Rangan Ray
Rangan Ray

Reputation: 1

Extracting blocks, inputs, and outputs from a scanned Simulink diagram

I am working on a recognition software that takes a scanned Simulink diagram (in .png/.jpeg format) as input and extracts structured information about blocks, their inputs, and outputs. The goal is to generate an Excel spreadsheet that will be used by an in-house auto C code generator.

The recognition software is supposed to:

  1. Identify basic blocks from the scanned image and assign unique names to blocks of the same type, with a running number suffix.
    • Example: The first BBANG block → BBANG1, the second BBANG block → BBANG2, etc.


What would be the best approach to achieve this in C++?

Code I have tried till now:

    #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <filesystem>
    #include <map>

    namespace fs = std::filesystem;
    using namespace cv;
    using namespace std;

    // Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS)
    void nonMaxSuppression(vector<Rect>& detectedRegions, double overlapThreshold) {
        vector<int> indices;
        sort(detectedRegions.begin(), detectedRegions.end(), [](const Rect& a, const Rect& b) {
            return a.area() > b.area();

        for (size_t i = 0; i < detectedRegions.size(); ++i) {
            bool keep = true;
            for (size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
                float intersectionArea = (detectedRegions[i] & detectedRegions[j]).area();
                float unionArea = detectedRegions[i].area() + detectedRegions[j].area() - intersectionArea;
                if ((intersectionArea / unionArea) > overlapThreshold) {
                    keep = false;
            if (keep) {

        vector<Rect> filteredDetections;
        for (int index : indices) {

        detectedRegions = filteredDetections;

    // template matching
    void detectBlocks(const string& diagramPath, const string& templateFolder, ofstream& outputFile) {
        Mat inputImage = imread(diagramPath, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
        if (inputImage.empty()) {
            cout << "ERROR: Could not load input image: " << diagramPath << endl;

        // Scale up input image if it's too small
        if (inputImage.cols < 500 || inputImage.rows < 500) {
            resize(inputImage, inputImage, Size(), 2.0, 2.0);  // Scale up by 2x
            cout << "Input image scaled up for better matching!" << endl;

        map<string, int> blockCount;

        for (const auto& entry : fs::directory_iterator(templateFolder)) {
            string templatePath = entry.path().string();
            Mat templateImage = imread(templatePath, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
            if (templateImage.empty()) {
                cout << "Skipping: " << templatePath << " (Failed to load)" << endl;

            string blockName = entry.path().stem().string();
            vector<Rect> detectedRegions;

            // Scale down template 
            double maxScale = 1.0;
            if (templateImage.cols > inputImage.cols || templateImage.rows > inputImage.rows) {
                maxScale = min((double)inputImage.cols / templateImage.cols, (double)inputImage.rows / templateImage.rows);

            for (double scale = maxScale; scale >= 0.3; scale -= 0.1) { // Reduce template size if needed
                Mat resizedTemplate;
                resize(templateImage, resizedTemplate, Size(), scale, scale);

                if (resizedTemplate.cols > inputImage.cols || resizedTemplate.rows > inputImage.rows) {

                imshow("Resized Template", resizedTemplate);

                Mat result;
                matchTemplate(inputImage, resizedTemplate, result, TM_CCOEFF_NORMED);

                double threshold = 0.6;
                for (int i = 0; i < result.rows; i++) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < result.cols; j++) {
                        if (result.at<float>(i, j) >= threshold) {
                            detectedRegions.emplace_back(j, i, resizedTemplate.cols, resizedTemplate.rows);

            nonMaxSuppression(detectedRegions, 0.3);

            for (const auto& rect : detectedRegions) {
                string blockLabel = blockName + to_string(blockCount[blockName]);
                cout << "Detected: " << blockLabel << " at (" << rect.x << ", " << rect.y << ")" << endl;
                outputFile << diagramPath << "," << blockLabel << "," << rect.x << "," << rect.y << endl;

    int main() {
        string diagramFolder = "./simulink_diagrams";
        string templateFolder = "./blocks";
        string outputFileName = "block_detection_results.csv";

        if (!fs::exists(diagramFolder) || !fs::exists(templateFolder)) {
            cout << "ERROR: One or both required folders are missing!" << endl;
            return -1;

        ofstream outputFile(outputFileName);
        outputFile << "Diagram,Block Name,X,Y\n";

        for (const auto& entry : fs::directory_iterator(diagramFolder)) {
            string diagramPath = entry.path().string();
            cout << "Processing: " << diagramPath << endl;
            detectBlocks(diagramPath, templateFolder, outputFile);

        cout << "Detection complete! Results saved to " << outputFileName << endl;

        return 0;

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