Reputation: 1
I'm trying to arm a QGIS SERVER, in my first project y made a QGZ project and inside it there is a layer called mexpro that is inside a GPKG mexpro.gpkg. When I launch the service it show me an error that says "LayerNotDefined"The layer 'mexpro' does not exist. this layer is the only layer in the project.
I paste the URL localhost:8080/qgis-ltr/qgis_mapserv.fcgi.exe?MAP=C:\EXPROP\PROYECTOS\testuniones\testuniones.qgs&LAYERS=mexpro&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetMap&CRS=EPSG:25830&WIDTH=600&HEIGHT=600&BBOX=-90,-180,90,180&BBOX=-90,-180,90,180
I paste also the screenshot of the layer conf. enter image description here I followed the instructions of the official GQIS Sever Guide/Manual for QGIS 3.34.
what could be wrong? tell me if it's needed any additional information. I'm running it on windows10
any idea of what i'm doing wrong or if it is needed to make an additional conf.
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Views: 22