Reputation: 1801
I'm using R's caretEnsemble
with HMDA
data to implement "voting" method. After I fitted the base models with caretList
, stack them together using caretEnsemble
, and predict the trained ensemble against testing data, the predict
function returns an error saying that my predictor variables were specified with different types from the fit
I surmise this is because either the caretList
or caretEnsemble
did not output some of the models' predictions in factor & saw scores (probabilities) format, but I'm not sure. Is there any way to fix this? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Below is my current code.
library(AER) # for HMDA data
# Load dataset
trainIndex <- createDataPartition(HMDA$deny, p = 0.8, list = FALSE)
trainData <- HMDA[trainIndex, ]
testData <- HMDA[-trainIndex, ]
# apply train control across all models
ctrl <- trainControl(method = "cv", number = 5, savePredictions = "final", classProbs = TRUE)
# fit models
models <- caretList(
deny ~ ., data = trainData , trControl = ctrl,
methodList = c("glm", "glm", "svmPoly", "nb", "gbm"),
tuneList = list(
probit = caretModelSpec(method = "glm", family = binomial(link = "probit")),
logit = caretModelSpec(method = "glm", family = binomial(link = "logit")),
svm = caretModelSpec(method = "svmPoly"),
nb = caretModelSpec(method = "nb"),
gbm = caretModelSpec(
method = "gbm",
verbose = FALSE
# stack base models
ensemble_model <- caretStack(models, metric = "Accuracy", trControl = ctrl)
# Prediction
stacked_pred <- predict(ensemble_model, newdata = testData )
# This throws an error message
Error in UseMethod("predict") :
no applicable method for 'predict' applied to an object of class "factor"
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