Reputation: 581
I want to create an input argument for mkdir -p, I have one directory tree structure in one server and I want to copy this same structure to another machine using a mkdir -p command. The two machines don't "talk" to each other, no telnet, no ssh. The objective is to insert a simple command (mkdir -p master/{one/{a,b,c},two/{a,b,c},three/{a,b,c}}) in a install script in server2, I don't want an extra file and I can't access server1 from server2.
Something like master/{one/{a,b,c},two/{a,b,c},three/{a,b,c}}. I'm using ( find . -type d ) to find the directories and now I need the awk part.
What is the best way to create an awk command to find the tree like structure ?
Directory tree:
-- master
Mkdir command:
mkdir -p master/{one/{a,b,c},two/{a,b,c},three/{a,b,c}}
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1608
Reputation: 58578
This find/sort/GNU sed oneliner makes a start:
mkdir -p master/{one,two,three}/{a,b,c}
find master -type d | sort |
sed -r 'H;${x;s/\n//;y/\n/ /;:a;s/([^ ]*) (\1\/[^ ]* )/\2/;ta;:b;s#(([^ /]*/)+)([^ /]+) \1([^ /]+)#\1\3,\4#;tb;s#(([^ /]*/)*)([^ ]*)#\1{\3}#g;:c;s#(([^ /]*/)*)([^/ ]+)/(\{[^}]*\}) \1([^ /]+)/\4#\1\3,\5/\4#;tc;s#/([^/ ]*)/\{#/{\1}/{#g;s/^/mkdir -p /p};d'
mkdir -p master/{one,three,two}/{a,b,c}
It's a bit longwinded to explain but in essence it makes the sorted directory listing into a string. Then uses loops and matching to condense it back to the expression. Finally it prepends the mkdir -p
It doesn't produce the most efficient expression, but this might be improved if a different sort was used.
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if you want to cp an existing dir structure, you could consider to use tar and untar. tar can work with your find
well some example, just show what I meant.
on your existing serverA:
find .... -print |xargs tar -cf - |ssh user@SERVER_B "cd someDir; tar -xf - "
if you prefer copy a file to serverB and fire it, here is another dirty solution:
on serverA:
kent$ mkdir a/b/{1..5}/c
now we have a tree, then :
kent$ find -type d|sed -r '/^.$/{s:.:#!/bin/bash:};{s/^\./mkdir -p &/}'
mkdir -p ./a
mkdir -p ./a/b
mkdir -p ./a/b/4
mkdir -p ./a/b/4/c
mkdir -p ./a/b/3
mkdir -p ./a/b/3/c
mkdir -p ./a/b/1
mkdir -p ./a/b/1/c
mkdir -p ./a/b/5
mkdir -p ./a/b/5/c
mkdir -p ./a/b/2
mkdir -p ./a/b/2/c
now you can save the output to a script file, on B go to the target DIr, then run it on B
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 185831
I hope I understand your needs : copy the directorys tree from server-A to server-B, so
On server-A :
cd /path/to/dir
find -type d | ssh server-B 'xargs -I% mkdir -p "/path/to/dir/%"'
Upvotes: 0