Reputation: 9634
I am currently trying to make a phone text game. I have got most of functionality working except the part where I want to make the viewport of a screen to automatically scroll to the bottom when a new text comes in. I have already tried using YScrollValue
but Renpy doesn't seem to recognize it, so I'm stuck on how to make it auto-scroll.
I had to revert the code back to how it was before and this is what I currently have for my script.rpy and screens.rpy files:
# The script of the game goes in this file.
# Declare characters used by this game. The color argument colorizes the
# name of the character.
define e = Character("Testing")
default chat_messages = []
default chat_scroll_pos = 1.0 # Default to bottom
python early:
import enum
class ChatAlign(enum.Enum):
LEFT = 0
# Function to add a message and refresh the screen
def add_message(text, color = "#000000", align = ChatAlign.LEFT):
chat_messages.append((text, color, align))
renpy.restart_interaction() # Forces UI refresh
# The game starts here.
label start:
# Show a background. This uses a placeholder by default, but you can
# add a file (named either "bg room.png" or "bg room.jpg") to the
# images directory to show it.
scene trudy_phone_message
show screen phone_chat
$ add_message("This is a text from the sender", align = ChatAlign.RIGHT)
$ renpy.pause()
$ add_message("This is a text from the receiver", align = ChatAlign.LEFT)
$ renpy.pause()
$ add_message("This is a text from the sender", align = ChatAlign.RIGHT)
$ renpy.pause()
$ add_message("This is a text from the receiver", align = ChatAlign.LEFT)
$ renpy.pause()
$ add_message("This is a text from the sender", align = ChatAlign.RIGHT)
$ renpy.pause()
$ add_message("This is a text from the receiver", align = ChatAlign.LEFT)
$ renpy.pause()
$ add_message("This is a text from the sender", align = ChatAlign.RIGHT)
$ renpy.pause()
$ add_message("This is a text from the receiver", align = ChatAlign.LEFT)
$ renpy.pause()
$ add_message("This is a text from the sender", align = ChatAlign.RIGHT)
$ renpy.pause()
$ add_message("This is a text from the receiver", align = ChatAlign.LEFT)
$ renpy.pause()
$ add_message("This is a text from the sender", align = ChatAlign.RIGHT)
$ renpy.pause()
$ add_message("This is a text from the receiver", align = ChatAlign.LEFT)
$ renpy.pause()
$ add_message("This is a text from the sender", align = ChatAlign.RIGHT)
$ renpy.pause()
$ add_message("This is a text from the receiver", align = ChatAlign.LEFT)
$ renpy.pause()
screen phone_chat():
xsize 430
ysize 700
xpos 745
ypos 220
background "#FFFFFF"
id "chat_scroll"
draggable True
mousewheel True
ysize 694
spacing 10
xalign 0.5
for msg, color, align in chat_messages:
xfill True
if align == ChatAlign.LEFT:
background Frame("gui/leftBubble.png", 15, 15)
xpadding 10
ypadding 5
xfill False
xmaximum 300
xalign 0.0
xmargin 5
text msg color "#000000" size 15
elif align == ChatAlign.RIGHT:
null width 100 # Pushes message to the right
background Frame("gui/rightBubble.png", 15, 15)
xpadding 10
ypadding 5
xfill False
xmaximum 300
xalign 1.0
xmargin 5
text msg color "#FFFFFF" size 15
value YScrollValue("chat_scroll")
xalign 1.0
xsize 3
unscrollable "hide"
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Views: 43