Reputation: 31
I've been pondering this for a week now. Hit the limit of CoPilot's use within 10 minutes (first time trying, never again). Been experimenting/drawing since. But thought it wise to see whether the community is familiar with this problem first.
I have previously written a recursive function that traverses a scenegraph (DFS), and stores the transformations matrix of every node in that scenegraph relative to the original caller's node. I actually have 2 functions (1 as a targeted search, and 1 as collect-all-of-them search). Sharing both here now.
bool AActor::GetRelativeTransformationMatrixFromGraphOld(const AActor* a_pTarget, glm::mat4& a_matrix, const AActor* a_pPrevious) const
if (this == a_pTarget)
return true;
for (auto pChild : Graph.Children)
if (nullptr == pChild)
if (a_pPrevious == pChild)
if (pChild != a_pTarget && !pChild->HasChildIndirectly(a_pTarget))
glm::mat4 ctm(1);
a_matrix = a_matrix * ctm;
return pChild->GetRelativeTransformationMatrixFromGraphOld(a_pTarget, a_matrix, this);
if (nullptr == Graph.Parent.GetPtr())
return false;
if (a_pPrevious == Graph.Parent.GetPtr())
return false;
glm::mat4 mtm(1);
a_matrix = a_matrix * glm::inverse(mtm);
return Graph.Parent->GetRelativeTransformationMatrixFromGraphOld(a_pTarget, a_matrix, this);
void AActor::GetRelativeTransformationMatricesFromGraphOld(ActorTransformationMatrixMap& a_matrices, const glm::mat4& a_matrixCurrent, const AActor* a_pPrevious)
a_matrices[this] = a_matrixCurrent;
for (auto pChild : Graph.Children)
if (nullptr == pChild)
if (a_pPrevious == pChild)
glm::mat4 ctm(1);
pChild->GetRelativeTransformationMatricesFromGraphOld(a_matrices, a_matrixCurrent * ctm, this);
if (nullptr == Graph.Parent.GetPtr())
if (a_pPrevious == Graph.Parent.GetPtr())
glm::mat4 mtm(1);
Graph.Parent->GetRelativeTransformationMatricesFromGraphOld(a_matrices, a_matrixCurrent * glm::inverse(mtm), this);
Now there is a new element to the search I'd like to introduce. I want for every node to be able to ignore the parent's rotation if they wish to. Imagine modeling a solar system. If you have a node "Moon", and a building is on top of that moon, that building WILL rotate with the Moon. But if you have a satellite orbiting that moon, that satellite WON'T rotate with the moon.
I have come up with an implementation, but upon rendering it turns out to be wrong. I'm sharing the result here. I think the issue I have is that to traverse UP the scenegraph, I don't know the relationship between the node I am traversing into, and it's parent node.
Here is my test code that visualizes it. It shows construction of nodes.
core::REngine engine;
auto pRoot = engine.GetRoot();
auto pResidenceGrandParent = new core::actors::AResidence(pRoot);
pResidenceParent = new core::actors::AResidence(pResidenceGrandParent);
auto pResidenceChild1 = new core::actors::AResidence(pResidenceParent);
auto pResidenceChild2 = new core::actors::AResidence(pResidenceParent);
auto pResidenceChild3 = new core::actors::AResidence(pResidenceParent);
auto pResidenceGrandChild3A = new core::actors::AResidence(pResidenceChild3);
auto pResidenceGrandChild3B = new core::actors::AResidence(pResidenceChild3);
auto pResidenceGrandChild3C = new core::actors::AResidence(pResidenceChild3);
pResidenceParent->Dynamic.Position.SetValue({ 0.0f, -24.0f, 0.0f });
pResidenceChild1->Dynamic.Position.SetValue({ -32.0f, -24.0f, 0.0f });
pResidenceChild2->Dynamic.Position.SetValue({ 0.0f, -24.0f, 0.0f });
pResidenceChild3->Dynamic.Position.SetValue({ +32.0f, -24.0f, 0.0f });
pResidenceGrandChild3A->Dynamic.Position.SetValue({ -24.0f, -16.0f, 0.0f });
pResidenceGrandChild3B->Dynamic.Position.SetValue({ 0.0f, -16.0f, 0.0f });
pResidenceGrandChild3C->Dynamic.Position.SetValue({ +24.0f, -16.0f, 0.0f });
pResidenceChild2->Dynamic.RotateWithParent = false;
pResidenceChild3->Dynamic.RotateWithParent = false;
auto pCamera = new core::actors::ACamera(pResidenceGrandParent);
pCamera->Camera.LookAtTarget = pResidenceGrandParent;
It is node "pResidenceParent" that gets rotated as a function of time (notice how it is not locally declared, because it is also called somewhere else to apply the rotation on).
Object pCamera starts as a child of GrandParent (and looks at GrandParent), but using the mouse, it is able to be assigned to other nodes and ReParent itself under them (and set them as its lookAt target).
My first few attempts at the rewrite of the code accumulated into this:
bool AActor::GetRelativeTransformationMatrixFromGraphNew(const AActor* a_pTarget, glm::mat4& a_matrix, const AActor* a_pPrevious) const
auto previousIsParent = a_pPrevious != nullptr && Graph.Parent.GetPtr() != nullptr && a_pPrevious == Graph.Parent.GetPtr();
if (this == a_pTarget)
if (previousIsParent)
glm::mat4 tm(1);
GetTransformationMatrix(tm, false);
a_matrix = a_matrix * tm;
return true;
for (auto pChild : Graph.Children)
if (pChild == nullptr || pChild == a_pPrevious)
if (pChild == a_pTarget || pChild->HasChildIndirectly(a_pTarget))
if (!previousIsParent) // I am the local root. Reversing direction, without changing a_matrix;
return pChild->GetRelativeTransformationMatrixFromGraphNew(a_pTarget, a_matrix, this);
glm::mat4 tm(1);
GetTransformationMatrix(tm, !pChild->Dynamic.RotateWithParent.GetValue());
a_matrix = a_matrix * tm;
return pChild->GetRelativeTransformationMatrixFromGraphNew(a_pTarget, a_matrix, this);
if (Graph.Parent.GetPtr() == nullptr || a_pPrevious == nullptr || Graph.Parent.GetPtr() == a_pPrevious)
return false;
auto previousIsChild = std::find(Graph.Children.begin(), Graph.Children.end(), a_pPrevious) != Graph.Children.end();
glm::mat4 tm(1);
GetTransformationMatrix(tm, previousIsChild ? !a_pPrevious->Dynamic.RotateWithParent.GetValue() : false);
a_matrix = a_matrix * glm::inverse(tm);
return Graph.Parent->GetRelativeTransformationMatrixFromGraphNew(a_pTarget, a_matrix, this);
void AActor::GetRelativeTransformationMatricesFromGraphNew(ActorTransformationMatrixMap& a_matrices, const glm::mat4& a_matrixCurrent, const AActor* a_pPrevious)
auto previousIsParent = a_pPrevious != nullptr && Graph.Parent.GetPtr() != nullptr && a_pPrevious == Graph.Parent.GetPtr();
if (previousIsParent)
glm::mat4 tm(1);
GetTransformationMatrix(tm, false);
a_matrices[this] = a_matrixCurrent * tm;
a_matrices[this] = a_matrixCurrent;
for (auto pChild : Graph.Children)
if (pChild == nullptr || pChild == a_pPrevious)
if (!previousIsParent) // I am the local root. Reversing direction, without changing a_matrix;
pChild->GetRelativeTransformationMatricesFromGraphNew(a_matrices, a_matrixCurrent, this);
glm::mat4 tm(1);
GetTransformationMatrix(tm, !pChild->Dynamic.RotateWithParent.GetValue());
pChild->GetRelativeTransformationMatricesFromGraphNew(a_matrices, a_matrixCurrent * tm, this);
if (Graph.Parent.GetPtr() == nullptr || a_pPrevious == nullptr || Graph.Parent.GetPtr() == a_pPrevious)
auto previousIsChild = std::find(Graph.Children.begin(), Graph.Children.end(), a_pPrevious) != Graph.Children.end();
glm::mat4 tm(1);
GetTransformationMatrix(tm, previousIsChild ? !a_pPrevious->Dynamic.RotateWithParent.GetValue() : false);
Graph.Parent->GetRelativeTransformationMatricesFromGraphNew(a_matrices, a_matrixCurrent * glm::inverse(tm), this);
It passed all my unit tests for non-ignored rotations. But I haven't written ones for ignored rotations yet, and already noticed the problem upon visual inspection. And it has the wrong result like this:
I'm kinda aware of what's going on. The problem is that when traversing the graph, you don't always know whether to ignore a rotation or not depending on the direction you're traversing. I've been hacking at it heuristically for so long now to the point where I'm wondering whether this is not a general problem with a general solution. So it would be nice to have some graph expert eyeballs on it.
I'm aware how other libraries do it. Ogre3D caches the result at every node. But it is able to do so because they render in worldspace. I always render in localspace. For several reasons relating to the underlying model and its use cases, I do not wish to do anything in global space or cache local space results. I also do not wish to find the top node and work my way down every single frame. I really prefer the more pure DFS being able to start from any node in the graph, and stop once I reach a certain distance. As you may have already guessed, I am starting my search from pCamera every time, making every object in pCamera local space.
Sorry for the long post. Not sure if I split the question correctly either.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 40
Reputation: 31
I found my own answer. I think the way I found it is also interesting, so I'm adding it to the answer.
But in short; the recursive function ought to look like this:
enum ePrevious { NONE, CHILD, PARENT };
ePrevious CategorizePrevious(const AActor* a_pCurrent, const AActor* a_pPrevious)
if (std::find(a_pCurrent->Graph.Children.begin(), a_pCurrent->Graph.Children.end(), a_pPrevious) != a_pCurrent->Graph.Children.end())
return ePrevious::CHILD;
else if (a_pCurrent->Graph.Parent.GetPtr() != nullptr && a_pPrevious == a_pCurrent->Graph.Parent.GetPtr())
return ePrevious::PARENT;
return ePrevious::NONE;
void AActor::GetRelativeTransformationMatricesFromGraphNew(ActorTransformationMatrixMap& a_matrices, const glm::mat4& a_matrixCurrent, const AActor* a_pPrevious)
auto previous = CategorizePrevious(this, a_pPrevious);
if (previous == ePrevious::NONE)
a_matrices[this] = a_matrixCurrent;
glm::mat4 tm(1);
a_matrices[this] = a_matrixCurrent * tm;
for (auto pChild : Graph.Children)
if (nullptr == pChild || a_pPrevious == pChild)
glm::mat4 tm(1);
GetTransformationMatrix(tm, !pChild->Dynamic.RotateWithParent.GetValue());
pChild->GetRelativeTransformationMatricesFromGraphNew(a_matrices, (a_matrixCurrent * tm), this);
if (nullptr == Graph.Parent.GetPtr() || a_pPrevious == Graph.Parent.GetPtr())
if (previous == ePrevious::CHILD)
glm::mat4 ptm(1);
Graph.Parent->GetTransformationMatrix(ptm, !Dynamic.RotateWithParent.GetValue());
Graph.Parent->GetRelativeTransformationMatricesFromGraphNew(a_matrices, a_matrixCurrent * glm::inverse(ptm), this);
glm::mat4 mtm(1);
glm::mat4 ptm(1);
Graph.Parent->GetTransformationMatrix(ptm, !Dynamic.RotateWithParent.GetValue());
Graph.Parent->GetRelativeTransformationMatricesFromGraphNew(a_matrices, (a_matrixCurrent * glm::inverse(mtm)) * glm::inverse(ptm), this);
And this is a lot messier and less "symmetrical" than I expected it to be. It doesn't map so beautifully on a mental model. But it is giving me consistently correct results.
The way I got there is by introducing some string debugging. From doodling and debugging on paper I got used to a certain notation of writing matrix multiplications.
T(A->D) : T(A->B) * T(B->C) * T(C->D)
From there I realized I really should've noticed sooner that the biggest debugging tool lies in checking the validity of a matrix multiplication, namely that T(#->X) may only be multiplied by a matrix that is T(X->#). Making this visible through a text string was my strongest tool. From there the shape of the algorithm got revamped majorly several times until I got it right.
I also realized that my past implementation made a shortcut, that would never allow for what I was trying to achieve to actually work (splitting rotation from translation). For that to work, I would have to go 1 node higher when evaluating any local root in a multiplication string.
Here is the function with debugging lines intact, in case anybody would like to do anything similar.
std::string Tname(AActor* pActor, bool excludeRotation = false, bool inverse = false)
std::string type = excludeRotation ? "T(" : "TR(";
std::string parentName = pActor->Graph.Parent.GetPtr() == nullptr ? "Global" : pActor->Graph.Parent->Actor.Name.GetValue();
if (inverse)
return type + pActor->Actor.Name.GetValue() + "->" + parentName + ")";
return type + parentName + "->" + pActor->Actor.Name.GetValue() + ")";
void AActor::GetRelativeTransformationMatricesFromGraphNew(
ActorTransformationMatrixMap& a_matrices,
std::map<core::actors::AActor*, std::string>& a_equations,
const glm::mat4& a_matrixCurrent,
const std::string& a_equation,
const AActor* a_pPrevious)
auto previous = CategorizePrevious(this, a_pPrevious);
if (previous == ePrevious::NONE)
a_equations[this] = Actor.Name.GetValue() + ": " + a_equation;
a_matrices[this] = a_matrixCurrent;
glm::mat4 tm(1);
a_equations[this] = Actor.Name.GetValue() + ": (" + a_equation + " * " + Tname(this) + ")";
a_matrices[this] = a_matrixCurrent * tm;
for (auto pChild : Graph.Children)
if (nullptr == pChild || a_pPrevious == pChild)
glm::mat4 tm(1);
GetTransformationMatrix(tm, !pChild->Dynamic.RotateWithParent.GetValue());
(a_matrixCurrent * tm),
"(" + a_equation + " * " + Tname(this, !pChild->Dynamic.RotateWithParent.GetValue()) + ")",
if (nullptr == Graph.Parent.GetPtr() || a_pPrevious == Graph.Parent.GetPtr())
if (previous == ePrevious::CHILD)
glm::mat4 ptm(1);
Graph.Parent->GetTransformationMatrix(ptm, !Dynamic.RotateWithParent.GetValue());
a_matrixCurrent * glm::inverse(ptm),
"((" + a_equation + " * " + Tname(Graph.Parent.GetPtr(), !Dynamic.RotateWithParent.GetValue(), true) + ")",
glm::mat4 mtm(1);
glm::mat4 ptm(1);
Graph.Parent->GetTransformationMatrix(ptm, !Dynamic.RotateWithParent.GetValue());
(a_matrixCurrent * glm::inverse(mtm)) * glm::inverse(ptm),
"((" + a_equation + " * " + Tname(this, false, true) + ") * " + Tname(Graph.Parent.GetPtr(), !Dynamic.RotateWithParent.GetValue(), true) + ")",
I've done the debugging, now comes the code clean. I expect nothing new to arise from that. Perhaps I can ask CoPilot to write it shower, considering the entirety of set of functions. But I got turned off majorly by what it was suggesting to me in the beginning.
Upvotes: 0