Devise send_reset_password_instructions invalid token in Active Admin Rails

I have this problem in ActiveAdmin. When I try to reset a user's password with devise send_reset_password_instructions.

member_action :reset_password, method: :get do
    redirect_to users_path, notice: "instructions sent"

I receive the email but when I try to set the new password I get the error reset password token is invalid. When I do the same process but within my webapp, the token is valid and the new password is set.

Any ideas/suggestions?

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Views: 38

Answers (1)

Thanks to cursor ai, I finally made it work. I had to make a custom mailer and encrypt the 'public' token using Devise token_generator and then pass that token to the url. Like this:

encrypted_token = Devise.token_generator.digest(record, :reset_password_token, token)
record.reset_password_token = encrypted_token
record.reset_password_sent_at = false)

@url = edit_password_url(record, reset_password_token: @token,
                                 subdomain: my_subdomain)

Now it works through ActiveAdmin and the web itself. Hope it helps someone

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