Reputation: 3
I am a newbie in GLMM. My data designed with repeated measures involved 9 subjects, each subject performed in duplicate, the count as a response. Since dispersion, the model of negative binomial was constructed instead of Poisson regression model.
GLMM: Count~Task+(1|subject)
My question is that does the Task factor (A,B,C) associates the count and if so, what is the post-hoc analysis?
According to some papers below, the ML based approaches imbedded prones to inflate type I error especially in small sample size, which contributes to a wrong statistical inference.
- Warton, D. I., Lyons, M., Stoklosa, J. & Ives, A. R. Three points to consider when choosing a LM or GLM test for count data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7, 882–890 (2016).
- O’Hara, R. & Kotze, J. Do not log-transform count data. Nature Precedings 1–1 (2010).
After asking the openai, a permutation based on LR with shuffling within each subject is recommended.
df$Task <- factor(df$Task, levels = c("A", "B", "C"))
# LR
computeLR <- function(data) {
mod_full <- glmmTMB(Count~ Task + (1 | subject),
family = nbinom2, data = data)
mod_null <- glmmTMB(Count~ 1 + (1 | subject),
family = nbinom2, data = data)
lr_stat <- as.numeric(2 * (logLik(mod_full) - logLik(mod_null)))
obs_stat <- computeLR(df)
cat("LR =", obs_stat, "\n")
# shuffle Task within subject
permuteTask <- function(data) {
# shuffle Task for each subject
data$Task <- unlist(lapply(split(data$Task, data$subject), sample))
data$Task <- factor(data$Task, levels = levels(df$Task))
nperm <- 5000
ncores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
cl <- makeCluster(ncores)
perm_stats <- foreach(i = 1:nperm, .combine = c,
.packages = "glmmTMB") %dopar% {
data_perm <- permuteTask(df)
# perm p (single side)
p_value <- mean(perm_stats >= obs_stat)
cat("P =", p_value, "\n")
hist(perm_stats, breaks = 30, main = "Permutation_LR",
xlab = "LR stat", col = "lightblue", border = "white")
abline(v = obs_stat, col = "red", lwd = 2)
And the recommended post-hoc analysis is also based on permutation for pairs of data
permuteTask <- function(data) {
data$Task <- unlist(lapply(split(data$Task, data$subject), sample))
data$Task <- factor(data$Task, levels = levels(data$Task))
pairwise_perm_test <- function(data, level1, level2, nperm = 1000) {
data_sub <- subset(data, Task %in% c(level1, level2))
data_sub$Task <- factor(data_sub$Task, levels = c(level1, level2))
# b extraction
mod_orig <- glmmTMB(Count~ Task + (1|subject), family = nbinom2, data = data_sub)
coef_name <- paste0("Task", level2)
obs_coef <- summary(mod_orig)$coefficients$cond[coef_name, "Estimate"]
perm_coefs <- numeric(nperm)
for (i in 1:nperm) {
data_perm <- permuteTask(data_sub)
mod_perm <- try(glmmTMB(Count~ Task + (1|subject), family = nbinom2, data = data_perm),
silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(mod_perm, "try-error")) {
perm_coefs[i] <- NA
} else {
perm_coefs[i] <- summary(mod_perm)$coefficients$cond[coef_name, "Estimate"]
perm_coefs <- perm_coefs[!]
# bilateral p
p_value <- mean(abs(perm_coefs) >= abs(obs_coef))
return(list(pair = paste(level1, "vs", level2),
obs_coef = obs_coef,
raw_p = p_value))
pairs_list <- list(c("A", "B"),
c("A", "C"),
c("B", "C"))
nperm <- 5000
ncores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
cl <- makeCluster(ncores)
results <- foreach(pair = pairs_list, .combine = rbind,
.packages = c("glmmTMB")) %dopar% {
res <- pairwise_perm_test(df, pair[1], pair[2], nperm)
c(pair = res$pair, obs_coef = res$obs_coef, raw_p = res$raw_p)
results <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
results$obs_coef <- as.numeric(results$obs_coef)
results$raw_p <- as.numeric(results$raw_p)
# 4. post-hoc correction: Holm-bonferroni
# ----------------------------
results$holm_p <- p.adjust(results$raw_p, method = "holm")
cat("Pair-wise comparison:\n")
Does it proper? If so, how can I report this? Or should I simplify this by using log(count+1) with LMM?
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