Reputation: 1
I am trying to send outlook emails with nodemailer and I am getting this error:
Error: Invalid login: 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful [ 2025-02-13T18:17:02.115Z 08DD4C32F81A9E14] at SMTPConnection._formatError (/home/juanj/Proyectos/BrevortStudios/prima-mailing-api/files/api/node_modules/nodemailer/lib/smtp-connection/index.js:807:19) at SMTPConnection._actionAUTHComplete (/home/juanj/Proyectos/BrevortStudios/prima-mailing-api/files/api/node_modules/nodemailer/lib/smtp-connection/index.js:1586:34) at SMTPConnection.<anonymous> (/home/juanj/Proyectos/BrevortStudios/prima-mailing-api/files/api/node_modules/nodemailer/lib/smtp-connection/index.js:1779:22) at SMTPConnection._processResponse (/home/juanj/Proyectos/BrevortStudios/prima-mailing-api/files/api/node_modules/nodemailer/lib/smtp-connection/index.js:991:20) at SMTPConnection._onData (/home/juanj/Proyectos/BrevortStudios/prima-mailing-api/files/api/node_modules/nodemailer/lib/smtp-connection/index.js:772:14) at TLSSocket.SMTPConnection._onSocketData (/home/juanj/Proyectos/BrevortStudios/prima-mailing-api/files/api/node_modules/nodemailer/lib/smtp-connection/index.js:195:44) at TLSSocket.emit (node:events:518:28) at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:559:12) at readableAddChunkPushByteMode (node:internal/streams/readable:510:3) at TLSSocket.Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:390:5) { code: 'EAUTH', response: '535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful [ 2025-02-13T18:17:02.115Z 08DD4C32F81A9E14]', responseCode: 535, command: 'AUTH XOAUTH2' }
I logged in with my hotmail and went into the azure portal, created an application and set api permissions (Mail.ReadWrite, Mail.Send, offline_access and User.Read) and granted admin consent for Default Directory:
Also create the customer secret enter image description here
And I put the redirection URI as well. So I am generating the link to authenticate myself and if it is working well (state is the data I need):
const oAuth2ClientOutlook = new AuthorizationCode({
client: {
id: global.outlookPrimaMailServiceClientId,
secret: global.outlookPrimaMailServiceClientSecret,
auth: {
tokenHost: "",
authorizePath: `/${global.outlookPrimaMailServiceTenantId}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize`,
tokenPath: `/${global.outlookPrimaMailServiceTenantId}/oauth2/v2.0/token`,
const authUrlOutlook = oAuth2ClientOutlook.authorizeURL({
redirect_uri: global.outlookPrimaMailServiceRedirectURI,
scope: " offline_access",
response_type: "code",
state: encodeURIComponent(state)
Once authenticated it redirects me to my callback and this is in charge of receiving the code sent by microsoft and ask for the access_token and refresh_token in this way:
try {
// Intercambiar el c贸digo por tokens en Microsoft
const tokenParams = new URLSearchParams({
grant_type: 'authorization_code'
const response = await
{ headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } }
tokens =;
// Obtener informaci贸n del usuario desde Microsoft Graph
const userInfoResponse = await axios.get("", {
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${tokens.access_token}` },
userInfo =;
console.log("馃懁 Usuario autenticado:", userInfo);
} catch (error) {
Everything works fine and shows me the console.log nicely with the user data. Then I save the access_token and refresh_token in a mongo collection.
And when the user is going to send the mail I do it with nodemailer in this way:
const accountTransport: any = {
"host": '',
"port": 587,
"secure": false,
"auth": {
"type": "OAuth2",
"user": dataFromIntegrationsTokens.userEmail(el email de la persona),
"clientId": global.clientIdOutlook,
"clientSecret": global.clientSecretOutlook,
"refreshToken": dataFromIntegrationsTokens.refreshToken(el refresh_token guardado en mongo),
"accessToken": dataFromIntegrationsTokens.token(el access_token guardado en mongo)
const message = {
from: `${getTokensByUserIdAndTenantCode.userFullName} 馃摟 <${getTokensByUserIdAndTenantCode.userEmail}>`,
subject: sendEmailData.subject,
html: sendEmailData.html
const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport(accountTransport);
const info = await transporter.sendMail(message);
return info;
And in the line const info = await transporter.sendMail(message); I get the error mentioned above.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
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