Reputation: 1
I'm a newbie trying out web development for my internship. I'm encountering problems in my Laravel Project, so I'm trying out a video tutorial that should allow me to add email authentication to my project.
But I now I have this error whenever I try to open my login page.
Now I have this error in my file that I think could be the reason why I get that error.
The error says that the providerIsLoaded is an underfined method:
Here is the whole code of my User.php
namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Laravel\Ui\UiServiceProvider;
use RuntimeException;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard|\Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\StatefulGuard guard(string|null $name = null)
* @method static \Illuminate\Auth\SessionGuard createSessionDriver(string $name, array $config)
* @method static \Illuminate\Auth\TokenGuard createTokenDriver(string $name, array $config)
* @method static string getDefaultDriver()
* @method static void shouldUse(string $name)
* @method static void setDefaultDriver(string $name)
* @method static \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager viaRequest(string $driver, callable $callback)
* @method static \Closure userResolver()
* @method static \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager resolveUsersUsing(\Closure $userResolver)
* @method static \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager extend(string $driver, \Closure $callback)
* @method static \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager provider(string $name, \Closure $callback)
* @method static bool hasResolvedGuards()
* @method static \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager forgetGuards()
* @method static \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager setApplication(\Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app)
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\UserProvider|null createUserProvider(string|null $provider = null)
* @method static string getDefaultUserProvider()
* @method static bool check()
* @method static bool guest()
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable|null user()
* @method static int|string|null id()
* @method static bool validate(array $credentials = [])
* @method static bool hasUser()
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard setUser(\Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable $user)
* @method static bool attempt(array $credentials = [], bool $remember = false)
* @method static bool once(array $credentials = [])
* @method static void login(\Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable $user, bool $remember = false)
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable|false loginUsingId(mixed $id, bool $remember = false)
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable|false onceUsingId(mixed $id)
* @method static bool viaRemember()
* @method static void logout()
* @method static \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response|null basic(string $field = 'email', array $extraConditions = [])
* @method static \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response|null onceBasic(string $field = 'email', array $extraConditions = [])
* @method static bool attemptWhen(array $credentials = [], array|callable|null $callbacks = null, bool $remember = false)
* @method static void logoutCurrentDevice()
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable|null logoutOtherDevices(string $password)
* @method static void attempting(mixed $callback)
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable getLastAttempted()
* @method static string getName()
* @method static string getRecallerName()
* @method static \Illuminate\Auth\SessionGuard setRememberDuration(int $minutes)
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Cookie\QueueingFactory getCookieJar()
* @method static void setCookieJar(\Illuminate\Contracts\Cookie\QueueingFactory $cookie)
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher getDispatcher()
* @method static void setDispatcher(\Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher $events)
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Session\Session getSession()
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable|null getUser()
* @method static \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request getRequest()
* @method static \Illuminate\Auth\SessionGuard setRequest(\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request)
* @method static \Illuminate\Support\Timebox getTimebox()
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable authenticate()
* @method static \Illuminate\Auth\SessionGuard forgetUser()
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\UserProvider getProvider()
* @method static void setProvider(\Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\UserProvider $provider)
* @method static void macro(string $name, object|callable $macro)
* @method static void mixin(object $mixin, bool $replace = true)
* @method static bool hasMacro(string $name)
* @method static void flushMacros()
* @see \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager
* @see \Illuminate\Auth\SessionGuard
class Auth extends Facade
* Get the registered name of the component.
* @return string
protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
return 'auth';
* Register the typical authentication routes for an application.
* @param array $options
* @return void
* @throws \RuntimeException
public static function routes(array $options = [])
if (! static::$app->providerIsLoaded(UiServiceProvider::class)) {
throw new RuntimeException('In order to use the Auth::routes() method, please install the laravel/ui package.');
Upvotes: -2
Views: 125
Reputation: 35
if laravel version is 11 its no longer supports defining middleware inside the constructor using like $this->middleware()
and the problem is in LoginController try to show code at LoginController in __construct()
meanwhile i suggest try use authorizeResource
Instead of Middleware
Upvotes: 0