
Reputation: 1

Please tell us why the callbacks object is not released in this rust code

pub fn test_set_callback() -> i32 {
    static TEST_THREAD: OnceLock<CfntestSetCallback> = OnceLock::new();
    let callbacks = Callbacks::new();

    //use static
    // unsafe { TEST_THREAD.get_or_init(|| get_prometheus_lib().get(b"test_set_callback").unwrap() as CfntestSetCallback)(&callbacks) }

    //not use static
    // unsafe { (get_prometheus_lib().get(b"test_set_callback").unwrap() as CfntestSetCallback)(&callbacks) }


In the above trust code, when I use the line of ‘use static’, the callbacks are not released after the end of the function test_set_callback, but when I use the line of ‘not use static’, the callbacks are released after the end of the function test_set_callback. What is the reason? Here are the relevant codes:

use libloading::Library;
use std::sync::OnceLock;

use crate::common::config::AppConfig;

pub fn get_prometheus_lib() -> &'static Library {
    static PROMETHEUS_LIB: OnceLock<Library> = OnceLock::new();
    PROMETHEUS_LIB.get_or_init(|| unsafe { Library::new(AppConfig::get_app_config().file_lib_prometheus).unwrap() })

#[allow (non_snake_case)]
#[allow (non\u camel\u case\u types)]
type CBFunc_Test_Fn = unsafe extern "C" fn(p: libc::c_int);

#[allow (non_snake_case)]
#[allow (non\u camel\u case\u types)]
type CBFunc_Market_OnRtnDepthMarketData = unsafe extern "C" fn(p: *const CBP_Market_OnRtnDepthMarketData);

#[repr (c)]
#[allow (non_snake_case)]
#[allow (non\u camel\u case\u types)]
pub struct Callbacks {
pub CBFunc_Test_Fn: Option<CBFunc_Test_Fn>,
pub CBFunc_Market_OnRtnDepthMarketData: Option<CBFunc_Market_OnRtnDepthMarketData>,

type CfnTestThread = Symbol<'static, unsafe extern "C" fn() -> libc::c_void>;
type CfntestSetCallback = Symbol<'static, unsafe extern "C" fn(*const Callbacks) -> libc::c_int>;

Test_set_callback is the c++export Library:

Callbacks *callback = nullptr;

LIB_CTP_EXPORT int test_set_callback(Callbacks *cb_callback) { 
if (cb_callback == nullptr) { 
callback = cb_callback; 
return 2;

I dont understand why it happens The reason why I am so convinced of this issue is that I started a thread in C++that keeps polling for callback objects, like this:

Callbacks *callback = nullptr;

void test_thread_fn() {
    while (true) {
        if (callback != nullptr) {
            auto v = new CBP_Market_OnRtnDepthMarketData(nullptr);

            if (callback->CBFunc_Market_OnRtnDepthMarketData != nullptr) {
            } else {
                std::cout << "test_thread_fn CBP_Market_OnRtnDepthMarketData is null" << std::endl;
            delete v;

LIB_CTP_EXPORT void run_thread() {
    std::thread t(test_thread_fn); // 启动线程并执行 taskFunction

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