
Reputation: 1242

Cannot hit breakpoints in microservices running in docker

I have about 4-5 microservices running in docker along with an api-gateway. I cant seem to get VS2022 to hit the breakpoints. I have the debug mode enabled in all the docker files.

Apigateway dockerfile
                # Use official .NET 9 runtime as base
            FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/aspnet:9.0.2 AS base
            WORKDIR /app
            EXPOSE 3000

            # Build stage
            FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:9.0.102 AS build
            WORKDIR /src
            COPY ["ApiGateway/ApiGateway.csproj", "ApiGateway/"]
            RUN dotnet restore "ApiGateway/ApiGateway.csproj"

            # Copy and build the app
            COPY . .
            WORKDIR "/src/ApiGateway"
            ARG Mode=Debug
            RUN echo "$Mode"
            RUN dotnet publish -c $Mode -o /app/publish

            # Final runtime container
            FROM base AS final
            WORKDIR /app
            COPY --from=build /app/publish .
            ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "ApiGateway.dll"]

The other dockerfiles are exactly similar except for the name of the microservice.

The client app is Blazor Web app and it runs outside the docker and the breaktpoints for it are hit fine.

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