Reputation: 11
I'm trying to pass DB pool which is in State(app_state): State<AppState>
to authorize
fn inside my
where I'm using this middleware as JWT to protect my urls like this.
pub fn api_routes() -> Router<AppState> {
let route = Router::new()
.route("/api", get(main_page_get).post(main_page_post))
.route("/api/{query}", get(id_page_get))
.route("/demo.json", get(get_demo_json).put(put_demo_json)
return route;
pub async fn authorize(
mut req: Request<Body>,
State(app_state): State<AppState>,
next: Next
) -> Result<Response<Body>, AuthError> {
I'm getting error in this line middleware::from_fn(auth::authorize)
the trait bound `axum::middleware::FromFn<fn(http::Request<Body>, axum::extract::State<AppState>, Next) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Response<Body>, AuthError>> {authorize}, (), Route, _>: tower_service::Service<http::Request<Body>>` is not satisfied
the trait `tower_service::Service<http::Request<Body>>` is not implemented for `FromFn<fn(Request<Body>, ..., ...) -> ... {authorize}, ..., ..., ...>`
the following other types implement trait `tower_service::Service<Request>`:
axum::middleware::FromFn<F, S, I, (T1, T2)>
axum::middleware::FromFn<F, S, I, (T1, T2, T3)>
axum::middleware::FromFn<F, S, I, (T1, T2, T3, T4)>
axum::middleware::FromFn<F, S, I, (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5)>
axum::middleware::FromFn<F, S, I, (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6)>
axum::middleware::FromFn<F, S, I, (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7)>
axum::middleware::FromFn<F, S, I, (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8)>
axum::middleware::FromFn<F, S, I, (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9)>
and 8 othersrustcClick for full compiler diagnostic, 10): required by a bound introduced by this call, 21): required by a bound in `MethodRouter::<S, E>::layer`
And I'm not sure why, because the authorize
signature looks fine.
EDIT: My shared state is implemented like this
use std::sync::Arc;
use sqlx::postgres::PgPool;
pub struct AppState {
pub html_path: Arc<String>,
pub db_pool: Arc<PgPool>,
impl AppState {
pub fn new(html_path: String, db_pool: PgPool) -> Self {
AppState {
html_path: Arc::new(html_path),
db_pool: Arc::new(db_pool),
Upvotes: 0
Views: 37
Reputation: 141
This is relatively a simple error. This is how the code should be
pub fn api_routes(app_state: AppState) -> Router {
.route("/api", get(main_page_get).post(main_page_post))
.route("/api/{query}", get(id_page_get))
.route("/demo.json", get(get_demo_json).put(put_demo_json)
.layer(middleware::from_fn_with_state(app_state.clone() ,auth::authorize))
Also, PgPool by default is cloneable, and String is cloneable as well. So placing an Arc on top of these 2 seems pretty useless. The criteria for app state to hold arc fields would be if the field needs modifications on runtime, then you should introduce Arc with a RwLock or Mutex. When you app state is not expected to change, using clone would suffice.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct AppState {
html_path: String,
db_pool: PgPool,
impl AppState {
pub async fn new(config: &AppConfig) -> Result<Self> {
let html_path = //Get it from your config
let pool = //Initialize your pool here
Ok(Self {
pub fn html_path(&self) -> String {
pub fn db_pool(&self) -> PgPool {
Also for State should be the first parameter.then request and all other stuff.
pub async fn authorize(
State(app_state): State<AppState>,
mut req: Request,
next: Next
) -> Result<Response<Body>, AuthError> {
This is how I pass my app state to router function
use axum::Router;
mod branch;
mod health;
use crate::state::SharedAppState;
/// Initializes the routes for the StaffHub application.
/// This function sets up the routing for the application, including health check routes
/// and API versioning.
/// # Arguments
/// * `app_state` - A shared application state used across routes.
/// # Returns
/// A `Router` instance with the configured routes.
pub fn init_routes(app_state: SharedAppState) -> Router {
// Initialize health check routes under the "/health" path.
let health_routes_v1 =
Router::new().nest("/health", health::init_health_routes(app_state.clone()));
let branch_routes_v1 =
Router::new().nest("/branch", branch::init_branch_routes(app_state.clone()));
// Merge the health check routes.
let merged_routes_v1 = Router::new()
// Nest the merged routes under the "/v1" version path.
let v1 = Router::new().nest("/v1", merged_routes_v1);
// Nest the versioned routes under the "/api" path.
let api_routes_v1 = Router::new().nest("/api", v1);
// Nest the API routes under the "/staff-hub" base path.
Router::new().nest("/staff-hub", api_routes_v1)
mod jwks;
mod keycloak;
use crate::config::StaffHubConfig;
use crate::state::jwks::JwksClient;
use crate::state::keycloak::KeycloakClient;
use anyhow::Context;
use sqlx::{PgPool, postgres::PgPoolOptions};
use std::{sync::Arc, time::Duration};
/// Application state structure.
/// This structure holds the state of the application, including the database connection pool,
/// the Keycloak client, and the JWKS client.
/// Fields:
/// - `pool`: The PostgreSQL connection pool.
/// - `keycloak`: The Keycloak client.
/// - `jwks`: The JWKS client.
pub struct AppState {
pool: PgPool,
keycloak: KeycloakClient,
jwks: JwksClient,
/// Shared application state type.
/// This type represents a shared reference to the application state.
pub type SharedAppState = Arc<AppState>;
impl AppState {
/// Initializes the application state.
/// This function creates a new `AppState` instance by configuring and initializing
/// the PostgreSQL connection pool using the provided configuration.
/// # Parameters
/// - `config`: A reference to the `StaffHubConfig` containing the configuration details.
/// # Returns
/// An `anyhow::Result` containing the initialized `AppState` instance.
pub async fn init_state(config: &StaffHubConfig) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
let pool = PgPoolOptions::new()
let keycloak = KeycloakClient::new(config.keycloak());
let jwks = JwksClient::new(config.keycloak().jwks_uri())
.context("Jwks Client Setup")?;
Ok(Self {
/// Returns a shared reference to the application state.
/// This function wraps the `AppState` instance in an `Arc` to create a shared reference.
/// # Returns
/// A `SharedAppState` representing the shared application state.
pub fn get_shared_state(self) -> SharedAppState {
/// Returns the PostgreSQL connection pool.
/// # Returns
/// A `PgPool` representing the PostgreSQL connection pool.
pub fn pool(&self) -> PgPool {
/// Returns a reference to the Keycloak client.
/// # Returns
/// A reference to the `KeycloakClient`.
pub fn keycloak(&self) -> &KeycloakClient {
/// Returns a reference to the JWKS client.
/// # Returns
/// A reference to the `JwksClient`.
pub fn jwks(&self) -> &JwksClient {
use crate::config::StaffHubConfig;
use crate::state::AppState;
use anyhow::Context;
use tokio::net::TcpListener;
mod config;
mod dtos;
mod entities;
mod errors;
mod handlers;
mod middlewares;
mod routes;
mod state;
mod utils;
/// Initializes and starts the StaffHub service.
/// This asynchronous function performs the following steps:
/// 1. Loads the application configuration.
/// 2. Initializes the application state.
/// 3. Sets up the application routes.
/// 4. Binds the server to the specified address and port.
/// 5. Starts serving the application.
/// # Returns
/// An `anyhow::Result` which is `Ok` if the service starts successfully, or an error if any step fails.
pub async fn init_service() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// Load the application configuration.
let app_config = StaffHubConfig::load_config().context("Configuration Load")?;
// Initialize the application state.
let app_state = AppState::init_state(&app_config)
.context("App State Initialization")?;
let shared_state = app_state.get_shared_state();
// Setting up background tasks
// Set up the application routes.
let app_routes = routes::init_routes(shared_state.clone());
// Bind the server to the specified address and port.
let listener = TcpListener::bind(app_config.server().addr())
.context("Server Port Bind")?;
// Start serving the application.
axum::serve(listener, app_routes.into_make_service())
.context("Application Serve")?;
Upvotes: 1