Reputation: 39
I am modeling a radar image based on my already modeled field of sea surface waves. Faced with the problem that the final image does not work right. It turns out to be some kind of nonsense. You can see the resulting image and what the field of surface waving looks like.
The script in MATLAB looks like this (without taking into account main_prog from which all these functions are called).
Functions of parameters:
function [g, speed, dx, dy, x, y, df, f_start, f_end, dtt, theta] = common_data()
g = 9.81; % acceleration of gravity
speed = 13; % wind speed
dx = 1; % step along the x-axis
dy = 1; % step along the y-axis
x = 0:dx:1000;
y = 0:dy:1000;
df = 0.1; % frequency range step
f_start = 0.016; % frequency range start
f_end = 1.25; % frequency range end
dtt = pi / 18; % angle step
theta = -pi/2:dtt:pi/2; % angle range
function [xd, alpha, wmaxd, wmax, gm] = JONSWAP_param(g, speed)
xd = 2 * 10^(4); % acceleration parameter
alpha = 0.076 * xd^(-0.22); % Phillips constant
wmaxd = 3.5 * xd^(-0.33); % dimensionless frequency
wmax = wmaxd * (g / speed); % max frequency of spectrum
gm = 3.3; % gamma-factor
Spectrum calculations:
function [JSP] = JONSWAP_Spec(g, alpha, wmax, gm, f)
sgm = zeros(size(f));
EXP = zeros(size(f));
JSP = zeros(size(f));
for i = 1:length(f)
if wmax >= f(i)
sgm(i) = 0.07;
sgm(i) = 0.09;
EXP(i) = exp(- ( (f(i) - wmax)^2 ) / ( 2 * sgm(i)^2 * wmax^2) );
JSP(i) = alpha * g^(2) * (2*pi)^(-4) * ( (f(i))^(-5) ) * ( exp( (-5/4) * (f(i)/wmax)^(-4) ) ) * ( gm^(EXP(i)) ); % JONSWAP spectrum
function [St, Swt, eta0] = Freq_Ang_Spec(dtt, theta, df, JSP)
St = cos(theta).^(4); % angular spectrum
Norm = trapz(dtt, St);
Swt = JSP .* St'; % freq-angular spectrum
eta0 = sqrt((2 * Swt .* df * dtt) ./ Norm); % amplitude of surface waving
Surface Waving simulation:
function [phase, Kx, Ky, etaWA] = SurfaceWaving_simulator(g, x, y, theta, w, eta0)
phase = 2*pi*rand(length(theta),length(w)); % initial phase
t = 0; % time moment
Kabs = (w.^2) / g; % wavenumber
Kx = Kabs .* cos(theta)'; % projection of the wavevector on the x-axis
Ky = Kabs .* sin(theta)'; % projection of the wavevector on the y-axis
etaWA = zeros(length(x),length(y));
for i = 1:length(x)
for j = 1:length(y)
etaWA(i,j) = sum(eta0 .* cos(w * t - Kx * i - Ky * j + phase), 'all');
RADAR data and RADAR image simulation:
function [az_ang, inc_ang, slope_x, slope_y, Rfl_VV_s, Rfl_HH_s, K_rad, K_b, f_b] = Geom_Sig_Settings(g, x, y, etaWA)
H_rad = 14; % radar height above sea level
r = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2); % horizontal distance
R = sqrt(r.^2 + H_rad^2); % the trajectory of the signal to each point of the surface
az_ang = atan2(y, x); % azimuth angle of the radar
inc_ang = acos(H_rad./R); % angle of incidence
graz_ang = pi/2 - inc_ang; % grazing angle
% Calculation of local surface slopes (geometric modulation of the returned signal)
[sx, sy] = gradient(etaWA);
slope_x = atan(sx); % slope on x
slope_y = atan(sy); % slope on y
% Converting slopes to the radar coordinate system
slope_rad_x = slope_x .* cos(az_ang) + slope_y .* sin(az_ang);
slope_rad_y = -slope_x .* sin(az_ang) + slope_y .* cos(az_ang);
% Calculation of geometric reflection coefficients
Rfl_VV = @(inc_ang) (cos(inc_ang)).^(4) .* (1 + (sin(inc_ang)).^(2)).^(2) / (cos(inc_ang) + 0.111).^(4); % the square of the reflection coefficient module (case VV)
Rfl_HH = @(inc_ang) (cos(inc_ang)).^(4) / (0.111 .* cos(inc_ang) + 1).^(4); % the square of the reflection coefficient module (case HH)
Rfl_VV_s = sqrt(Rfl_VV(inc_ang + slope_rad_x)); % reflection coefficient module (case VV)
Rfl_HH_s = sqrt(Rfl_HH(inc_ang + slope_rad_x)) + (slope_rad_y / sin(inc_ang)).^(2) .* sqrt(Rfl_VV(inc_ang)); % reflection coefficient module (case HH)
%% Radar signal parameters
c_light = 3 * 10^(8); % light speed
f_rad = 10 * 10^(9); % the frequency of the radar signal emitted by the radar
lambda_rad = c_light / f_rad; % the wavelength of the radar signal
K_rad = (2*pi) / lambda_rad; % the wavenumber of the radar signal
K_b = 2 * K_rad * sin(inc_ang); % the Bragg-Wolfe condition
sigma = 0.073 / 997;
f_b = sqrt(g * K_b + sigma * (K_b).^(3)) / (2*pi); % frequency of Bragg waves
function [JSP_b, RCS_VV] = RadBackscat_Simulator(g, alpha, wmax, gm, az_ang, Rfl_VV_s, Rfl_HH_s, K_rad, K_b, f_b)
% Calculation of JONSWAP spectrum using f_B
JSP_b = JONSWAP_Spec(g, alpha, wmax, gm, f_b);
RCS_VV = 16 * pi * (K_rad)^4 .* (abs(Rfl_VV_s))^2 .* JSP_b;
%RCS_HH = 16 * pi * (K_rad)^4 .* (abs(Rfl_HH_s))^2 .* JSP_b;
%% Radar image visualization
colormap gray;
title('RADAR image');
At the moment, I'm not sure what the problem might be, but nothing else comes to mind. I think the whole problem lies in the fact that my model does not take into account the position of the radar, because depending on the azimuthal angle az_ang
and angle of incidence inc_ang
at which the radar "looks" at a particular point on the ocean surface, the slope values slope_x
will depend. That is, in fact, if we change the position of the radar, it will also change slopes. In my case, the slopes are counted without taking this fact into account.
I tried to take this fact into account when calculating the slopes, but it didn't give any results:
% Converting slopes to the radar coordinate system
slope_rad_x = slope_x .* cos(az_ang) + slope_y .* sin(az_ang);
slope_rad_y = -slope_x .* sin(az_ang) + slope_y .* cos(az_ang);
What am I doing wrong? What could be the problem?
I took the formulas for reflection coefficients here ( page 3 formulas (3),(4) & (6),(7) ):
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