
Reputation: 23607

Is there a way to notify a web socket if they are not permitted to subscribe using spring-security?

For the full repo look here

I have the following...

    fun messageAuthorizationManager(
        messages: MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager.Builder
    ): AuthorizationManager<Message<*>> {
            // Next 2 lines are required for requests without auth.
            // Remove these if all paths require auth
            .simpDestMatchers("/topic/greetings", "/app/hello").authenticated()
            .simpDestMatchers("/topic/status", "/app/status").permitAll()
        return messages.build()
    fun greeting(message: TestMessage): Greeting {
        return Greeting("Hello, " + message.name + "!")

    fun status(message: String): String {
        return "Status: $message"

However, when I try to consume these in JS like

    const subscribeToGreetings = useCallback(() => {
        if (!client || !client.active) return;

        console.log('Attempting to subscribe to greetings...');
            (message) => {
                console.log('Received greeting:', message);
                setMessages(prev => [...prev, `Greeting: ${message.body}`]);
                onError: (err) => {
                    console.error('Subscription error frame:', err.command, err.headers, err.body);
                    setMessages(prev => [...prev, `Permission denied: Cannot subscribe to greetings (${err.headers?.message || 'Unknown error'})`]);
    }, [client]);

On the front end I just see

Attempting to subscribe to greetings...

I never actually see the onError part run. On the backend I do see....

2025-02-07T12:59:38.360-05:00 DEBUG 50220 --- [websocket] [nio-7443-exec-4] .s.m.a.i.AuthorizationChannelInterceptor : Failed to authorize message with authorization manager org.springframework.security.messaging.access.intercept.MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager@30c62bbb and result AuthorizationDecision [granted=false]
2025-02-07T12:59:38.360-05:00 DEBUG 50220 --- [websocket] [nio-7443-exec-4] o.s.w.s.m.StompSubProtocolHandler        : Failed to send message to MessageChannel in session da876e1d-f266-eb9f-08e4-8dc7e068b0fa
Caused by: org.springframework.security.access.AccessDeniedException: Access Denied
    at org.springframework.security.messaging.access.intercept.AuthorizationChannelInterceptor.preSend(AuthorizationChannelInterceptor.java:75) ~[spring-security-messaging-6.4.2.jar:6.4.2]

So what am I missing why isn't the front end getting notified that their request to subscribe has failed?

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