Reputation: 11
I am trying to simulate a 3D double pendulum using Python, SymPy, and SciPy. The goal is to solve the Lagrange equations and animate the results. However, the script runs indefinitely, and I have waited over 30 minutes without seeing an output.
I suspect the issue is in the symbolic computation step (line 46), where I solve the Lagrange equations. Here’s my relevant code:
import numpy as np
import sympy as smp
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib.animation import PillowWriter
t, g = smp.symbols("t g")
m1, m2 = smp.symbols("m1 m2")
L1, L2 = smp.symbols("L1 L2")
the1, the2, phi1, phi2 = smp.symbols(r"\theta_1 \theta_2 \phi_1 \phi_2", cls=smp.Function)
the1 = the1(t)
the2 = the2(t)
phi1 = phi1(t)
phi2 = phi2(t)
the1_d = smp.diff(the1, t)
the2_d = smp.diff(the2, t)
phi1_d = smp.diff(phi1, t)
phi2_d = smp.diff(phi2, t)
the1_dd = smp.diff(the1_d, t)
the2_dd = smp.diff(the2_d, t)
phi1_dd = smp.diff(phi1_d, t)
phi2_dd = smp.diff(phi2_d, t)
x1 = L1*smp.sin(the1)*smp.cos(phi1)
y1 = L1*smp.sin(the1)*smp.sin(phi1)
z1 = -L1*smp.cos(the1)
x2 = x1 + L2*smp.sin(the2)*smp.cos(phi2)
y2 = y1 + L2*smp.sin(the2)*smp.sin(phi2)
z2 = z1 -L2*smp.cos(the2)
# Kinetic
T1 = smp.Rational(1,2) * m1 * (smp.diff(x1, t)**2 + smp.diff(y1, t)**2 + smp.diff(z1, t)**2)
T2 = smp.Rational(1,2) * m2 * (smp.diff(x2, t)**2 + smp.diff(y2, t)**2 + smp.diff(z2, t)**2)
T = T1+T2
# Potential
V1 = m1*g*z1
V2 = m2*g*z2
V = V1 + V2
# Lagrangian
L = T-V
LE1 = (smp.diff(L, the1) - smp.diff(smp.diff(L, the1_d), t)).simplify()
LE2 = (smp.diff(L, the2) - smp.diff(smp.diff(L, the2_d), t)).simplify()
LE3 = (smp.diff(L, phi1) - smp.diff(smp.diff(L, phi1_d), t)).simplify()
LE4 = (smp.diff(L, phi2) - smp.diff(smp.diff(L, phi2_d), t)).simplify()
sols = smp.solve([LE1, LE2, LE3, LE4], (the1_dd, the2_dd, phi1_dd, phi2_dd),
simplify=False, rational=False)
do1dt_f = smp.lambdify((t,g,m1,m2,L1,L2,the1,the2,the1_d,the2_d,phi1,phi2,phi1_d,phi2_d), sols[the1_dd])
do2dt_f = smp.lambdify((t,g,m1,m2,L1,L2,the1,the2,the1_d,the2_d,phi1,phi2,phi1_d,phi2_d), sols[the2_dd])
dthe1dt_f = smp.lambdify(the1_d, the1_d)
dthe2dt_f = smp.lambdify(the2_d, the2_d)
dw1dt_f = smp.lambdify((t,g,m1,m2,L1,L2,the1,the2,the1_d,the2_d,phi1,phi2,phi1_d,phi2_d), sols[phi1_dd])
dw2dt_f = smp.lambdify((t,g,m1,m2,L1,L2,the1,the2,the1_d,the2_d,phi1,phi2,phi1_d,phi2_d), sols[phi2_dd])
dphi1dt_f = smp.lambdify(phi1_d, phi1_d)
dphi2dt_f = smp.lambdify(phi2_d, phi2_d)
def dSdt(S, t, g, m1, m2, L1, L2):
the1, the2, phi1, phi2, o1, o2, w1, w2 = S
return [
do1dt_f(t, g, m1, m2, L1, L2, the1, the2, o1, o2, phi1, phi2, w1, w2),
do2dt_f(t, g, m1, m2, L1, L2, the1, the2, o1, o2, phi1, phi2, w1, w2),
dw1dt_f(t, g, m1, m2, L1, L2, the1, the2, o1, o2, phi1, phi2, w1, w2),
dw2dt_f(t, g, m1, m2, L1, L2, the1, the2, o1, o2, phi1, phi2, w1, w2),
t = np.linspace(0, 20, 100)
g = 9.81
L1 = 2
L2 = 1
ans = odeint(dSdt, y0=[np.pi/3, np.pi/3, 0, -np.pi, 3, 10, -2, -10], t=t, args=(g,m1,m2,L1,L2))
def get_pos(the1, the2, phi1, phi2, L1, L2):
return (L1*np.sin(the1)*np.cos(phi1),
x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 = get_pos(ans.T[0], ans.T[1], ans.T[2], ans.T[3], L1, L2)
def animate(i):
ln1.set_data([0, x1[i], x2[i]], [0, y1[i], y2[i]])
ln1.set_3d_properties([0, z1[i], z2[i]])
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.set_xlim(-4, 4)
ax.set_ylim(-4, 4)
ax.set_zlim(-4, 4)
ln1, = ax.plot([], [], [], 'ro--', lw=3, markersize=8)
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=1000, interval=50)'pen2.gif',writer='pillow',fps=25)
Thanks for recommendations.
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