Reputation: 1445
I'm curious, is there a way of excluding only certain Series from the automatically generated legends that Swift Charts provides?
In this example, how would I hide "Series 1", from the legend?
private struct PlotPoint {
let x: Double
let y: Double
// We build a dictionary of the form "Series X": [ (x1, y1), ... ]
private let data: [String : [PlotPoint]] = Dictionary(
uniqueKeysWithValues: Array(0..<4).map { series in
// Dict key followed by Dict value
"Series \(series + 1)",
stride(from: 0.0, through: 1.0, by: 0.05).map { y in
PlotPoint(x: y*y, y: y*Double(series + 1)/4.0)
struct ChartWithBothStyleAndSymbol: View {
var body: some View {
Chart {
ForEach(Array(data.keys).sorted(), id: \.self) { key in
data[key] ?? [],
x: .value("x", \.x),
y: .value("y", \.y)
.foregroundStyle(by: .value("Series", key))
FWIW, I already know I can achieve this by using .foregroundStyle(_:)
instead of .foregroundStyle(by:)
for the only Series in question (and only if I define it before the other Series). But it feels like this is taking advantage of undocumented and somewhat odd behaviour in Swift Charts, and I'm wondering if there's a better way, more directly supported by the API.
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Views: 44