Fabiana Nani
Fabiana Nani

Reputation: 1

How to linearize the product of two continuous variables?

I'm trying to solve a MILP problem in Matlab Optimization Toolbox. I'm encountering with problems with the product of two decision variable of my problem which are bounded.

The product is inside the objective function that is minimization of the cost. For this reason when I tried with the method http://www.aimms.com/aimms/download/manuals/aimms3om_integerprogrammingtricks.pdf explained here, I obtained a value always equal to zero, that is not what I want. I'd like to a value in time that is equal to the product x*y. The variable x is a non linear function of time which represents a power, while y is the cumulative sum of the working hours of operation of the system, that goes from 0, if the system is not working, to 8760 if the system work every hour.

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%% Input data

% Define the main path manually, e.g. 'C:\Users\My_models'
    path_main = 'C:\Users\nanf\Desktop\H2-districts';
% path for input files
    path_input = fullfile(path_main, 'Input');
% Define the path for functions
    path_functions = fullfile(path_main, 'Functions');

% Reading an Excel file from the Input directory
    excelFilePath1 = fullfile(path_input, 'Inputs_BoundaryLoads_2022.xlsx');
    excelFilePath2 = fullfile(path_input, 'nestel_demand.csv');
    excelFilePath3 = fullfile(path_input, 'PriceImpExp_ele.xlsx');
    Input1         = readtable(excelFilePath1);
    Input2         = readtable(excelFilePath2);
    Input3         = readtable(excelFilePath3);
%% Pre-processing
    nHours         = 8760;                        % Number of hours simulated   [8760h]
    irradiance     = Input1.G;                    % Hourly solar irradiance    [W/m^2]
    idxHr2ToEnd    = (2:nHours)';                 % Hours until the end
    Time           = (1:nHours)';                 % Time vector
    days           = nHours/24;                   % Number of days simulated
    weeks          = days/7;                      % Number of weeks simulated
    clear t; 
    linew          = 1.5;             
    font           = 18;

 % general inputs

    bigM            = 1e8;     % Large number for big-M constraints
    MaxSimTime      = 900;    % Maximum time for MILP solver                 [s]      
    deltat          = 3600;    % time step di 1h                              [s]       

 % Electrical district demand
    P_load         = Input2.P_el_nest_h;  % NEST electrical demand      [kW]

 % Fixed technical parameters  

    HHV            = 39.39 * 3.6 * 10^3;           % Hydrogen higher heating value [kJ/kg]  
 % Costs and Efficencies 

    c_h2        = 2;                                     % cost of hydrogen [CHF/kg]
    c_gridimp   = Input3.Priceimpgreen;                  % [CHF/kWh]
    c_gridexp   = Input3.PriceexpPV;                     % [CHF/kWh]
    eff_b       = 0.95;                                  % constant efficiency of the battery (round trip efficency)
    eff_PV      = 0.17;                                  % constant efficiency of the PV system
    eff_FC      = 0.50;                                   % Nominal electrical efficency of FC  

    % Lifetime in hours for PEMFC from Technology RoadMap-Hyydrogen and Fuel Cells,IEA(2015) 
    nH_lifetime  =  40000;                                   % [h]
    % PEM fuel cell lifetime was defined by the time elapsed until 10% of the initial voltage/performance is lost
    Delta_eff_FC = 0.1*eff_FC;                               % [-]
    % Fuel Cell degradation rate as a constant value in Nani-Model
    Const1 = Delta_eff_FC/nH_lifetime;                        % [1/h]
    % further constant for MILP model from Taylor expansion
    Const3 = Const1/HHV/eff_FC^2; %[kg/h/kJ]
    % Const2 = Const3*P_FC_opt;

    % Fuel Cell (FC)
        S_FC_min     = 0;                   % Minimum size FC                      [kW]
        S_FC_max     = 60;                  % Maximum size FC                      [kW]

    % PV   
        P_PV_peak_ref  = 100;                 % Reference value peak power PV      [kW]
        Area_PV_ref = P_PV_peak_ref/eff_PV;   % Reference area PV                  [m2]
        Area_PV_min = 0;                      % Minimum area PV                    [m2]
        Area_PV_max = Area_PV_ref*2;          % Maximum area PV                    [m2]
    % Battery
        C_b_max     = 96 * 3.6 * 10^3;     % Battery capacity                    [kJ]
        C_b_min     = C_b_max / 3;         % MIN Battery capacity                [kJ]
        P_b_max     = C_b_max / 3600;      % Battery capacity (1C rate)          [kWh]
    % unit prices and lifetime components

    d           = 0.05;%0.04;              % Discount rate
    ann         = d / (1 - (1 + d)^(-20));  % annuity factor calculated with plant lifetime        
    UP_PV       = 1300;%1240;         % Unit price PV                                    [CHF/kW_p]
    life_PV     = 25;%30;             % Lifetime PV                                      [years]
    maint_PV    = 0.01;%0.0158;       % Annual cost maintenance PV, frac total cost
    ann_PV      = d / (1 - (1 + d)^(-life_PV));
    UP_b        = 1000;%600      % Unit price battery [CHF/kWh]
    life_b      = 12;%10;        % Lifetime battery                                 [years]
    maint_b     = 0.02;          % frac capex 
    ann_b       = d / (1 - (1 + d)^(-life_b));
    UP_FC        = 950;%3000          % Unit price FC [CHF/kW]
    life_FC      = 7.5;%15         % Lifetime FC                                          [years]
    maint_FC     = 0.024;%0.02     % Annual cost maintenance FC, frac capex cost
    ann_FC       = d / (1 - (1 + d)^(-life_FC));
    aux_maxs = (S_FC_max+nHours); 
    aux_mins = 0; 

    aux_maxd = S_FC_max; 
    aux_mind = -nHours; 

%% PWL 
 run PWL_productcontvariables.m
%% Define the optimization problem and the optimization variables

sizingprob = optimproblem;


% SIZING decision variables

    % Battery capacity in [kJ]
    C_b            = optimvar('C_b','LowerBound',C_b_min,'UpperBound',C_b_max);  % C_b actual installed capacity,C_b_max= max capacity we can have
    % Fuel Cell size in [kW]
    S_FC           = optimvar('S_FC','LowerBound',S_FC_min,'UpperBound',S_FC_max);
    % PV area in [m2]
    Area_PV        = optimvar('Area_PV','LowerBound',Area_PV_min,'UpperBound',Area_PV_max);

% OPERATIONAL decision variables
    % fuel cell generated power in [kW]
    P_FC           = optimvar('P_FC',nHours,'LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',S_FC_max);
    % additional variables for FC operation implementation
    P_FC_On        = optimvar('P_FC_On',nHours,'LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',S_FC_max);
    delta_On       = optimvar('FC_On',nHours,'Type','integer','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',1);
    % Degradation auxiliary variable [h]
    w_hours        = optimvar('w_hours',nHours,'LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',nHours); %cumulative summation of FC_On
    % mass flow rate of H2 [kg/h]
    m_flow_H2      = optimvar('m_flow_H2',nHours,'LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',S_FC_max/eff_FC/HHV.*3600*3);
    % imported power from the grid in [kW]
    P_imp          = optimvar('P_imp',nHours,'LowerBound',0);
    % exported power to the grid in [kW]
    P_exp          = optimvar('P_exp',nHours,'LowerBound',0);
    % Battery energy content in [kWh]
    E_b            = optimvar('E_b',nHours,'LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',C_b_max);   
    % Battery charging power in [kW]
    P_b_ch         = optimvar('P_b_ch',nHours,'LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',P_b_max);
    % Battery discharging power in [kW]
    P_b_disch      = optimvar('P_b_disch',nHours,'LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',P_b_max);

    %% Additional Decision Variables for PWA Approximation

    % Squared variables for X and Y
    square_X = optimvar('square_X', nHours,'LowerBound', 0,'UpperBound',(nHours+S_FC_max)^2*2); % f(t)=x^2, x=(P_fc+w_hours)^2
    square_Y = optimvar('square_Y', nHours, 'LowerBound', 0, 'UpperBound',(nHours+S_FC_max)^2*2); % f(t)=y^2, y=(P_fc-w_hours)^2
    X_var    = optimvar ('X_var',nHours, 'LowerBound',aux_mins,'UpperBound',aux_maxs);
    Y_var    = optimvar ('Y_var',nHours,'LowerBound',aux_mind,'UpperBound',aux_maxd);

    delta_sum1           = optimvar('delta_sum1','Type','integer','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',1);
    delta_sum2           = optimvar('delta_sum2','Type','integer','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',1);
    delta_sum3           = optimvar('delta_sum3','Type','integer','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',1);
    delta_sum4           = optimvar('delta_sum4','Type','integer','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',1);
    aux_sum1             = optimvar('aux_sum1','LowerBound',aux_mins,'UpperBound',aux_maxs);
    aux_sum2             = optimvar('aux_sum2','LowerBound',aux_mins,'UpperBound',aux_maxs);
    aux_sum3             = optimvar('aux_sum3','LowerBound',aux_mins,'UpperBound',aux_maxs);
    aux_sum4             = optimvar('aux_sum4','LowerBound',aux_mins,'UpperBound',aux_maxs);

    delta_diff1           = optimvar('delta_diff1','Type','integer','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',1);
    delta_diff2           = optimvar('delta_diff2','Type','integer','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',1);
    delta_diff3           = optimvar('delta_diff3','Type','integer','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',1);
    delta_diff4           = optimvar('delta_diff4','Type','integer','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',1);

    aux_diff1             = optimvar('aux_diff1','LowerBound',aux_mind,'UpperBound',aux_maxd);
    aux_diff2             = optimvar('aux_diff2','LowerBound',aux_mind,'UpperBound',aux_maxd);
    aux_diff3             = optimvar('aux_diff3','LowerBound',aux_mind,'UpperBound',aux_maxd);
    aux_diff4             = optimvar('aux_diff4','LowerBound',aux_mind,'UpperBound',aux_maxd);
    % Reformulated product term
    PFC_w_hours = optimvar('PFC_w_hours', nHours, 'LowerBound', 0, 'UpperBound', S_FC_max*nHours);

    %% Derived variables

    % PV generated power
    P_PV      = irradiance.*eff_PV*Area_PV/1000;                     % [kW]
    P_PV_peak = 1000*eff_PV*Area_PV/1000;                            % [kW]
    % C-rate of battery [kWh]
    P_b_lim   = C_b / 3600;                                          % new max capacity in [kWh]

    % energy balance

    sizingprob.Constraints.EnBalance              = (P_FC + P_PV + P_b_disch + P_imp) == (P_b_ch + P_load + P_exp);

    % sizingprob.Constraints.NoSimultaneousChDisch  = discharging_on + charging_on <= ones(nHours,1);
    sizingprob.Constraints.PowerBatt_ch_0         = P_b_ch(1) == 0; 
    sizingprob.Constraints.PowerBatt_disch_0      = P_b_disch(1) == 0; 

    %sizingprob.Constraints.Ch_on1                = P_b_ch <= P_b_max * charging_on;
    sizingprob.Constraints.Ch_on2                 = P_b_ch <= P_b_lim;
    %sizingprob.Constraints.Disch_on1             = P_b_disch <= P_b_max * discharging_on;
    sizingprob.Constraints.Disch_on2              = P_b_disch <= P_b_lim;
    sizingprob.Constraints.E_b_update             = E_b(idxHr2ToEnd) - E_b(idxHr2ToEnd-1) == P_b_ch(idxHr2ToEnd)*deltat - P_b_disch(idxHr2ToEnd)*deltat;
    sizingprob.Constraints.E_b_cont               = E_b(1) == E_b(end); 
    sizingprob.Constraints.E_b_max                = E_b <= C_b;
    % sizingprob.Constraints.E_b_min              = E_b >= 0.2 * C_b;
    % FC    
    sizingprob.Constraints.MaxPowerFC             = P_FC <= P_FC_On;
    % sizingprob.Constraints.MinPowerFC             = P_FC >= 0.2 * P_FC_On;
    sizingprob.Constraints.PowerFC1               = P_FC_On <= S_FC_max * delta_On;
    sizingprob.Constraints.PowerFC2               = P_FC_On <= S_FC;
    sizingprob.Constraints.PowerFC3               = P_FC_On >= S_FC - S_FC_max.*(ones(nHours,1) - delta_On);
    sizingprob.Constraints.PowerFC4               = P_FC <= S_FC_max * delta_On;
    % Constraints for cumulative summation
    sizingprob.Constraints.SumCum_0                    = w_hours(1) == delta_On(1);
    sizingprob.Constraints.SumCum_update               = w_hours(idxHr2ToEnd) == w_hours(idxHr2ToEnd-1) + delta_On(idxHr2ToEnd);
    sizingprob.Constraints.pwl_segmentactsum           =  delta_sum1+delta_sum2+delta_sum3+delta_sum4==1 ;
    sizingprob.Constraints.pwl_segmentactdiff          =  delta_diff1+delta_diff2+delta_diff3+delta_diff4==1 ;

%% (Pfc+whours)^2    
% for auxiliary variable 
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxsum11     = aux_sum1 <= aux_maxs*delta_sum1;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxsum12     = aux_sum1 >= aux_mins*delta_sum1;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxsum13     = aux_sum1 <= X_var;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxsum14     = aux_sum1 >= X_var - aux_maxs *(1-delta_sum1);

    sizingprob.Constraints.auxsum21     = aux_sum2 <= aux_maxs*delta_sum2;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxsum22     = aux_sum2 >= aux_mins*delta_sum2;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxsum23     = aux_sum2 <= X_var;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxsum24     = aux_sum2 >= X_var - aux_maxs *(1-delta_sum2);

    sizingprob.Constraints.auxsum31     = aux_sum3 <= aux_maxs*delta_sum3;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxsum32     = aux_sum3 >= aux_mins*delta_sum3;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxsum33     = aux_sum3 <= X_var;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxsum34     = aux_sum3 >= X_var - aux_maxs *(1-delta_sum3);
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxsum41     = aux_sum4 <= aux_maxs*delta_sum4;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxsum42     = aux_sum4 >= aux_mins*delta_sum4;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxsum43     = aux_sum4 <= X_var;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxsum44     = aux_sum4 >= X_var - aux_maxs *(1-delta_sum4);

    % sizingprob.Constraints.z_plus_lb_seg1 = X_var >= xxs(1) * delta_sum1;
    sizingprob.Constraints.z_plus_ub_seg1 = X_var <= xxs(2) * delta_sum1 + xxs(3) * delta_sum2 + xxs(4)*delta_sum3+xxs(5)*delta_sum4;
    % sizingprob.Constraints.z_plus_lb_seg2 = X_var >= xxs(2) * delta_sum2;
    % sizingprob.Constraints.z_plus_ub_seg2 = X_var <= xxs(3) * delta_sum2;
    % sizingprob.Constraints.z_plus_lb_seg3 = X_var >= xx(3) * delta_sum3;
    % sizingprob.Constraints.z_plus_ub_seg3 = X_var <= xx(4) * delta_sum3;
    % sizingprob.Constraints.z_plus_lb_seg4 = X_var >= xx(4) * delta_sum4;
    % sizingprob.Constraints.z_plus_ub_seg4 = X_var <= xx(5) * delta_sum4;
    sizingprob.Constraints.V_PWA_X = square_X == aas(1)* aux_sum1 + bbs(1) * delta_sum1 + aas(2) * aux_sum2 + bbs(2)* delta_sum2 +aas(3) * aux_sum3 + bbs(3)* delta_sum3 + aas(4) * aux_sum4 + bbs(4)* delta_sum4;

% for auxiliary variable 
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxdiff11     = aux_diff1 <= aux_maxd*delta_diff1;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxdiff12     = aux_diff1 >= aux_mind*delta_diff1;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxdiff13     = aux_diff1 <= Y_var;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxdiff14     = aux_diff1 >= Y_var - aux_maxd *(1-delta_diff1);

    sizingprob.Constraints.auxdiff21     = aux_diff2 <= aux_maxd*delta_diff2;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxdiff22     = aux_diff2 >= aux_mind*delta_diff2; 
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxdiff23     = aux_diff2 <= Y_var;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxdiff24     = aux_diff2 >= Y_var - aux_maxd *(1-delta_diff2);
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxdiff31     = aux_diff3 <= aux_maxd*delta_diff3;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxdiff32     = aux_diff3 >= aux_mind*delta_diff3;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxdiff33     = aux_diff3 <= Y_var;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxdiff34     = aux_diff3 >= Y_var - aux_maxd *(1-delta_diff3);
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxdiff41     = aux_diff4 <= aux_maxd*delta_diff4;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxdiff42     = aux_diff4 >= aux_mind*delta_diff4;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxdiff43     = aux_diff4 <= Y_var;
    sizingprob.Constraints.auxdiff44     = aux_diff4 >= Y_var - aux_maxd *(1-delta_diff4);

% sizingprob.Constraints.z_minus_lb_seg1 = Y_var >= xxd(1) * delta_diff1;
sizingprob.Constraints.z_minus_ub_seg1 = Y_var <= xxd(2) * delta_diff1+xxd(3) * delta_diff2+xxd(4)*delta_diff3+xxd(5)*delta_diff4;
% sizingprob.Constraints.z_minus_lb_seg2 = Y_var >= xxd(2) * delta_diff2;
% sizingprob.Constraints.z_minus_ub_seg2 = Y_var <= xxd(3) * delta_diff2;
% sizingprob.Constraints.z_minus_lb_seg3 = Y_var >= xx(3) * delta_diff3;
% sizingprob.Constraints.z_minus_ub_seg3 = Y_var <= xx(4) * delta_diff3;
% sizingprob.Constraints.z_minus_lb_seg4 = Y_var >= xx(4) * delta_diff4;
% sizingprob.Constraints.z_minus_ub_seg4 = Y_var <= xx(5) * delta_diff4;

sizingprob.Constraints.V_PWA_Y = square_Y == aad(1) * aux_diff1 + bbd(1) * delta_diff1 + aad(2) * aux_diff2 + bbd(2) * delta_diff2 + aad(3) * aux_diff3  + bbd(3) * delta_diff3 + aad(4) * aux_diff4  + bbd(4)* delta_diff4;

% Reformulated product constraint using both PWA functions
sizingprob.Constraints.ProductApprox1 = PFC_w_hours == (1/4) * (square_X - square_Y);
sizingprob.Constraints.ProductApprox2 = PFC_w_hours <=nHours*S_FC_max;
sizingprob.Constraints.ProductApprox3 = PFC_w_hours >=0;

% mass flow rate calculation
sizingprob.Constraints.massflowH2= m_flow_H2 == (P_FC./eff_FC./HHV).*3600 + PFC_w_hours*Const3*3600;    % [kg/h]


cost_inst     = (P_PV_peak * UP_PV * ann_PV + S_FC * UP_FC * ann_FC + C_b/3600 * UP_b * ann_b)/1000; % [kEUR/y]
cost_imp      = sum(c_h2 * m_flow_H2) / 1000 + sum(P_imp .* c_gridimp) / 1000;                       % [kEUR/y]
cost_exp      = sum(P_exp .* c_gridexp) / 1000;                                                      % [kEUR/y]
cost_maint    = (maint_PV * P_PV_peak * UP_PV + maint_FC * S_FC * UP_FC + maint_b * UP_b * C_b/3600)/1000;  % [kEUR/y]

cost = cost_inst + cost_imp - cost_exp + cost_maint;

% set objective 
sizingprob.Objective = cost;

%% Solve optimization problem

intcon = [];
[solution,fval,reasonSolverStopped] = solve(sizingprob);

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