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Logistic regression with Fixed effects: Predicted probability and Marginal Effects

I have my feglm regression (feglm(demonstration ~ eastsoc * (center + right + Rextreme + Lextreme) |factor(year), data = merged_data_final_dum, family = binomial(link = "logit"))).

Since this only gives me odds and odds ratio, I wanted to calculate the predicted probability and the marginal effects. However, this does not work in R for me. I tried the packages margins and marginaleffects. My friend told me, it is not possible to calculate the pre. prob. and the marginal effects if I have fixed effects. However, I can not find anything explaining this online. Am I doing something wrong in R? Is it not possible or even useful to calculate the p.p. and m.e.? I would really appreciate help

Can I get the predicted probability and marginal effects for a logistic regression model with fixed effects?

And if yes, how can I do it in R?

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