Reputation: 429
I have installed Colima and kalilinux/kali-rolling on my MacBook Air M1, but I want to test my website using the traceroute command.
To do this, I need to expose my kalilinux/kali-rolling container as a separate device on my network.
I configured Colima using the following command:
colima start --edit
This is my configuration:
# ============================================================================================ #
# To abort, delete the contents of this file including the comments and save as an empty file
# ============================================================================================ #
# Number of CPUs to be allocated to the virtual machine.
# Default: 2
cpu: 10
# Size of the disk in GiB to be allocated to the virtual machine.
# NOTE: value can only be increased after virtual machine has been created.
# Default: 100
disk: 30
# Size of the memory in GiB to be allocated to the virtual machine.
# Default: 2
memory: 8
# Architecture of the virtual machine (x86_64, aarch64, host).
# NOTE: value cannot be changed after virtual machine is created.
# Default: host
arch: aarch64
# Container runtime to be used (docker, containerd).
# NOTE: value cannot be changed after virtual machine is created.
# Default: docker
runtime: docker
# Set custom hostname for the virtual machine.
# Default: colima
# colima-profile_name for other profiles
hostname: colima
# Kubernetes configuration for the virtual machine.
# Enable kubernetes.
# Default: false
enabled: false
# Kubernetes version to use.
# This needs to exactly match a k3s version
# Default: latest stable release
version: v1.30.2+k3s1
# Additional args to pass to k3s
# Default: traefik is disabled
- --disable=traefik
# Auto-activate on the Host for client access.
# Setting to true does the following on startup
# - sets as active Docker context (for Docker runtime).
# - sets as active Kubernetes context (if Kubernetes is enabled).
# Default: true
autoActivate: true
# Network configurations for the virtual machine.
# Assign reachable IP address to the virtual machine.
# NOTE: this is currently macOS only and ignored on Linux.
# Default: false
address: true
# Custom DNS resolvers for the virtual machine.
# dns: [,]
# Default: []
# DNS hostnames to resolve to custom targets using the internal resolver.
# This setting has no effect if a custom DNS resolver list is supplied above.
# It does not configure the /etc/hosts files of any machine or container.
# The value can be an IP address or another host.
# dnsHosts:
dnsHosts: {}
# Replicate host IP addresses in the VM. This enables port forwarding to specific
# host IP addresses.
# e.g. `docker run --port alpine` would only forward to the
# specified IP address.
# Default: false
hostAddresses: true
# ===================================================================== #
# ===================================================================== #
# Forward the host's SSH agent to the virtual machine.
# Default: false
forwardAgent: true
# Docker daemon configuration that maps directly to daemon.json.
# NOTE: some settings may affect Colima's ability to start docker. e.g. `hosts`.
# EXAMPLE - disable buildkit
# docker:
# features:
# buildkit: false
# EXAMPLE - add insecure registries
# docker:
# insecure-registries:
# -
# - host.docker.internal:5000
# Colima default behaviour: buildkit enabled
# Default: {}
docker: {}
# Virtual Machine type (qemu, vz)
# NOTE: this is macOS 13 only. For Linux and macOS <13.0, qemu is always used.
# vz is macOS virtualization framework and requires macOS 13
# NOTE: value cannot be changed after virtual machine is created.
# Default: qemu
vmType: vz
# Utilise rosetta for amd64 emulation (requires m1 mac and vmType `vz`)
# Default: false
rosetta: true
# Enable nested virtualization for the virtual machine (requires m3 mac and vmType `vz`)
# Default: false
nestedVirtualization: false
# Volume mount driver for the virtual machine (virtiofs, 9p, sshfs).
# virtiofs is limited to macOS and vmType `vz`. It is the fastest of the options.
# 9p is the recommended and the most stable option for vmType `qemu`.
# sshfs is faster than 9p but the least reliable of the options (when there are lots
# of concurrent reads or writes).
# NOTE: value cannot be changed after virtual machine is created.
# Default: virtiofs (for vz), sshfs (for qemu)
mountType: virtiofs
# Propagate inotify file events to the VM.
# NOTE: this is experimental.
mountInotify: true
# The CPU type for the virtual machine (requires vmType `qemu`).
# Options available for host emulation can be checked with: `qemu-system-$(arch) -cpu help`.
# Instructions are also supported by appending to the cpu type e.g. "qemu64,+ssse3".
# Default: host
cpuType: ""
# Custom provision scripts for the virtual machine.
# Provisioning scripts are executed on startup and therefore needs to be idempotent.
# EXAMPLE - script executed as root
# provision:
# - mode: system
# script: apt-get install htop vim
# EXAMPLE - script executed as user
# provision:
# - mode: user
# script: |
# [ -f ~/.provision ] && exit 0;
# echo provisioning as $USER...
# touch ~/.provision
# Default: []
provision: []
# Modify ~/.ssh/config automatically to include a SSH config for the virtual machine.
# SSH config will still be generated in $COLIMA_HOME/ssh_config regardless.
# Default: true
sshConfig: true
# The port number for the SSH server for the virtual machine.
# When set to 0, a random available port is used.
# Default: 0
sshPort: 0
# Configure volume mounts for the virtual machine.
# Colima mounts user's home directory by default to provide a familiar
# user experience.
# mounts:
# - location: ~/secrets
# writable: false
# - location: ~/projects
# writable: true
# Colima default behaviour: $HOME and /tmp/colima are mounted as writable.
# Default: []
- location: /Users/toto
writable: true
# Specify a custom disk image for the virtual machine.
# When not specified, Colima downloads an appropriate disk image from Github at
# The file path to a custom disk image can be specified to override the behaviour.
# Default: ""
diskImage: ""
# Environment variables for the virtual machine.
# env:
# KEY: value
# ANOTHER_KEY: another value
# Default: {}
env: {}
When I start Colima, I get an IP address:
➜ colima list
default Running aarch64 10 8GiB 30GiB docker
This is strange because my gateway IP address is
Then, I start my Docker container using the following docker-compose.yml file:
# The Unleash server contains the Unleash configuration and
# communicates with server-side SDKs and the Unleash Proxy
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
#image: kalilinux/kali-rolling
restart: unless-stopped
container_name: kalilinux
stdin_open: true # Équivalent à --interactive (-i)
tty: true # Équivalent à --tty (-t)
network_mode: "host"
However, when I run the traceroute command to test connectivity, I get the following output:
└─# traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 * * *
2 * * *
3 * * *
4 * * *
5 * * *
6 * * *
7 * * *
8 * * *
9 * * *
10 * * *
11 * * *
12 * * *
13 * * *
14 * * *
15 * * *
16 * * *
17 * * *
18 * * *
19 * * *
20 * * *
21 * * *
I suspect this happens because my Docker container is not exposed as a separate device on my network.
How can I achieve this with Colima and Docker Compose?
Thanks in advance for your help!
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Views: 21