I'm trying to write the following short line of code in a more generic way.
What I want to achieve is a simple count of records, that have changed or were created since a certain date.
public int GetChanges(DateTime LastActivityDate)
KHS.Innopas.Web.Library.DataModels.Documentation.DocumentationEntities ctx =
new KHS.Innopas.Web.Library.DataModels.Documentation.DocumentationEntities();
return ctx.Images.Count(row => row.CreatedAt > LastActivityDate);
I want to change the sample above to a more generic function like
public int GetChanges(MetaTable table, string columnName, DateTime LastActivityDate)
return table.Count(row => row.columnName > LastActivityDate);
What I tried until now is
public int GetChanges(MetaTable table, string columnName, DateTime lastActivityDate)
// query = {Table(LanguageText)}
var query = table.GetQuery();
MetaColumn dateColumn;
table.TryGetColumn(columnName,out dateColumn);
if (dateColumn == null)
return new string[] {};
var entityParam = Expression.Parameter(table.EntityType, "row");
var property = Expression.Property(entityParam, dateColumn.Name);
var columnLambda = Expression.Lambda(property, entityParam);
var constant = Expression.Constant(lastActivityDate);
var GreaterThanCall = Expression.GreaterThan(columnLambda.Body, constant);
var whereLambda = Expression.Lambda(GreaterThanCall, entityParam);
var whereCall = Expression.Call(
new Type[] { query.ElementType },
var result = query.Provider.CreateQuery(whereCall);
return result ;
The problem is now, that 'whereCall' is incorrect and throws a (german) error. Any ideas, how it has to look like?
Thanks for your help. Sebastian
Further info: This is the german error:
Abfrageausdrücke für 'LINQ to Entities' können nur aus Instanzen konstruiert werden, die die IQueryable-Schnittstelle implementieren. Parametername: expression
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Views: 3787
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You might be able to pull this off using the dynamic linq query library. It allows you to pass clauses as strings. Example:
More information can be found on Scott Gu's Blog
Upvotes: 1