Reputation: 125
I'm using VBA for applications and trying to get some rows from a MS Access table.
I have this code:
KKS = "11LAB10"
id& = SQLOpen("DSN=MJC_Experiencia;DBQ=c:\equipamentos.mdb;DriverId=25;FIL=MS Access;MaxBufferSize=2048;PageTimeout=5;",,3)
query_SQL = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE kks=" & Chr(39) & KKS & Chr(39)
msgbox query_SQL
qry& = SQLExecQuery(id&,querySQL)
i% = SQLBind(id&, b, 3)
i% = SQLBind(id&, b, 1)
i% = SQLBind(id&, b, 2)
i% = SQLBind(id&, b, 4)
l& = SQLRetrieve(id&, c)
msgbox "KKS = " & c(0,0)
The first msgbox is displaying this:
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE kks="'11LAB10'"
But I get an error
9 - Subscript out of range
(referring to c(0,0)
If I substitute the query_SQL
with this:
query_SQL = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE kks='11LAB10'"
Then the code works, and I get the correct value, in the second msgbox.
What am I doing wrong with the variable KKS
in the first query?
Upvotes: -2
Views: 63
Reputation: 125
Today I finally realize that the KKS variable include the quotation marks itself, that´s why the query_sql don't work. What I do is to get rid of the quotation marks with this:
KKS = Mid(KKS,2, Len(KKS) -2)
Now it's working, thanks all for your help.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 70538
to change this:
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE kks="'11LAB10'"
to this
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE kks='11LAB10'
use the following visualbasic
query_SQL = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE kks='" & KKS & "'"
Upvotes: 1