Reputation: 745
I'm using react native 0.73.0, react 18.2.0, jest 29.6.3, and @testing-library/react-native 12.4.3. When I run command npx jest src/components/ActionButton/__tests__/ActionButton.test.js --detectOpenHandles
it gives me error
`ActionButton › Check render props › should call onPress
Trying to detect host component names triggered the following error:
Cannot use import statement outside a module
There seems to be an issue with your configuration that prevents React Native Testing Library from working correctly.
Please check if you are using compatible versions of React Native and React Native Testing Library.`
my jest config is in package.json,
"jest": { "preset": "react-native", "setupFilesAfterEnv": [ "./setupTests.js" ], "transform": { "^.+\.js$": "babel-jest" }, "setupFiles": [ "./jest-setup.js" ], "transformIgnorePatterns": [ "node_modules/(?!(jest-)?react-native|@?react-navigation|@react-native-community|react-native-unimodules|@unimodules/.*|unimodules|@unimodules/react-native-adapter|@react-native/js-polyfills|@testing-library/react-native)" ], "moduleDirectories": [ "src", "node_modules" ], "moduleNameMapper": { "react-native-extended-stylesheet": "mocks/react-native-extended-stylesheet.js" }, "moduleFileExtensions": [ "js", "jsx", "json", "node" ] }
my test case looks good too, but I'm not sure what's the problem
import React from 'react';
import {render, fireEvent} from '@testing-library/react-native';
import {ActionButton} from '../ActionButton';
describe('ActionButton', () => {
describe('Rendering', () => {
it('should match to snapshot', () => {
const {toJSON} = render(<ActionButton icon="card" title="Title" />);
describe('Check render props', () => {
const title = 'Test';
const icon = 'card';
const mockFn = jest.fn();
it('should render correct title', () => {
const {getByText} = render(
<ActionButton icon={icon} title={title} onPress={mockFn} />,
const titleElement = getByText(title);
it('should render correct icon', () => {
const {getByProps} = render(
<ActionButton icon={icon} title={title} onPress={mockFn} />,
const iconElement = getByProps({name: icon});
it('should call onPress', () => {
const {getByTestId} = render(
<ActionButton icon={icon} title={title} onPress={mockFn} />,
const button = getByTestId('action-button'); // Assuming you're using testID to identify the button;
import 'react-native';
import EStyleSheet from 'react-native-extended-stylesheet';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
import i18n from 'src/../__mocks__/i18nTestMock';
import {lightTheme} from 'src/themes/lightVariables';
* Set up Enzyme to mount to DOM, simulate events,
* and inspect the DOM in tests.
Troubleshooting Steps I've Tried:
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