Reputation: 153
I want to compute the solid angle underlying the intersection between a cone and a sphere. To do that, I am using Blender to ease the calculations.
I parametrise a cone by specifying its apex location apex
, half-angle opening halfOpeningDeg
, and axis orientation with azimuth
and elevation
. I parametrise a sphere by specifying its centre location centreShpere
and radius radiusSphere
. As an example, here is a snippet creating the objects (the modules Cone
and Sphere
implement a class of the same name, with the Blender objects created upon instanciation)
from Cone import Cone
from Sphere import Sphere
apex: tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
height: float = 1.0e1
halfOpeningDeg: float = 15.0
azimuth: float = 45.0
elevation: float = 15.0
cone: Cone = Cone(
apex = apex,
height = height,
halfOpeningDeg = halfOpeningDeg,
azDeg = azimuth,
elDeg = elevation,
centreSphere: tuple[float, float, float] = (5.0, 3.0, 0.0)
radiusSphere: float = 3.5
sphere: Sphere = Sphere(
radius = radiusSphere,
centre = centreSphere,
Based on those objects, I want to compute the solid angle underlying their intersection. To do so, I have the following functions
import bpy
import mathutils
import bmesh
import numpy as np
from Cone import Cone
from Sphere import Sphere
def check_intersection(cone: Cone,
sphere: Sphere,
) -> bool:
Function checking if a (Blender) cone intersects a (Blender) sphere
cone : bpy.types.Object
Blender cone
sphere : bpy.types.Object
Blender sphere
- : bool
Condition checking if the cone and sphere intersect
coneBlend: bpy.types.Object = cone.cone
sphereBlend: bpy.types.Object = sphere.sphere
# Get the cone's axis orientation
coneAxis: mathutils.Vector = mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
# Project vector onto the cone axis
apexToCentre: mathutils.Vector = sphereBlend.location - coneBlend.location
projLength: float =
closestPtAxis: mathutils.Vector = coneBlend.location + projLength * coneAxis
# Calculate the distance from the sphere centre to the cone axis
distToAxis: float = (sphereBlend.location - closestPtAxis).length
# Get the radius of the sphere
sphereRadius: float = (0.5 * sphereBlend.dimensions.x) * sphereBlend.scale.x
# Calculate the cone radius at the height of the closest point on the axis
coneDims: mathutils.Vector = coneBlend.dimensions
coneScales: mathutils.Vector = coneBlend.scale
coneRadiusHeight = (projLength / (coneDims[2] * coneScales[2])) * (0.5 * coneScales[0]) * coneScales[0]
return distToAxis < (sphereRadius + coneRadiusHeight)
def calculate_intersection_volume(cone: Cone,
sphere: Sphere,
) -> float:
Function computing the volume of intersection between a (Blender) cone and a
(Blender) sphere
cone : bpy.types.Object
Blender cone
sphere : bpy.types.Object
Blender sphere
volume : float
Volume of intersection between the (Blender) cone and (Blender) sphere
(if any)
bpy.ops.object.select_all(action = 'DESELECT')
coneBlend: bpy.types.Object = cone.cone
sphereBlend: bpy.types.Object = sphere.sphere
# Duplicate the cone object
cone_copy = coneBlend.copy() =
# Select the cone copy and sphere
# sphere.select_set(True) = cone_copy
bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type = 'BOOLEAN')
bpy.context.object.modifiers["Boolean"].operation = 'INTERSECT'
bpy.context.object.modifiers["Boolean"].object = sphereBlend
# Apply the boolean modifier
bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply(modifier = "Boolean")
# Get the intersection object
intersection: bpy.types.Object = bpy.context.active_object
# Use volume calculation if required
bm: bmesh.types.BMesh =
volume: float = bm.calc_volume()
# Clean up: remove the intersection object
bpy.ops.object.select_all(action = 'DESELECT')
return volume
def calculate_solid_angle(cone: Cone, sphere: Sphere) -> float:
Compute the solid angle underlying the intersection of a cone and a sphere
cone : Cone
sphere : bpy.types.Object
Blender sphere
solidAngIntersec : float
Solid angle of the intersection, in steradians
# Calculate the cone's half-opening angle
coneSolidAng: float = cone.get_solidAngle()
coneBlend: bpy.types.Object = cone.cone
sphereBlend: bpy.types.Object = sphere.sphere
# Sphere and cone properties
sphereRadius: float = (0.5 * sphereBlend.dimensions.x) * sphere.sphere.scale.x
coneHeight: float = coneBlend.dimensions.z * coneBlend.scale.z
# Distance from cone apex to the base
halfOpeningRad: float = np.radians(cone.halfOpeningDeg)
apexBaseDist: float = coneHeight / np.cos(halfOpeningRad)
# # Distance from cone apex to the intersection along the axis
distToIntersec: float = (sphereBlend.location - coneBlend.location).length
if (distToIntersec + apexBaseDist) <= sphereRadius:
# If the entire cone is within the sphere, use the solid angle of the cone
return coneSolidAng
# Fraction of the cone height inside the sphere
distToIntersec -= sphereRadius # Adjust distance to intersection
fraction_inside_sphere: float = max(0.0, min(1.0, (sphereRadius - distToIntersec) / coneHeight))
# Calculate the solid angle of the intersection
solid_angle_intersection: float = coneSolidAng * fraction_inside_sphere
return solid_angle_intersection
Running that script gives the output shown here below
As can be seen, the cone intersects "completely" the sphere, hence the solid angle underlying the intersection should be the same as that of the cone, but it is not. I do not get what is wrong in my calculations, can someone help me out?
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Views: 37