
Reputation: 470

How to use Azure AI OpenAI to generate responses from a model using a set of data inputs?

I’m trying to use Azure AI OpenAI to generate responses from a trained model based on a set of data I’ll provide as part of the prompt. My goal is to pass a set of data (e.g., metrics, statistics, or past results) into the model, so it can generate a relevant response.

I’ve set up the OpenAI client in C# correctly, but I’m not sure how to structure the call properly to generate responses using a dataset as input.

How can I pass this data to the model and get a suitable response?

What I’ve tried so far:

I’ve configured the OpenAIClient with the Azure credentials. I’ve used the GetCompletionsAsync method, but I’m unsure how to structure the data properly to get a coherent response. Could anyone provide a basic example of how to make this type of query using Azure AI OpenAI?

What I have:

public class AzureAIService
        private readonly AzureOpenAIClient _azureClient;
        #pragma warning disable OPENAI001
        private readonly AssistantClient _assistantClient;

public AzureAIService(string apiKey)

    string keyFromEnvironment = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY") ?? string.Empty;

    _azureClient = new(
        new Uri(""),
        new ApiKeyCredential(keyFromEnvironment));
        ChatClient chatClient = _azureClient.GetChatClient("my-gpt-35-turbo-deployment");

    _assistantClient = _azureClient.GetAssistantClient();


public async Task CreateChatClientAsync()
    Assistant assistant = await _assistantClient.CreateAssistantAsync(
        model: "my-gpt-4o-deployment",
        new AssistantCreationOptions()
            Name = "Ecommerce Assistant",
            Instructions = "You are an assistant for an ecommerce and you have to evaluate a series of metrics",
            Tools = { ToolDefinition.CreateCodeInterpreter() },
    ThreadInitializationMessage initialMessage = new(
            "Here are your recommendations based on today's data:"
    AssistantThread thread = await _assistantClient.CreateThreadAsync(new ThreadCreationOptions()
        InitialMessages = { initialMessage },


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Views: 50

Answers (1)

Alfred Luu
Alfred Luu

Reputation: 2026

Your code seems using Assistant API, then yes you can create a .csv file (see more supported files here in order to be accessed from tools, like code_interpreter to run such prompt "Visualize your provided data"

Be noticed that up to now you can only use either Python SDK or REST, since your are using C# I would recommend you to send REST request such following:

# Upload a file with an "assistants" purpose

curl \
  -H "api-key: $AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY" \
  -F purpose="assistants" \
  -F file="@c:\\path_to_file\\file.csv"

# Create an assistant using the file ID

curl \
  -H "api-key: $AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY" \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "instructions": "You are an AI assistant that can write code to help answer math questions.",
    "tools": [
      { "type": "code_interpreter" }
    "name": "Assistants playground",
    "model": "Replace it with your-custom-model-deployment-name",
      "code_interpreter": {
          "file_ids": ["assistant-1234"]

and download result if there diagrams generated

curl<YOUR-FILE-ID>/content?api-version=2024-05-01-preview \
  -H "api-key: $AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY" \
  --output image.png

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