Reputation: 615
We have the classic scenario of generating a unique number for each record created of a certain table (custom table).
The unique number is stored i another custom table and on "pre-create" of the record the plugin updates a "fake column" in the custom table and the post-update of that custom table is then increasing the value with 1, adding it to a "shared variable" and once execution is done of the post-update the pre-create continues and pickes up the number from the shared variable and assigns it to a column.
This works splendidly for our Dynamics On Premise which is running the latest version (almost), Version 2104 ( (DB
We are now about to move Dynamics to cloud and have migrated a lot of functionality successfully. However, in cloud, the shared variable does not exist in the executionContext. Or, at least not in a way that is available in the "pre create" plugin of the record.
My question is obviously: why doesn't it work in cloud? Has Microsoft changed the functionality? Can I adjust my code in some way? I just can't figure out how...
Plugin Pre-Create code:
public int GetIncrementConfigurationValue(Guid configId, IPluginExecutionContext context)
Entity updConfig = new Entity(new_configuration.EntityLogicalName.ToString());
updConfig.Attributes.Add("new_configurationid", configId);
updConfig.Attributes.Add("new_aivalue", true);
_service.Update(updConfig); // <- triggers the post-update plugin which increments the value and adds it to the shared variable
if (context.SharedVariables.Contains("NEW_AIV"))
return (int)context.SharedVariables["NEW_AIV"];
IPluginExecutionContext nContext = context;
while (nContext.ParentContext != null)
if (nContext.ParentContext.SharedVariables.Contains("NEW_AIV"))
return (int)nContext.ParentContext.SharedVariables["NEW_AIV"];
nContext = nContext.ParentContext;
throw new Exception("Variable not found!"); // <- code always reaches this :(
Post-update plugin that adds the value to "shared variables":
protected override void ExecuteCrmPlugin(LocalPluginContext localContext)
IPluginExecutionContext context = localContext.PluginExecutionContext;
Entity postImageEntity = (context.PostEntityImages != null && context.PostEntityImages.Contains(this.postImageAlias)) ? context.PostEntityImages[this.postImageAlias] : null;
//Logic for auto-increment values: increase counter by 1 when triggered by update of new_aivalue attribute, used together with the plugin on entity where the number belongs
if (localContext.TargetEntity.Contains("new_aivalue")) // FIRE PLUGIN
new_configuration currentConfig = postImageEntity.ToEntity<new_configuration>();
int value = Convert.ToInt32(currentConfig.new_value);
string strvalue = string.Empty;
var ct = context;
ct.SharedVariables.Add("NEW_AIV", (Object)value);
while (ct.ParentContext != null) // Try adding value to all "shared variables" in parent contexts...
ct = ct.ParentContext;
ct.SharedVariables.Add("NEW_AIV", (Object)value);
strvalue = Convert.ToString(value + 1);
new_configuration updConfig = new new_configuration() { new_configurationId = localContext.TargetEntity.Id, new_value = strvalue };
By doing some "ugly logging" I can verify that the value is added to the shared variables and exists there in the post-update plugin but it does not exists later when the pre-create plugin continues its execution.
On-premise however the value DOES exists when the pre-create plugin continues its execution... So here I am....
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Views: 8