Reputation: 11

Got Inner exception: Error 12002 calling WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_REQUEST_ERROR, 'The operation timed out' using MS graph to send large attachment

I use MS Graph API to send an email. I can send email with a small size attachment but I got an error when sending a large attachment:

Before progress after progressGeneral error uploading testFile.pdf: An error occurred while sending the request.
Inner exception: Error 12002 calling WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_REQUEST_ERROR, 'The operation timed out'. Email sent successfully

I set string to capture "Uploaded {prog} bytes of {totalLength} bytes" but it has nothing. I guess it may be upload issue.

Would you be able to give me a suggestion or example to solve this issue? Thanks in advance.

This is my code to create GraphServiceClient:

GraphServiceClient myGPClient = new GraphServiceClient(new ClientSecretCredential(tenantId, clientId, secretVal));

There is my code to attach the large attachment:

    string fileName = Path.GetFileName(largeAttachment);
    string contentType = GetMimeType(largeAttachment);

    // Add a small delay between attachment uploads
    await Task.Delay(1000);

    using (var fileStream = new FileStream(largeAttachment, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
        var uploadbody = new Microsoft.Graph.Users.Item.Messages.Item.Attachments.CreateUploadSession.CreateUploadSessionPostRequestBody
            AttachmentItem = new AttachmentItem
                AttachmentType = AttachmentType.File,
                Name = fileName,
                Size = fileStream.Length,
                ContentType = contentType

        var uploadSession = await myGPClient.Users[emailUser]

        if (uploadSession == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(uploadSession.UploadUrl))
            strErrorMsg += $"Failed to create upload session for {fileName}. Upload URL is null.{Environment.NewLine}";

        // Max slice size must be a multiple of 320 KiB
        int maxSliceSize = 320 * 1024 * 9;
        var fileUploadTask = new LargeFileUploadTask<FileAttachment>(uploadSession, fileStream, maxSliceSize);

        var totalLength = fileStream.Length;

        strErrorMsg += System.Environment.NewLine + "before progress";
        // Create a callback that is invoked after each slice is uploaded
        IProgress<long> progress = new Progress<long>(prog =>
                //didn't have totalLength value on strErrorMsg
                strErrorMsg = strErrorMsg + System.Environment.NewLine + $"Uploaded {prog} bytes of {totalLength} bytes";

        strErrorMsg += System.Environment.NewLine+ "after progress";

        // Upload the file
        var uploadResult = await fileUploadTask.UploadAsync(progress);

        if (!uploadResult.UploadSucceeded)
            strErrorMsg = strErrorMsg + System.Environment.NewLine + $"Upload failed for file: {largeAttachment}";
            strErrorMsg = strErrorMsg + System.Environment.NewLine + $"Successfully uploaded: {Path.GetFileName(largeAttachment)}";
catch (ServiceException ex)
    strErrorMsg += $"Service error uploading {Path.GetFileName(largeAttachment)}: {ex.Message}{Environment.NewLine}";

    if (ex.InnerException != null)
        strErrorMsg += $"Inner exception: {ex.InnerException.Message}{Environment.NewLine}";

    // Continue with the next attachment despite the error
catch (Exception ex)
    strErrorMsg += $"General error uploading {Path.GetFileName(largeAttachment)}: {ex.Message}{Environment.NewLine}";

    if (ex.InnerException != null)
        strErrorMsg += $"Inner exception: {ex.InnerException.Message}{Environment.NewLine}";

    // Continue with the next attachment despite the error

   // Send the draft
   await myGPClient.Users[emailUser].Messages[savedDraft.Id].Send.PostAsync();
   strErrorMsg += "Email sent successfully";
catch (ServiceException ex)
   strErrorMsg += $"Error sending email: {ex.Message}{Environment.NewLine}";

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