Reputation: 413
here is my code.
I am trying to create an interactive bar chart with Plotly in R, where buttons allow the user to select either Company 1 or Company 2.
However, when I filter the data using Plotly, some categories (EPISD) that do not belong to the selected company remain displayed on the x-axis.
I want each company to display only the corresponding EPISD values without showing empty or unrelated categories.
# Données
dt <- data.table(
EPISD = c("A", "A", "B", "B", "C", "D", "D"),
ENTRP = c(
"company 1",
"company 2",
"company 1",
"company 2",
"company 2",
"company 1",
"company 2"
prct_na = c(100, 0, 100, 5.3, 100, 94, 100)
plot_ly() %>%
data = dt[ENTRP == "company 1"],
x = ~ EPISD,
y = ~ prct_na,
name = 'company 1',
type = 'bar',
visible = T
) %>%
data = dt[ENTRP == "company 2"],
x = ~ EPISD,
y = ~ prct_na,
name = 'company 2',
type = 'bar',
visible = F
) %>%
layout(updatemenus = list(list(
type = "buttons",
direction = "down",
buttons = list(
method = "restyle",
args = list("visible", list(T, F)),
label = "company 1"
method = "restyle",
args = list("visible", list(F, T)),
label = "company 2"
Upvotes: 2
Views: 63
Reputation: 4147
So there are a couple of reason why unused x-breaks stay
list(T, F)
does not cause plotly to update the categoryarray of the x.axis
You can also change layout attributes using method = update
following this vignette. This allows to update the title for example.
dt <- data.table( EPISD = c("A", "A", "B", "B", "C", "D", "D", "A", "F", "G", "F"),
ENTRP = c( "company 1", "company 2", "company 1", "company 2", "company 2", "company 1", "company 2", "company 3", "company 3", "company 4", "company 4"),
prct_na = c(100, 2, 100, 5.3, 100, 94, 100, 25, 14, 50, 10) )
companies <- unique(dt$ENTRP)
buttons_list <- lapply(seq_along(companies), function(i) { # build buttons list using lapply
company <- companies[i]
company_data <- dt[ENTRP == company]
label = company,
method = "update",
args = list(
x = list(company_data$EPISD), # set x values as before
y = list(company_data$prct_na) # set y values as before
title = paste(company, "Data"),
xaxis = list(
categoryorder = "category ascending"
plot_ly(x = dt[ENTRP == companies[1]]$EPISD,
y = dt[ENTRP == companies[1]]$prct_na,
type = 'bar',
name = companies[1]) %>%
title = paste(companies[1], "Data"),
xaxis = list(
categoryorder = "category ascending"
updatemenus = list(
type = "buttons",
direction = "down",
buttons = buttons_list
Upvotes: 2