Reputation: 51
I've been using a skiplist my library provides in some of my programs, and recently noticed it's slower than expected. Upon closer examination with this test program:
#include "usflib2.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
uint64_t test(uint64_t);
int main() {
uint64_t i, j, avg = 0;
printf("WARN: The skiplist must be made to return number of steps on access for this test to work.\n");
for (i = 2; i < 10000000; i *= 2) {
for (j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
avg += test(i);
printf("(%lu, %lu)\n", i, avg/100);
return 0;
uint64_t test(uint64_t cycles) {
uint64_t i;
usf_skiplist *skp;
skp = usf_skset(NULL, 0, USFNULL);
for (i = 0; i < cycles; i++) {
usf_skset(skp, i, USFDATAU(i));
i = usf_skget(skp, i/2).u;
/* Cleanup */
return i;
The results always point to a linear time growth when accessing the middle element :
I've re-looked a few times, but cannot find what is wrong. Perhaps it is my understanding of the skiplist that is flawed ? Nevertheless, here are implementations for both usf_skset() and usf_skget()
usf_skiplist *usf_skset(usf_skiplist *skiplist, uint64_t i, usf_data data) {
int j;
usf_skipnode *node, *next, **ptrs;
usf_skipnode *position[USF_SKIPLIST_HEADSIZE];
if (skiplist == NULL) { //Make skiplist
//Allocate skiplist
skiplist = malloc(sizeof(usf_skiplist));
skiplist -> size = 1; //Base node
node = malloc(sizeof(usf_skipnode)); //Head
//Allocate head pointers
node -> nextnodes = calloc(sizeof(usf_skipnode **), USF_SKIPLIST_HEADSIZE);
//Set base data
node -> index = 0;
node -> data = USFNULL;
skiplist -> head = node;
//Insert data at index i in skiplist
node = skiplist -> head; //Start
for (j = USF_SKIPLIST_HEADSIZE - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
next = node -> nextnodes[j];
while (next && next -> index <= i) {
node = next;
next = node -> nextnodes[j];
//At max node in this stage
position[j] = node;
if (node -> index == i) {
//Already present
node -> data = data;
return skiplist;
//Add and link
node = malloc(sizeof(usf_skipnode));
node -> index = i;
node -> data = data;
for (j = 1; j < USF_SKIPLIST_HEADSIZE; j++)
if (rand() & 1) break; //Probabilistic upkeep
ptrs = malloc(sizeof(usf_skipnode *) * j);
for (j--; j >= 0; j--) {
ptrs[j] = position[j] -> nextnodes[j]; //Link to next
position[j] -> nextnodes[j] = node; //Link prev to this
node -> nextnodes = ptrs;
skiplist -> size++; //Add element
return skiplist;
Note that here I've modified the get function to return the number of stations (or steps) taken to reach the destination.
usf_data usf_skget(usf_skiplist *skiplist, uint64_t i) {
uint64_t TEMP = 0; /* TEMPORARY */
int j;
usf_skipnode *node, *next;
node = skiplist -> head;
for (j = USF_SKIPLIST_HEADSIZE - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
next = node -> nextnodes[j];
while (next && next -> index <= i) {
/* Loop unrolling: two iterations per while cycle */
node = next;
if ((next = node -> nextnodes[j]) == NULL || next -> index > i) break;
node = next;
next = node -> nextnodes[j];
if (node -> index == i) break;
if (node -> index != i) return USFNULL;
return node -> data;
And the usfskiplist.h header:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "usfdata.h"
typedef struct usf_skipnode {
struct usf_skipnode **nextnodes;
usf_data data;
uint64_t index;
} usf_skipnode;
typedef struct usf_skiplist {
usf_skipnode *head;
uint64_t size;
} usf_skiplist;
usf_skiplist *usf_skset(usf_skiplist *, uint64_t, usf_data);
usf_data usf_skget(usf_skiplist *, uint64_t);
usf_data usf_skdel(usf_skiplist *, uint64_t);
void usf_freesk(usf_skiplist *);
Upvotes: 1
Views: 61
Reputation: 51
Okay, so after Ilya Bursov's comment I have realized I had forgotten to reset the avg after each test... It actually was logarithmic all along.
I think the program which "tipped me off" just did so many skip list accesses it led me to believe the skip list was at fault for the speed.
Upvotes: 2