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To my situation: Im reading with ManagementObjectSearcher objects and want to print them to a NameValueCollection (desriptor.Properties). In order to achive this I need to iterate though every given data and write it to the collection - if it is an array of any type I also need to iterate through every element of this array. FYI: I use the NameValueCollection because it necessary for the code later on.
So I tried:
ManagementObjectCollection searchResults = new ManagementObjectSearcher(
"select * from " + key).Get(); // for testing use => "Win32_ComputerSystem"
int counter = 0;
foreach (ManagementBaseObject? searchResult in searchResults) {
if (searchResult is null)
counter += 1;
foreach (PropertyData? property in searchResult.Properties) {
if (property.Name is null) {
object tmpobj = searchResult.GetPropertyValue(property.Name);
string propertyname = counter + " | " + property.Name;
if (tmpobj is null) {
else if (tmpobj is IEnumerable<object> tmpcollection) {
foreach (object item in tmpcollection) {
if (tmpobj is null) {
else {
descriptor.Properties.Add(propertyname, item.ToString());
else {
descriptor.Properties.Add(propertyname, tmpobj.ToString());
Since every array should inherit from "IEnumerable" and any Datatype including struct should inherit "object", i figured it should work, but for some reason it doesn't for structs (at least for double, short, ushort etc.). (FYI: I'm using the latest .Net8)
my info from microsoft to structs [16.4.3 Inheritance]:
For easier testing the following code can be used:
short[] shorts =
short shorter = 0;
object objshorts = shorts as object;
if (shorts is IEnumerable<short>) ; // => true
if (shorts is IEnumerable<ValueType>) ;// => false
if (shorts is IEnumerable<object>) ; // => false
if (shorter is object) ; // => true
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