Reputation: 1
I'm working on a game to my project in my studies and I'm trying to grab an object, I can grab it and it works good, but, when I grab it the object "enfermo" is a son of "AttachPoint" and it loses his BoxCollider2D, I don't know why and I dont find nothing in google
This is the code:
using UnityEngine;
public class PlayerGrab : MonoBehaviour
public Transform attachPoint; // Punto donde se adhiere el objeto
public float grabRange = 1f; // Rango para detectar objetos "enfermo"
public LayerMask objectLayer; // Capa de objetos agarrables
private Animator animator;
private Transform currentObject; // Objeto actualmente agarrado
private bool hasGrabbed = false;
void Start()
animator = GetComponent<Animator>(); // Obtiene el Animator del personaje
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E))
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q))
void TryGrab()
if (hasGrabbed) return; // Si ya tiene un objeto, no hace nada
// Buscar objetos cercanos
Collider2D[] objects = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(transform.position, grabRange, objectLayer);
foreach (Collider2D obj in objects)
if ("enfermo")) // Filtra por nombre
return; // Solo agarra un objeto
void Grab(Transform obj)
currentObject = obj;
hasGrabbed = true;
animator.SetBool("isGrabbing", true);
// Guardar la posición Z original antes de adherir el objeto
float originalZ = currentObject.position.z;
// Adhiere el objeto al personaje
currentObject.localPosition =;
// Restaurar la posición Z original
currentObject.position = new Vector3(currentObject.position.x, currentObject.position.y, originalZ);
void Release()
if (!hasGrabbed || currentObject == null) return;
// Suelta el objeto
// Cambia la animación a la normal
animator.SetBool("isGrabbing", false);
currentObject = null;
hasGrabbed = false;
// Dibuja el rango de agarre en el editor
void OnDrawGizmos()
Gizmos.color =;
Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(transform.position, grabRange);
I search in google and I don't find nothing, I ask to ChatGPT and he sends me more code, I try it but don't works. I want when I press E close to an object my character grab it, and keep the collider of the object too.
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