Reputation: 1
How can I get chrome dev_tool console logs with robot framework? I should check console for errors when I open new page. I think I have some logs with this code. This give only "Severe" level lines. Is there a way to get all chrome console logs (all levels)?
Resource ../../Resources/LoginKeywordsAndVariables.robot
Library SeleniumLibrary
Library OperatingSystem
Library Collections
Suite Setup Valid Login
Library json
*** Variables ***
&{browser logging capability} browser=ALL
&{capabilities} browserName=chrome version=${EMPTY} platform=ANY goog:loggingPrefs=${browser logging capability}
*** Test Cases ***
Get logs
Write logs
*** Keywords ***
Valid Login
Open Browser ${LOGIN URL} ${BROWSER} desired_capabilities=${capabilities}
Input Username xxx
Input Login Password xx
Submit Credentials
Element Text Should Be xpath://a[@id="first_user_info_area"] xxx
Get Browser Console Logs
${selenium}= Get Library Instance SeleniumLibrary
${webdriver}= Set Variable ${selenium._drivers.active_drivers}[0]
${logs}= Evaluate $webdriver.get_log('browser')
RETURN ${logs}
Write logs
${logs}= Get Browser Console Logs
#Log ${logs}
FOR ${log} IN ${logs}
Log ${log}\n
# Set the desired file path
${file_path} = Set Variable consolelogs.txt
# Create an empty file first if it doesn't exist
Create File ${file_path}
FOR ${log} IN ${logs}
# Convert to JSON string with indentation
${log_json} = Evaluate json.dumps($log, indent=4)
# Write the JSON string + newline
Append To File ${file_path} ${log_json}\n
Log Logs written to ${file_path}
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Views: 51