
Reputation: 4223

Problems with using a windows service to invoke a java program using JNI and LoadLibrary

I'm creating a windows service program which invokes a java program.

Here is part of the code, hModule is a global variable and LoadLibrary is called in ServiceStart after which it invoked invokeJVM. I manage to start the service and it runs fine, however, whenever I stop the service, it gives me an error: Windows could not stop the service on the local computer Error 1067: The windows service terminated unexpectedly

After adding additional logging, I found that the place where the unexpected termination error occurs is the return of the invokeJVM function. When I check the event viewer it gives me some BEX error, which on googling, says that it is a stack overflow error, but I could not determine the cause of it, any idea why?

HMODULE hModule;

VOID ServiceStart ( DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR *lpszArgv )
    // Let the service control manager know that the service is
    // initializing.
    if ( !ReportStatus( SERVICE_START_PENDING, NO_ERROR, 3000 ) )
        //goto cleanup;

    hModule = LoadLibrary( TEXT( "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jre6\\bin\\client\\jvm.dll" ) );

    // Create a Stop Event
    if ( !( hServerStopEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL) ) )
        goto cleanup;

    lpszJavaArgs = getJavaArgs( &lpszJavaArgs, &dwJLen, dwArgc, lpszArgv );
    lpszAppArgs = getAppArgs( &lpszAppArgs, &dwALen, dwArgc, lpszArgv );
    wrkdir = getWorkingDirectory( dwArgc, lpszArgv );

    if ( !ReportStatus( SERVICE_RUNNING, NO_ERROR, 0 ) )
        goto cleanup;

    // After the initialization is complete (we've checked for arguments) and
    // the service control manager has been told the service is running, invoke
    // the Java application. If clients are unable to access 
    // the server, check the event log for messages that should indicate any errors
    // that may have occured while firing up Java...

    invokeJVM( NULL );

    // Wait for the stop event to be signalled.
    WaitForSingleObject( hServerStopEvent, INFINITE );

    ( VOID ) ReportStatus( SERVICE_STOPPED, 0, 0 );
    if ( hServerStopEvent )
        CloseHandle( hServerStopEvent );
    ( *vm ) -> DestroyJavaVM( vm );
    FreeLibraryAndExitThread( hModule, 0 );


VOID invokeJVM( VOID *dummy )
    jint res;
    jclass cls;
    jmethodID mid;
    jstring jstr;
    jobjectArray args;
    JavaVMInitArgs vm_args;
    JavaVMOption options[ MAX_OPTIONS ];
    jint ( *createJavaVM )( JavaVM **, void **, void * ) = 
        ( jint ( * )( JavaVM **, void **, void * ) ) GetProcAddress( hModule, "JNI_CreateJavaVM" );
    char buf[256];
    jclass cls2;
    jmethodID mid2;
    UINT uIdx;

    if ( wrkdir )
        if ( !SetCurrentDirectory( wrkdir ) )
            AddToMessageLog( TEXT( "Unable to change working directory." ) );

    if(dwJLen > MAX_OPTIONS)
        AddToMessageLog( TEXT( "Max. number of Java args exceeded." ) );

    // Assign the arguments for the JVM, such as the classpath,
    // RMI codebase, etc.
    for ( uIdx = 0; uIdx < dwJLen; ++uIdx )
        options[ uIdx ].optionString = lpszJavaArgs[ uIdx ]; // PROBLEM HERE

    vm_args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_6;
    vm_args.options = options;
    vm_args.nOptions = dwJLen;
    vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized = TRUE;

    //res = JNI_CreateJavaVM( &vm, ( void ** ) &env, &vm_args );
    res = ( *createJavaVM )( &vm, ( void ** ) &env, &vm_args );
    if ( res < 0 )
        AddToMessageLog( TEXT( "Cannot create Java VM." ) );

    // Get the main class
    if ( !( cls = ( *env ) -> FindClass( env, SZMAINCLASS ) ) )
        AddToMessageLog( TEXT( "Cannot find main class." ) );

    // Get the method ID for the class's main(String[]) function. 
    if ( !( mid = ( *env ) -> GetStaticMethodID( env, cls, "main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V" ) ) )
        AddToMessageLog( TEXT( "Cannot find main method." ) );

    // If there are arguments, create an ObjectArray sized to contain the
    // argument list, and then scan the list, inserting each argument into
    // the ObjectArray.
    if( dwALen > 0 )
        if ( !( args = ( *env ) -> NewObjectArray( env, dwALen, ( *env ) -> FindClass( env, "java/lang/String" ), NULL ) ) ) 
            AddToMessageLog( TEXT( "Out of Memory!" ) );

        for( uIdx = 0; uIdx < dwALen; ++uIdx )
            if ( !( jstr = ( *env ) -> NewStringUTF( env, lpszAppArgs[ uIdx ] ) ) )
                AddToMessageLog( TEXT( "Out of Memory!" ) );
            ( *env ) -> SetObjectArrayElement( env, args, uIdx, jstr );
    // Otherwise, create an empty array. This is needed to avoid
    // creating an overloaded main that takes no arguments in the Java
    // app, and then getting a different method ID to the no-argument
    // main() method in this invoker code.
        args = ( *env ) -> NewObjectArray( env, 0, ( *env ) -> FindClass( env, "java/lang/String" ), NULL );

    //Now, get the class of the java SCMEventManager
    if ( !( cls2 = ( *env ) -> FindClass( env, SZSCMEVENTMANAGER ) ) )
        AddToMessageLog( TEXT( "Cannot find SCMEventManager class." ) );
        goto finished;

    //Get the method ID for SCMEventManager.getInstance()
    sprintf( buf, "()L%s;", SZSCMEVENTMANAGER );
    if ( !( mid2 = ( *env ) -> GetStaticMethodID( env, cls2, "getInstance", buf ) ) )
        AddToMessageLog( TEXT( "Cannot find SCMEventManager.getInstance." ) );
        goto finished;

    //Call SCMEventManager.getInstance() and save the returned object
    //We'll use this later on.

    if ( !( jobj = ( *env ) -> NewGlobalRef( env, ( *env ) -> CallStaticObjectMethod( env, cls2, mid2 ) ) ) )
        AddToMessageLog( TEXT( "Cannot call SCMEventManager.getInstance." ) );
        goto finished;

    // Run the main class...
    ( *env ) -> CallStaticVoidMethod( env, cls, mid, args );
    SetConsoleCtrlHandler( logoffHandler, TRUE );


Upvotes: 2

Views: 1021

Answers (1)



You might be using the wrong calling convention. What happens if you try something like this:

jint (__stdcall *createJavaVM )( JavaVM **, void **, void * ) = ( jint ( __stdcall * )( JavaVM **, void **, void * ) ) GetProcAddress( hModule, "JNI_CreateJavaVM" );

P.S. If it's not stdcall, find out which one is it.

Upvotes: 2

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