Reputation: 91
I'm trying to use sklearn.GaussianProccessRegression to fit data, then estimate new points using the regression. The predictions need to be positive (preferably above a specified minimum).
I'd like to use that minimum as a constraint in the solver. The backend should be able to do it, but the way I've got it to work is slow and sometimes is treated as more of a suggestion if no theta values can meet said minimum (although it does "pull" the minimum towards the desired value, and can be remedied with a kernel change).
At any rate, thought someone might appreciate the work, and I would appreciate any pointers. Y_mean was harvested from the sklearn source code, and repurposed.
def Y_mean(x0):
K = gpr.kernel_(gpr.X_train_)
K[np.diag_indices_from(K)] +=gpr.alpha
L_ = cholesky(K, lower=True, check_finite=False)
alpha_ = cho_solve(
(L_, True),
K_trans = gpr.kernel_(X, gpr.X_train_)
y_mean = K_trans @alpha_
y_mean = gpr._y_train_std * y_mean + gpr._y_train_mean
return (y_mean.min()-gpr.y_train_.min()*.9)
def conOp(obj_func, x0, bounds):
res = minimize(
obj_func, x0, bounds=bounds, jac=True,tol=.1,
return res.x,
In the main code, an unconstrained GPR is fit, then that is used as "gpr" object in the above functions for the constrained fit with "conOp" used as "optimizer=conOp".
I believe this to be fine since the theta_ values are from the optimizer of the constrained GPR, and all subsequent post-fit values use those optimizer controlled thetas. Also, both the constrained/unconstrained GPRs use the same input kernel/alpha values. The "tol" value of .1 typically results in a dozen iterations, whereas the default/None goes for over 300.
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Views: 62
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I may be wrong, but I understand that you'd like to optimize the kernel parameters such that the GPR (Gaussian Process Regression) evaluated on your X_train data is not lower than 90% of the lowest value in the y_train data. Please let me know if this is not the case or if I misinterpreted your code.
More broadly, the intended function to optimize in GPR is the likelihood. I don't think you'll be able to achieve your goal by replacing the function to optimize as you are doing.
If you want to work with positive data and GPR, I suggest two approaches:
Implementing a GPR with positive coefficients: I can provide code for this, but it might be slow.
Transforming and inverse-transforming your data:
np.where(x < t, 2*x - t, x)
, which expands the positive space to include some negative values. Then, apply your GPR and use the inverse function f⁻¹, such as np.where(x < t, 0.5*(x + t), x)
, to map the results back to the positive space. This gives the GPR some flexibility, and you end up with positive values without hard thresholding as in the previous approach.Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
I guess the problem is in your minimization optimization method. I assume you haven't tried to trust-constr method. Change your minimize values like this
res = minimize(
obj_func, x0, bounds=bounds, jac=True, tol=0.1,
constraints={'type': 'ineq', 'fun': Y_mean},
method='trust-constr' # adding trust-constr method.
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