Reputation: 21
We are implementing a hybrid implementation with AEM + REACT using AEM as a Cloud Service. We are having our REACT code coverage in *.tsx files under ui.frontend module.
We have configured "@types/jest": "^29.5.14" and "test:coverage": "react-scripts test --coverage --watch all", in ui.frontend/package.json. We are using npm run test:coverage to generate coverage folder under ui.frontend which has lcov-report, coverage-final.json, clover.xml,
The path to the has been placed on the project root pom as -
<sonar.javascript.lcov.reportPaths>${project.basedir}/../coverage/</sonar.javascript.lcov.reportPaths> <sonar.dynamic>reuseReports</sonar.dynamic>
REACT code coverage is not reflecting on SonarQube 9.9 LTS Instance or on Adobe Cloud Manager Quality or Deployment Pipeline Code Scan Summary report.
How do we reflect this REACT code coverage report/result on a SonarQube 9.9 LTS instance project code coverage ?
We are able to reflect JaCoCo AEM Code Coverage on SonarQube. How can we show this as an aggregate percentage of AEM JaCoCo + REACT Code Coverage for the entire application as part of the mvn clean verify sonar:sonar command ?
How do we reflect this REACT code coverage report/result along with AEM JaCoCo code coverage as an aggregate % on Adobe Cloud Manager Quality & Deployment Pipelines Code Scan Summary report ?
Is there a need to keep *.tsx files within ui.tests for showing up REACT Code Coverage ? I believe those are UI Tests and not really Unit Tests for REACT Code Coverage ?
For detecting code smells on REACT codebase, is running ES Lint as part of maven build enough ? Is there any Code Editor plugin (VS Code, Eclipse) that would show developers non-compliances as and when they are developing the code ?
Thank You so much in advance for all the knowledge shared !!
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Views: 19