Reputation: 51
I would like to add p-value brackets to a tumor growth curve plot I have made in ggplot. This is a common situation that GraphPad Prism has built in functionality for, but I have not seen any examples of this using ggplot when I searched.
From what I can tell, existing R functions like ggpubr::stat_compare_means
, ggpubr::stat_pvalue_manual
, or ggprism::add_pvalue
seem to rely on the groups being compared to be plotted on the x-axis. However, for tumor growth curves, time is the x-axis, and the groups being compared are specified in the legend.
I have included example figure from a publication that was made using GraphPad Prism as well as what I have generated in ggplot.
I would like to add the p-value brackets in the same manner. Preferably this could be an automatic process, so I am not specifying coordinates for every plot going forward.
tumorDataExample <- data.frame(
Mouse = rep(1:15, times = 5),
Condition = rep(c("A", "B", "C"), each = 5, times = 5),
Day = rep(c(0, 8, 10, 11, 14), each = 15),
Volume = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
55.419392, 63.819999, 9.622816, 43.9999665, 34.792254, 5.470524, 23.516325,
49.9453705, 9.7540625, 16.9136, 13.1383, 36.872528, 18.108342, 48.700748,
13.197388, 86.979584, 76.9613405, 36.452668, 20.9408, 26.978522, 24.628864,
6.397264, 132.420195, 18.3314305, 11.1797745, 5.0688, 29.738592, 17.87125,
32.8653, 19.9408, 135.7811505, 99.900178, 60.76815, 25.6632, 33.519087,
25.1935245, 12.581856, 294.5889, 38.69775, 15.056676, 7.7533775, 21.625065,
19.62, 55.118336, 16.1063615, 200.485611, 162.4776305, 104.56355, 40.106664,
66.2195385, 16.143108, 4.2439, 886.51492, 17.37468, 15.867072, 7.791552,
11.3016465, 37.626644, 74.365425, 4.080501)
tumorDataExampleSummary <- tumorDataExample %>%
group_by(Day, Condition) %>%
summarize(meanVolume = mean(Volume, na.rm = TRUE),
se = sd(Volume) / sqrt(n()))
tumorSizeExample_Summary <- ggplot() +
geom_line(data = tumorDataExampleSummary, aes(x = Day, y = meanVolume, color = Condition)) +
geom_errorbar(data = tumorDataExampleSummary, aes(x = Day, ymin = meanVolume - se, ymax = meanVolume + se, color = Condition), width = 0.1) +
geom_point(data = tumorDataExampleSummary, aes(x = Day, y = meanVolume, color = Condition)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks(n=8)) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks(n=3)) +
labs(title = "Tumor Volumes Over Time",
x = "Days After Tumor Injection",
y = expression("Tumor Volume (mm"^3*")")) +
Upvotes: 3
Views: 78
Reputation: 51
This code works as expected. It runs a Student's T test and plots it with brackets on the last day of measurements.
tumorDataExample <- data.frame(
Mouse = rep(1:15, times = 5),
Condition = rep(c("A", "B", "C"), each = 5, times = 5),
Day = rep(c(0, 8, 10, 11, 14), each = 15),
Volume = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
55.419392, 63.819999, 9.622816, 43.9999665, 34.792254, 5.470524, 23.516325,
49.9453705, 9.7540625, 16.9136, 13.1383, 36.872528, 18.108342, 48.700748,
13.197388, 86.979584, 76.9613405, 36.452668, 20.9408, 26.978522, 24.628864,
6.397264, 132.420195, 18.3314305, 11.1797745, 5.0688, 29.738592, 17.87125,
32.8653, 19.9408, 135.7811505, 99.900178, 60.76815, 25.6632, 33.519087,
25.1935245, 12.581856, 294.5889, 38.69775, 15.056676, 7.7533775, 21.625065,
19.62, 55.118336, 16.1063615, 200.485611, 162.4776305, 104.56355, 40.106664,
66.2195385, 16.143108, 4.2439, 886.51492, 17.37468, 15.867072, 7.791552,
11.3016465, 37.626644, 74.365425, 4.080501)
#Create a summary table of the mean volume for each condition
tumorDataExampleSummary <- tumorDataExample %>%
group_by(Day, Condition) %>%
summarize(meanVolume = mean(Volume, na.rm = TRUE),
se = sd(Volume) / sqrt(n()))
#Run a Student's T test on all the conditions
stat.test <- compare_means(
Volume ~ Condition, data = tumorDataExample %>% filter(Day == max(tumorDataExample$Day)),
method = "t.test",
var.equal = TRUE #Student's T test
#Create a list of all possible pairwise comparisons of Conditions
paired_columns <- gtools::combinations(n = 3, r = 2, v = unique(tumorDataExample$Condition) ,
repeats.allowed = FALSE)
#Create a list of the p_values for each comparison in the order of the paired_columns
p_value_labs <- lapply(seq_along(unique(tumorDataExample$Condition)), function(i){
paste0(round(stat.test$p[i], 3))
}) %>% unlist()
#Create a table of x positions for the brackets
#These will really be y values, but the coordinates are flipped in the plot
#This uses the meanVolume of each Condition for the last day of measurements
pvalue_bracket_xpos <- tumorDataExampleSummary %>%
filter(Day == max(tumorDataExampleSummary$Day)) %>%
pivot_wider(id_cols = Day, names_from = Condition,
values_from = meanVolume)
#Create the plot
#x and y have to be flipped in aes() for the brackets to work
ggplot() +
geom_path(data = tumorDataExampleSummary %>% arrange(Day),
aes(y = Day, x = meanVolume, color = Condition)) + #Need to use geom_path instead of geom_line
#Otherwise the lines will be connected in tumor volume order, not day
geom_errorbarh(data = tumorDataExampleSummary,
aes(y = Day, xmin = meanVolume - se,
xmax = meanVolume + se, color = Condition),
height = 0.1) +
geom_point(data = tumorDataExampleSummary,
aes(y = Day, x = meanVolume, color = Condition)) +
labs(title = "Tumor Volumes Over Time",
y = "Days After Tumor Injection",
x = expression("Tumor Volume (mm"^3*")")) +
theme_minimal() +
coord_flip() + ## x and y are flipped in aes(), so we flip them again
ggpubr::geom_bracket(inherit.aes = FALSE, label = p_value_labs,
coord.flip = TRUE,
xmin = unlist(pvalue_bracket_xpos[,paired_columns[,1]]),
xmax = unlist(pvalue_bracket_xpos[,paired_columns[,2]]),
y.position = pvalue_bracket_xpos$Day + 0.3,
step.increase = 0.03,
tip.length = 0.02,
vjust = 0.25) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks(n=8)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks(n=3))
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 29153
tumorDataExampleSummary <- tumorDataExample %>%
summarize(meanVolume = mean(Volume, na.rm = TRUE),
se = sd(Volume) / sqrt(n()),
.by = c(Day, Condition)) ## notice the use of .by
gtools::combinations(n = 3, r = 2, v = unique(tumorDataExample$Condition) ,
repeats.allowed = FALSE) -> paired_columns
tumorDataExampleSummary |>
pivot_wider(id_cols = -c(Day, se), names_from = Condition,
values_from = meanVolume, values_fn = list) |>
(\(.) apply(paired_columns, 1, \(r){
unlist(.[r[2]]), paired = TRUE)}))() |>
(\(.) lapply(seq_along(unique(tumorDataExample$Condition)), \(i){
paste0(paired_columns[i, 1], "/", paired_columns[i, 2],
"=", round(.[[i]]$p.value, 2))}))() |>
unlist() -> p_value_labs
tumorDataExampleSummary |>
filter(Day == max(Day)) |>
pivot_wider(id_cols = Day, names_from = Condition,
values_from = meanVolume) -> x_pos
ggplot() +
geom_line(data = tumorDataExampleSummary,
aes(y = Day, x = meanVolume, color = Condition)) +
geom_errorbarh(data = tumorDataExampleSummary,
aes(y = Day, xmin = meanVolume - se,
xmax = meanVolume + se, color = Condition),
height = 0.1) +
geom_point(data = tumorDataExampleSummary,
aes(y = Day, x = meanVolume, color = Condition)) +
labs(title = "Tumor Volumes Over Time",
y = "Days After Tumor Injection",
x = expression("Tumor Volume (mm"^3*")")) +
theme_minimal() +
coord_flip() + ## x and y are flipped in aes(), so we flip them again
ggpubr::geom_bracket(inherit.aes = FALSE, label = p_value_labs,
coord.flip = TRUE,
xmin = unlist(x_pos[,paired_columns[,1]]),
xmax = unlist(x_pos[,paired_columns[,2]]),
y.position = x_pos$Day + 0.1,
step.increase = 0.03,
tip.length = 0.02,
vjust = 0.25) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks(n=8)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks(n=3))
Created on 2025-02-26 with reprex v2.1.1
Upvotes: 1