF) | (Y << 32), "UInt", 0, "UPtr")
;;∙-----------------------∙Retrieves display monitor that has largest area of intersection with a specified rectangle.
;;∙------∙Parameters consistent with common AHK definition of a rectangle, which is X, Y, W, H. (not... Left, Top, Right, Bottom)
MDMF_FromRect(X, Y, W, H) {
    VarSetCapacity(RC, 16, 0)
    NumPut(X, RC, 0, "Int"), NumPut(Y, RC, 4, Int), NumPut(X + W, RC, 8, "Int"), NumPut(Y + H, RC, 12, "Int")
    Return DllCall("User32.dll\MonitorFromRect", "Ptr", &RC, "UInt", 0, "UPtr")
;;∙-----------------------∙Retrieves information about a display monitor.
MDMF_GetInfo(HMON) {
    NumPut(VarSetCapacity(MIEX, 40 + (32 << !!A_IsUnicode)), MIEX, 0, "UInt")
    If DllCall("User32.dll\GetMonitorInfo", "Ptr", HMON, "Ptr", &MIEX) {
        MonName := StrGet(&MIEX + 40, 32)    ;;∙------∙CCHDEVICENAME = 32
        MonNum := RegExReplace(MonName, ".*(\d+)$", "$1")

    ;;∙------∙Retrieve Monitor's DPI settings (Windows 8.1+)
    If (A_OSVersion >= "6.3") {
        VarSetCapacity(DPI, 8, 0)
    If (DllCall("Shcore.dll\GetDpiForMonitor", "Ptr", HMON, "UInt", 0, "UInt*", dpiX, "UInt*", dpiY) = 0) {
        dpiX := dpiX
        dpiY := dpiY
    } Else {
        dpiX := dpiY := 96    ;;∙------∙Default DPI if function fails.
    } Else {
        dpiX := dpiY := 96    ;;∙------∙Default DPI for older Windows.
    ;;∙------∙Get the resolution from monitor bounds
    resWidth := NumGet(MIEX, 12, "Int") - NumGet(MIEX, 4, "Int")
    resHeight := NumGet(MIEX, 16, "Int") - NumGet(MIEX, 8, "Int")
    Return {Name:      (Name := StrGet(&MIEX + 40, 32))
        , Num:       RegExReplace(Name, ".*(\d+)$", "$1")
        , Left:      NumGet(MIEX, 4, "Int")    ;;∙------∙Display rectangle.
        , Top:       NumGet(MIEX, 8, "Int")    ;;∙------∙"
        , Right:     NumGet(MIEX, 12, "Int")    ;;∙------∙"
        , Bottom:    NumGet(MIEX, 16, "Int")    ;;∙------∙"
        , ResWidth:  resWidth
        , ResHeight: resHeight
        , DPI_X:     dpiX
        , DPI_Y:     dpiY
        , WALeft:    NumGet(MIEX, 20, "Int")    ;;∙------∙Work area.
        , WATop:     NumGet(MIEX, 24, "Int")    ;;∙------∙"
        , WARight:   NumGet(MIEX, 28, "Int")    ;;∙------∙"
        , WABottom:  NumGet(MIEX, 32, "Int")    ;;∙------∙"
        , Primary:   NumGet(MIEX, 36, "UInt")}    ;;∙------∙Contains a non-zero value for the primary monitor.
   Return False
;;∙-----------------------∙Displays monitor information in a GUI with an Edit control.
DisplayMonitorInfo(MonitorInfo, Title) {
    global EditControl  ;; Declare EditControl as global to avoid the variable scope error.
    Gui, New, +AlwaysOnTop +HwndGuiHwnd
    Gui, Add, Edit, w600 r12 ReadOnly vEditControl, % "Monitor Number: " MonitorInfo.Num "`n"
        . "Monitor Name: " MonitorInfo.Name "`n"
        . "Resolution: " MonitorInfo.ResWidth " x" MonitorInfo.ResHeight "`n"
        . "DPI: " MonitorInfo.DPI_X " x " MonitorInfo.DPI_Y "`n"
        . "Coordinates: (" MonitorInfo.Left ", " MonitorInfo.Top ") - (" MonitorInfo.Right ", " MonitorInfo.Bottom ")`n"
        . "Work Area: (" MonitorInfo.WALeft ", " MonitorInfo.WATop ") - (" MonitorInfo.WARight ", " MonitorInfo.WABottom ")`n"
        . "Primary: " (MonitorInfo.Primary ? "Yes" : "No")
    Gui, Show, , % Title
    GuiControlGet, CurrentContent, , EditControl
    GuiControl,, EditControl, % CurrentContent . "`n`n`t*END*"

Upvotes: 1

WinMove, WinTitle, WinText, X, Y [, Width, Height, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText]

If I don't want to specify WinText it still needs the extra comma.

Upvotes: 0

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