Reputation: 1
I'm trying to do a pretty basic, not-so-secure config of OpenSearch w/ Docker, which still seems to be blocking index creation
OpenSearch Config settings (Ubuntu 20.04 base)
RUN mkdir -p /app/opensearch-2.17.0/config/certs && \
echo " false" >> /app/opensearch-2.17.0/config/opensearch.yml && \
echo "" >> /app/opensearch-2.17.0/config/opensearch.yml && \
echo "discovery.type: single-node" >> /app/opensearch-2.17.0/config/opensearch.yml && \
echo " false" >> /app/opensearch-2.17.0/config/opensearch.yml && \
echo "action.auto_create_index: true" >> /app/opensearch-2.17.0/config/opensearch.yml && \
echo "cluster.blocks.read_only: false" >> /app/opensearch-2.17.0/config/opensearch.yml && \
chown -R opensearch:opensearch /app/opensearch-2.17.0/config
Example query (w/ opensearchpy)
# Set up OpenSearch
client = OpenSearch(
hosts=[{'host': host, 'port': port, 'scheme': 'http'}],
http_compress=True, # enables gzip compression for request bodies
# use_ssl=True,
index_name = "example-index"
if not client.indices.exists(index=index_name):
print(f"The index '{index_name}' does not exist. Creating the index.")
# Load the index mapping from a file
with open("search_configuration/index_mapping.json", "r") as file:
client.indices.create(index=index_name, body=json.load(file))
Error Message:
opensearchpy.exceptions.authorizationexception: authorizationexception(403, 'index_create_block_exception', 'blocked by: [forbidden/10/cluster create-index blocked (api)];')
I tried updating the size of the block to 4GB, delete any initial cache in JVM, but that didn't seem to work either. But anyhow this is the first time I try to even create an index in a brand new installation. Not sure what is happening.
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