Reputation: 1
My project works fine in development mode. But I cannot get it deployed properly on heroku.The problem is I can't find a way to forward requests from (frontend) React to the (backend) API.
Here are the contents of my Procfile
web: node index.js
web-backend: gunicorn server.backend.rest_api.rest_api.wsgi:application --bind$PORT --log-file -
In development mode I use React's setupProxy.js like so:
export default function (app) {
console.log('Setting up proxy..................');
target: 'http://localhost:8000', // Your Django backend URL during development
changeOrigin: true,
It's a piece of cake because I know what port my backend is listening.
But on heroku, I don't know how to get the port number on which the django rest api is listening. Upon deploying the project I can see it in the console, but the port number gets assigned during the deployment process, so it is never the same one.
There must be a way to set this up. If anyone knows how to make it happen. I would really appreciate if you let me know.
Thanks in advance!
I have been asking several AIs like copilot or Google's Gemini. But nothing they suggests helps or makes sense a lot of the time.
Upvotes: -3
Views: 25