
Reputation: 606

How Can I Load API Keys from .env File?

Working on a Flutter project using Supabase as a backend. I am trying to store my API keys in a .env file at the root level of my project and then read them at compile time using the .stringFromEnvironment method, but this no longer works (I'm about 90% certain it worked last week set up the same way in a different project, but now Supabase is throwing an error).

Future<void> main() async {
  await Supabase.initialize(
    url: Env.supabaseTestUrl,
    anonkey: Env.supabaseTestKey,
  runApp(const MainApp());
abstract class Env {
  Static String get supabaseTestUrl => String.fromEnvironment('SUPABASE_TEST_URL');
  Static String get supabaseTestKey => String.fromEnvironment('SUPABASE_TEST_KEY');

As mentioned above, this setup was copied from a project that worked last week, and as far as I know nothing else has changed, but Supabase gives the following error upon running the app:

Error: AuthException(message: Invalid argument(s): No host specified in
URI/auth/v1/token?grant_type=password, statusCode: null, errorCode: null)

I've restarted the Supabase instance and verified my URL and KEY are correct. What am I doing missing?

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Views: 21

Answers (1)

Ahmed G
Ahmed G

Reputation: 1

Since String.fromEnvironment is only for compile-time variables and not for reading files, your attempt to use it to get your API keys from a .env file would not succeed. You can use the flutter_dotenv package to resolve this.

1.In your pubspec.yaml file, add the flutter_dotenv package: yaml:

        SDK: Flutter
         flutter_dotenv: ^5.0.
  1. Load.env to ur main

     Future<void> main() async {await dotenv.load(fileName: ".env");
      await Supabase.initialize(
       url: dotenv.env['SUPABASE_TEST_URL']!,
     anonKey: dotenv.env['SUPABASE_TEST_KEY']!,
      runApp(const MainApp());

3.Update your env.dart file to use flutter_dotenv

abstract class Env {
      static String get supabaseTestUrl => dotenv.env['SUPABASE_TEST_URL']!;
      static String get supabaseTestKey => dotenv.env['SUPABASE_TEST_KEY']!;

4.Make sure your .env file is included in the assets section of your pubspec.yaml

    - .env

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