Reputation: 11

How to fetch 100 percent accurate current position in native

I want to fetch accurate position in native after every 40 seconds but it is not working. I want to implement location update in background here is my native code

private void processLocation(Location location) {
    double currentLat = location.getLatitude();
    double currentLng = location.getLongitude();
    double accuracy = location.getAccuracy();
    Log.i(TAG, "Current Location: Lat: " + currentLat + ", Lng: " + currentLng);

    long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    int currentHour = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
    int currentMinute = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);

    // Process each employee/task
    for (HashMap<String, Object> task : empData) {
        double officeLat = (double) task.get("office_lat");
        double officeLng = (double) task.get("office_long");
        double cabinLat = (double) task.get("cabin_lat");
        double cabinLng = (double) task.get("cabin_long");
        int id = (int) task.get("id");

        // Calculate distance to office
        float[] results = new float[1];
        Location.distanceBetween(currentLat, currentLng, officeLat, officeLng, results);
        float distanceInMeters = results[0];

        // Calculate distance to cabin
        Location.distanceBetween(currentLat, currentLng, cabinLat, cabinLng, results);
        float cabinDistance = results[0];

        // Retrieve timing parameters from task
        int officeCheckInTime = (int) task.get("office_checkin_time");
        int graceTime = (int) task.get("grace_time");
        int checkOutTime = (int) task.get("office_checkout_time");
        int breakOutTime = (int) task.get("break_out_time");

        // --- Office Check-In/Check-Out Logic ---
        if (distanceInMeters <= 50) { // User is within office radius
            // Office check-in
            // if (!checkInStatus.getOrDefault(id, false)) {
            int totalMinutesLate = (currentHour * 60 + currentMinute) - (officeCheckInTime * 60);
            if (totalMinutesLate <= graceTime) {
                sendNotification("Check-in successful",
                        "Check-in Successful. Distance: " + distanceInMeters + " meters.", id + 7643, this);
                checkInStatus.put(id, true);
            } else {
                String lateTime = formatTime(totalMinutesLate - graceTime);
                sendNotification("Check-in successful",
                        "Check-in Late by " + lateTime + ". Distance: " + distanceInMeters + " meters.", id + 7643,
                        "Accuracy is" + accuracy, id + 435,
                checkInStatus.put(id, true);
            // }

            // --- Cabin Break Logic ---
            if (checkInStatus.getOrDefault(id, false)) {
                if (cabinDistance > 10) { // User is outside cabin radius
                    if (!lastBreakTime.containsKey(id)) {
                        // Start break timer
                        lastBreakTime.put(id, System.currentTimeMillis());
                        sendNotification("Break Started",
                                "Your Break has Started. Cabin Distance: " + cabinDistance + " meters.", id + 1122,
                        Log.i(TAG, "User left cabin, starting break timer.");
                    } else {
                        // Check if break duration exceeds the allowed break-out time
                        long breakDuration = (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastBreakTime.get(id)) / 60000; // Convert
                                                                                                           // ms to
                                                                                                           // minutes
                        if (breakDuration >= breakOutTime) {
                            if (!checkOutStatus.getOrDefault(id, false)) {
                                sendNotification("Early Checkout",
                                        "You left your cabin for " + breakOutTime + " minutes. Auto check-out.",
                                        id + 1122, this);
                                checkOutStatus.put(id, true);

                                Log.i(TAG, "User auto checked out due to long absence from cabin.");
                } else {
                    // User is within cabin radius
                    if (lastBreakTime.containsKey(id)) {
                        long breakDuration = (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastBreakTime.get(id)) / 60000;
                        if (breakDuration < breakOutTime) {
                            sendNotification("Break Ended",
                                    "You returned to your cabin. Break timer reset.", id + 1122, this);
                            Log.i(TAG, "User returned to cabin, break timer reset.");

            // Office check-out (if within office radius)
            if (!checkOutStatus.getOrDefault(id, false)) {
                int totalMinutesLateCheckout = (currentHour * 60 + currentMinute) - (checkOutTime * 60);
                if (totalMinutesLateCheckout == 0) {
                    sendNotification("Check-out successful", "Check-out Successful.", id + 3324, this);
                    checkOutStatus.put(id, true);
            } else {
                Log.i(TAG, "User has already checked out.");
        } else {
            // --- Outside Office Radius Check-Out ---
            if (!checkOutStatus.getOrDefault(id, false)) {
                int totalMinutesEarly = (checkOutTime * 60) - (currentHour * 60 + currentMinute);
                if (totalMinutesEarly > 0) {
                    String earlyTime = formatTime(totalMinutesEarly);
                    sendNotification("Check-out successful",
                            "You left " + earlyTime + " before time. Distance: " + distanceInMeters + " meters.",
                            id + 3243, this);
                    checkOutStatus.put(id, true);
            } else {
                Log.i(TAG, "User has already checked out.");

I am sending data through platform channels I am also using flutter geolocator but it is not functioning as desired here is my platform channel code

  Future<void> sendTasksToNative() async {
    try {
      const LocationSettings locationSettings = LocationSettings(
        accuracy: LocationAccuracy.high,
        distanceFilter: 100,

      Position position = await Geolocator.getCurrentPosition(
          locationSettings: locationSettings);
      var accuracy = await Geolocator.getLocationAccuracy();
          "Current Latitude:::::::::::::: ${position.latitude.toString()} Current Longitude:::::::::::::: ${position.longitude.toString()} :::::::::::::: Accueracy : $accuracy");

      var empList = [
          "id": 1,
          "company_name": "Softlinks",
          "emp_name": "Abdullah Shamoon",
          "break_time": 13,
          "break_out_time": 10,
          "office_checkin_time": 10,
          "office_checkout_time": 19,
          "grace_time": 10,
          "office_lat": position.latitude,
          "office_long": position.longitude,
          "cabin_lat": position.latitude,
          "cabin_long": position.longitude

      List<Map<String, dynamic>> empData =
          empList.toList().cast<Map<String, dynamic>>();

      await platform.invokeMethod('sendData', {
        'emp_data': empData,
          "All Employee Data Sent From flutter to Native: ${empData.toString()}");
    } on PlatformException catch (e) {
      print("Failed to send tasks to native: '${e.message}'.");

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