
Reputation: 11

JS part of glide.js does not work properly

Hello I am trying again with my question with better phrasing. To put simply, when I run the code without JS part of glide:

    new Glide('.glide').mount()

The slides of the slider are visible. However, once above mentioned is inserted the whole part named "Projects" -containing slides disappears. Here is HTML and CSS. Can someone please give me some insights into this problem? I had very similar problem using also Swiper.js.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
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    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/glide.core.min.css"

<link rel="preconnect" href="">
<link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin>
<link href="[email protected]&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<!--core css-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/@glidejs/glide/dist/css/glide.core.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/@glidejs/glide/dist/css/glide.theme.min.css">

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<section id="about">
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         alt="picture of Sara">
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         <h3> <div class="hi">Hello!</div>Lorem ipsum.Lorem ipsum.Lorem ipsum.Lorem ipsum.Lorem ipsum.Lorem ipsum.Lorem ipsum.Lorem ipsum.Lorem ipsum.Lorem ipsum.Lorem ipsum.Lorem ipsum.</h3>

<section id="projects">
    <div class="container">
    <div class="glide">
        <div class="glide_track" data-glide-el="track">
            <ul class="glide_slides">
                <li class="glide-slide">
                 <a href="link" class="card-link">
                    <img src="pic1.jpg" alt="two bears on boats in sea" class="card-image">
                    <p class="badge">badge</p>
                    <h1 class="card-title"> Description.</h1>
                    <button class="card-button material-symbols-outlined">arrow_forward</button>

                <li class="glide-slide">
                    <a href="link" class="card-link">
                       <img src="pic1.jpg" alt="two bears on boats in sea" class="card-image">
                       <p class="badge">badge</p>
                       <h1 class="card-title"> Description.</h1>
                       <button class="card-button material-symbols-outlined">arrow_forward</button>

                   <li class="glide-slide">
                    <a href="link" class="card-link">
                       <img src="pic1.jpg" alt="two bears on boats in sea" class="card-image">
                       <p class="badge">badge</p>
                       <h1 class="card-title"> Description.</h1>
                       <button class="card-button material-symbols-outlined">arrow_forward</button>

                   <li class="glide-slide">
                    <a href="link" class="card-link">
                       <img src="pic1.jpg" alt="two bears on boats in sea" class="card-image">
                       <p class="badge">badge</p>
                       <h1 class="card-title"> Description.</h1>
                       <button class="card-button material-symbols-outlined">arrow_forward</button>
                   <li class="glide-slide">
                    <a href="link" class="card-link">
                       <img src="pic1.jpg" alt="two bears on boats in sea" class="card-image">
                       <p class="badge">badge</p>
                       <h1 class="card-title"> Description.</h1>
                       <button class="card-button material-symbols-outlined">arrow_forward</button>
                   <li class="glide-slide">
                    <a href="link" class="card-link">
                       <img src="pic1.jpg" alt="two bears on boats in sea" class="card-image">
                       <p class="badge">badge</p>
                       <h1 class="card-title"> Description.</h1>
                       <button class="card-button material-symbols-outlined">arrow_forward</button>
                   <li class="glide-slide">
                    <a href="link" class="card-link">
                       <img src="pic1.jpg" alt="two bears on boats in sea" class="card-image">
                       <p class="badge">badge</p>
                       <h1 class="card-title"> Description.</h1>
                       <button class="card-button material-symbols-outlined">arrow_forward</button>
       <div class="glide__arrows" data-glide-el="controls">
            <button class="glide__arrow glide__arrow--left" data-glide-dir="<"><</button>
            <button class="glide__arrow glide__arrow--right" data-glide-dir=">">></button>

<section id="hobbies">

<section id="contact">
    <h1>Contact Me</h1>
<script defer>
    const toggleBtn = document.querySelector('.toggle_btn')
    const toggleBtnIcon = document.querySelector('.toggle_btn i')
    const dropDownMenu = document.querySelector('.dropdown_menu')

    toggleBtn.onclick = function () {
        const isOpen = dropDownMenu.classList.contains('open')

        toggleBtnIcon.classList = isOpen
        ? 'fa fa-close'
        : 'fa fa-bars'
<script src=""></script>
    new Glide('.glide').mount()


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