
Reputation: 11

How to translate R code to SQL using show_query

I want to create a VIEW in my PostgreSQL database. Therefore I try to translate some R code to PostgreSQL code, as I am not firm in the latter one. To translate the code I try to use show_query() from the dbplyr package.

Here the code I try to run at the moment:

tbl(con,  sql(     

                      db_test.project AS p
                   INNER JOIN 
                      db_test.natural_point AS np ON p.project_id = np.project_id
                   INNER JOIN 
                      db_test.sampling_point AS sp ON np.sampling_point_id = sp.sampling_point_id
                   INNER JOIN
                      db_test.sample AS s ON sp.sampling_point_id = s.sampling_point_id
                   INNER JOIN
                      db_test.record AS r ON s.sample_id = r.sample_id
                   INNER JOIN
                      db_test.animal_species AS animal_species ON r.animal_species = animal_species.animal_species_id")) |>

# Transform the data

  # Pivot longer to gather the relevant columns
  pivot_longer(cols = c(record, record_type, from_season, sex, age, amount), 
               names_to = "attribute", 
               values_to = "value") %>%
  # Create a new column that combines animal_species and attribute
  unite("animal_species_attribute", animal_species, attribute, sep = "_") %>%
  # Pivot wider to create the desired format
  pivot_wider(names_from = "animal_species_attribute", values_from = "value") %>%
  # Group by sample_id and sample_ts to ensure we have a single row
  group_by(sample_id, sample_ts) %>%
  summarise(across(everything(), ~ first(na.omit(.))), .groups = 'drop') %>%
  # Optionally, arrange the columns for better readability
  arrange(sample_id) |>

Here a reproducible example of the table I call with tbl() in the code above:

# Load necessary libraries



# Set seed for reproducibility


# Create the tibble

example_tibble <- tibble(

  natural_point_nr = sample(400:700, 226, replace = TRUE), 

  geom = paste0("0101000020E8640000", sample(1:100000000, 226, replace = TRUE)),  

  sample_id = 1:226,  

  sample_ts = as.POSIXct("2024-08-14") + days(sample(0:30, 226, replace = TRUE)),  

  animal_species_code = sample(1:3, 226, replace = TRUE),  

  record = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 226, replace = TRUE),  
  record_type = sample(c(NA, 1, 3), 226, replace = TRUE),  
  from_season = sample(c(NA, 1:4), 226, replace = TRUE),  

  sex = sample(c(NA, 1:3), 226, replace = TRUE), 
  age = sample(c(NA, 1:4), 226, replace = TRUE),  
  amount = sample(c(NA, 1:10), 226, replace = TRUE)  


In the end I run into a number of errors depending on how I try to adjust my code.

Errors I encounter are about:

  1. Failed to prepare query: ERROR: UNION-Typen boolean and smallint don´t match LINE 54: "record_type" AS "value"

Edit: Solution for this error (in answer to Simon.S.A. solution below):

mutate(record = case_when(record == TRUE ~ 1, 
                          record == FALSE ~ 0,
                          .default = NA)
  1. first() function: Error in first(): ! first() is only available in a windowed (mutate()) context


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Views: 44

Answers (2)

Ian Gow
Ian Gow

Reputation: 3535

Would filter(!if_all(everything(), is.na)) achieve what you are looking for summarise(across(everything(), ~ first(na.omit(.)))) to achieve?

# Load necessary libraries
#> Attaching package: 'dbplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
#>     ident, sql

# Set seed for reproducibility

# Create the tibble
example_tibble <- tibble(
  natural_point_nr = sample(400:700, 226, replace = TRUE), 
  geom = paste0("0101000020E8640000", sample(1:100000000, 226, replace = TRUE)),  
  sample_id = 1:226,  
  sample_ts = as.POSIXct("2024-08-14") + days(sample(0:30, 226, replace = TRUE)),  
  animal_species_code = sample(1:3, 226, replace = TRUE),  
  record = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 226, replace = TRUE),  
  record_type = sample(c(NA, 1, 3), 226, replace = TRUE),  
  from_season = sample(c(NA, 1:4), 226, replace = TRUE),  
  sex = sample(c(NA, 1:3), 226, replace = TRUE), 
  age = sample(c(NA, 1:4), 226, replace = TRUE),  
  amount = sample(c(NA, 1:10), 226, replace = TRUE)  

db <- dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb())

df <- copy_to(db, example_tibble)

res <-
  df |>
  # Pivot longer to gather the relevant columns
  pivot_longer(cols = c(record, record_type, from_season, sex, age, amount), 
               names_to = "attribute", 
               values_to = "value") |>
  # Create a new column that combines animal_species and attribute
  mutate(animal_species_attribute = str_c(animal_species_code, 
                                          attribute, sep = "_")) |>
  # Pivot wider to create the desired format
  pivot_wider(names_from = "animal_species_attribute", 
              values_from = "value") |>
  # Group by sample_id and sample_ts to ensure we have a single row
  group_by(sample_id, sample_ts) |>
  filter(!if_all(everything(), is.na)) |>
  # Optionally, arrange the columns for better readability
  ungroup() |>

#> # Source:     SQL [?? x 24]
#> # Database:   DuckDB v1.1.3 [root@Darwin 24.3.0:R 4.4.2/:memory:]
#> # Ordered by: sample_id
#>    natural_point_nr geom       sample_id sample_ts           animal_species_code
#>               <int> <chr>          <int> <dttm>                            <int>
#>  1              578 010100002…         1 2024-08-22 04:00:00                   2
#>  2              578 010100002…         1 2024-08-22 04:00:00                   2
#>  3              578 010100002…         1 2024-08-22 04:00:00                   2
#>  4              578 010100002…         1 2024-08-22 04:00:00                   2
#>  5              578 010100002…         1 2024-08-22 04:00:00                   2
#>  6              578 010100002…         1 2024-08-22 04:00:00                   2
#>  7              413 010100002…         2 2024-08-15 04:00:00                   1
#>  8              413 010100002…         2 2024-08-15 04:00:00                   1
#>  9              413 010100002…         2 2024-08-15 04:00:00                   1
#> 10              413 010100002…         2 2024-08-15 04:00:00                   1
#> # ℹ more rows
#> # ℹ 19 more variables: attribute <chr>, `2_amount` <dbl>,
#> #   `1_record_type` <dbl>, `3_amount` <dbl>, `1_sex` <dbl>,
#> #   `3_record_type` <dbl>, `1_amount` <dbl>, `2_record` <dbl>,
#> #   `3_record` <dbl>, `2_record_type` <dbl>, `1_record` <dbl>,
#> #   `3_from_season` <dbl>, `2_sex` <dbl>, `3_age` <dbl>, `3_sex` <dbl>,
#> #   `1_from_season` <dbl>, `2_age` <dbl>, `1_age` <dbl>, …

res |>
#> <SQL>
#>   natural_point_nr,
#>   geom,
#>   sample_id,
#>   sample_ts,
#>   animal_species_code,
#>   "attribute",
#>   MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '2_amount') THEN "value" END) AS "2_amount",
#>   MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '1_record_type') THEN "value" END) AS "1_record_type",
#>   MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '3_amount') THEN "value" END) AS "3_amount",
#>   MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '1_sex') THEN "value" END) AS "1_sex",
#>   MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '3_record_type') THEN "value" END) AS "3_record_type",
#>   MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '1_amount') THEN "value" END) AS "1_amount",
#>   MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '2_record') THEN "value" END) AS "2_record",
#>   MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '3_record') THEN "value" END) AS "3_record",
#>   MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '2_record_type') THEN "value" END) AS "2_record_type",
#>   MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '1_record') THEN "value" END) AS "1_record",
#>   MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '3_from_season') THEN "value" END) AS "3_from_season",
#>   MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '2_sex') THEN "value" END) AS "2_sex",
#>   MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '3_age') THEN "value" END) AS "3_age",
#>   MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '3_sex') THEN "value" END) AS "3_sex",
#>   MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '1_from_season') THEN "value" END) AS "1_from_season",
#>   MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '2_age') THEN "value" END) AS "2_age",
#>   MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '1_age') THEN "value" END) AS "1_age",
#>   MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '2_from_season') THEN "value" END) AS "2_from_season"
#> FROM (
#>     q01.*,
#>     CONCAT_WS('_', animal_species_code, "attribute") AS animal_species_attribute
#>   FROM (
#>     SELECT
#>       natural_point_nr,
#>       geom,
#>       sample_id,
#>       sample_ts,
#>       animal_species_code,
#>       'record' AS "attribute",
#>       record AS "value"
#>     FROM example_tibble
#>     UNION ALL
#>     SELECT
#>       natural_point_nr,
#>       geom,
#>       sample_id,
#>       sample_ts,
#>       animal_species_code,
#>       'record_type' AS "attribute",
#>       record_type AS "value"
#>     FROM example_tibble
#>     UNION ALL
#>     SELECT
#>       natural_point_nr,
#>       geom,
#>       sample_id,
#>       sample_ts,
#>       animal_species_code,
#>       'from_season' AS "attribute",
#>       from_season AS "value"
#>     FROM example_tibble
#>     UNION ALL
#>     SELECT
#>       natural_point_nr,
#>       geom,
#>       sample_id,
#>       sample_ts,
#>       animal_species_code,
#>       'sex' AS "attribute",
#>       sex AS "value"
#>     FROM example_tibble
#>     UNION ALL
#>     SELECT
#>       natural_point_nr,
#>       geom,
#>       sample_id,
#>       sample_ts,
#>       animal_species_code,
#>       'age' AS "attribute",
#>       age AS "value"
#>     FROM example_tibble
#>     UNION ALL
#>     SELECT
#>       natural_point_nr,
#>       geom,
#>       sample_id,
#>       sample_ts,
#>       animal_species_code,
#>       'amount' AS "attribute",
#>       amount AS "value"
#>     FROM example_tibble
#>   ) q01
#> ) q01
#>   natural_point_nr,
#>   geom,
#>   sample_id,
#>   sample_ts,
#>   animal_species_code,
#>   "attribute"
#> HAVING (NOT(((natural_point_nr IS NULL) AND (geom IS NULL) AND (animal_species_code IS NULL) AND ("attribute" IS NULL) AND ((MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '2_amount') THEN "value" END)) IS NULL) AND ((MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '1_record_type') THEN "value" END)) IS NULL) AND ((MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '3_amount') THEN "value" END)) IS NULL) AND ((MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '1_sex') THEN "value" END)) IS NULL) AND ((MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '3_record_type') THEN "value" END)) IS NULL) AND ((MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '1_amount') THEN "value" END)) IS NULL) AND ((MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '2_record') THEN "value" END)) IS NULL) AND ((MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '3_record') THEN "value" END)) IS NULL) AND ((MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '2_record_type') THEN "value" END)) IS NULL) AND ((MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '1_record') THEN "value" END)) IS NULL) AND ((MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '3_from_season') THEN "value" END)) IS NULL) AND ((MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '2_sex') THEN "value" END)) IS NULL) AND ((MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '3_age') THEN "value" END)) IS NULL) AND ((MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '3_sex') THEN "value" END)) IS NULL) AND ((MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '1_from_season') THEN "value" END)) IS NULL) AND ((MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '2_age') THEN "value" END)) IS NULL) AND ((MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '1_age') THEN "value" END)) IS NULL) AND ((MAX(CASE WHEN (animal_species_attribute = '2_from_season') THEN "value" END)) IS NULL))))
#> ORDER BY sample_id

Created on 2025-02-11 with reprex v2.1.1

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 6941

This error is not caused by show_query, show_query is simply the trigger for checking the validity of the SQL translation which gives you the error.

The problem is that you are trying to combine two different data types. In R, conversion between data types can be automatic. For example TRUE/FALSE can be converted to numeric and so they can be combined with integers or floats. However, in SQL this conversion is not automatic.

The problem is most likely occurring in pivot_longer.

  • You can test this by removing unite, pivot_wider, group_by, summarise, and arrange from your example code and seeing if the error still occurs.
  • From example_tibble you can see that record is of type logical - which in SQL is probably of type boolean - and that record_type is of type integer - which in SQL could be stored as data type smallint.
  • Pivot longer is trying to combine these two columns into the same column, hence an SQL error because these are not the same data type.

One solution is to convert all your columns to a consistent data type first. For example:

example_tibble |>
  mutate(record = as.numeric(record))

Or if you need more control you can use something like:

example_tibble |>
  mutate(record = sql('CAST(record AS INT)'))

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