Reputation: 43
I am trying to open a new message dialog box in MFC C++, however in one of the PC, I am getting the error
Attempted an unsupported operation.
void CMainFrame::OpenAfnMessage( CString strTitle)
CMsgForm MyMsg( strTitle , this );
int nDisposition = MyMsg.DoModal( );
CMsgForm::CMsgForm( LPCTSTR pszCaption , CWnd * pParentWnd , UINT iSelectPage )
:CPropertySheet( pszCaption , pParentWnd , iSelectPage )
m_psh.dwFlags |= PSH_NOAPPLYNOW;
AddPage( & m_msgpage );
AddPage( & m_hdrpage );
m_pFrame = (CFrame *) pParentWnd;
BOOL CMsgForm::OnInitDialog( )
BOOL bResult = CPropertySheet::OnInitDialog( );
//Draws the common view for both pages
SetActivePage( & m_hdrpage ); //At this point, the error is observed
m_hdrpage.UpdateHeaderPage( pMsgpkt );
// Update Message Page fields accordingly.
SetActivePage( & m_msgpage );
m_msgpage.UpdateMessagePage( pMsgpkt );
UpdateData( FALSE );
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
class CMsgForm : public CPropertySheet
// Construction & Destruction
CMsgForm( LPCTSTR pszCaption , CWnd * pParentWnd = NULL , UINT iSelectPage = 0 );
virtual ~ CMsgForm( );
CMsgPage m_msgpage;
CHdrPage m_hdrpage;
class CHdrPage : public CPropertyPage
// Construction & Destruction
CHdrPage( );
~ CHdrPage( );
// Dialog Data
enum { IDD = IDD_HDR_PAGE };
CHdrPage::CHdrPage( ) : CPropertyPage( CHdrPage::IDD )
When I am calling SetActivePage( & m_hdrpage ); in CMsgForm::OnInitDialog(), I get the error. It is observed only in 1 PC, rest all the PCs that I am trying this, it works completely fine and generates the UI properly.
The error so far is observed only in 1 PC, and it works fine in all other PCs that I have tried it so far
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Views: 55