Kevin Bomberry
Kevin Bomberry

Reputation: 3122

UIButton: Making the hit area larger than the default hit area

I have a question dealing with UIButton and its hit area. I am using the Info Dark button in interface builder, but I am finding that the hit area is not large enough for some people's fingers.

Is there a way to increase the hit area of a button either programmatically or in Interface Builder without changing the size of the InfoButton graphic?

Upvotes: 196

Views: 103755

Answers (30)


Reputation: 12582

Honestly. The correct code for 2023:

class ChubbyButton: UIButton {
    override func point(inside point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> Bool {
        return bounds.insetBy(dx: -20, dy: -20).contains(point)

Note that this works perfectly for any type of UIView:

class YourEasyToTouchView: UIView {
    override func point(inside point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> Bool {
        return bounds.insetBy(dx: -20, dy: -20).contains(point)

That's the whole thing.

Visual example:

enter image description here

class RightwardsButton: UIButton {
    override func point(inside point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> Bool {
        return bounds.inset(by:
          UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: -100))

You can now click on the pink area as well as the button itself:

enter image description here

Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 5405

@antoine's answer formatted for Swift 4

final class ExtendedHitButton: UIButton {
    override func point( inside point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent? ) -> Bool {
        let relativeFrame = self.bounds
        let hitTestEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: -44, left: -44, bottom: -44, right: -44) // Apple recommended hit target
        let hitFrame = relativeFrame.inset(by: hitTestEdgeInsets)
        return hitFrame.contains( point );

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 8677

I'm seeing a lot of solutions that either don't quite hit the mark or require specifying some fixed insets to add. Here's a solution for a simple UIView subclass that will extend the hit rect of the view to at least 44 x 44; if either of the dimensions is already greater than that, then it doesn't artificially pad that dimension.

This ensures that a button will always have the recommended minimum touch size of 44 x 44 without needing any manual configuration, calculation, or image padding:

override func point(inside point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> Bool {
    let minimumTouchSize: CGFloat = 44.0
    let center: CGPoint = .init(x: self.bounds.midX, y: self.bounds.midY)

    let minimumHitRect: CGRect =
        .init(center: center, size: .zero)
            dx: -minimumTouchSize / 2.0,
            dy: -minimumTouchSize / 2.0

    let fullHitRect = self.bounds.union(minimumHitRect)

    return fullHitRect.contains(point)

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 251

Similar to Zhanserik's, with variable extension and updated for Swift 4.2:

class ButtonWithExtendedHitArea: UIButton {

    var extention: CGFloat

    required init(extendBy: CGFloat) {
        extention = extendBy

        super.init(frame: .zero)

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")

    override open func point(inside point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> Bool {
        let relativeFrame = self.bounds
        let hitTestEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: -extention, left: -extention, bottom: -extention, right: -extention)
        let hitFrame = relativeFrame.inset(by: hitTestEdgeInsets)
        return hitFrame.contains(point)


Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 11191

Since I am using a background image, none of these solutions worked well for me. Here is a solution that does some fun objective-c magic and offers a drop in solution with minimal code.

First, add a category to UIButton that overrides the hit test and also adds a property for expanding the hit test frame.


@interface UIButton (Extensions)

@property(nonatomic, assign) UIEdgeInsets hitTestEdgeInsets;



#import "UIButton+Extensions.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>

@implementation UIButton (Extensions)

@dynamic hitTestEdgeInsets;

static const NSString *KEY_HIT_TEST_EDGE_INSETS = @"HitTestEdgeInsets";

-(void)setHitTestEdgeInsets:(UIEdgeInsets)hitTestEdgeInsets {
    NSValue *value = [NSValue value:&hitTestEdgeInsets withObjCType:@encode(UIEdgeInsets)];
    objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &KEY_HIT_TEST_EDGE_INSETS, value, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);

-(UIEdgeInsets)hitTestEdgeInsets {
    NSValue *value = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &KEY_HIT_TEST_EDGE_INSETS);
    if(value) {
        UIEdgeInsets edgeInsets; [value getValue:&edgeInsets]; return edgeInsets;
    }else {
        return UIEdgeInsetsZero;

- (BOOL)pointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
    if(UIEdgeInsetsEqualToEdgeInsets(self.hitTestEdgeInsets, UIEdgeInsetsZero) || !self.enabled || self.hidden) {
        return [super pointInside:point withEvent:event];

    CGRect relativeFrame = self.bounds;
    CGRect hitFrame = UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(relativeFrame, self.hitTestEdgeInsets);

    return CGRectContainsPoint(hitFrame, point);


Once this class is added, all you need to do is set the edge insets of your button. Note that I chose to add the insets so if you want to make the hit area larger, you must use negative numbers.

[button setHitTestEdgeInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(-10, -10, -10, -10)];

Note: Remember to import the category (#import "UIButton+Extensions.h") in your classes.

Upvotes: 138


Reputation: 2384

My solution on Swift 3:

class MyButton: UIButton {

    override open func point(inside point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> Bool {
        let relativeFrame = self.bounds
        let hitTestEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(-25, -25, -25, -25)
        let hitFrame = UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(relativeFrame, hitTestEdgeInsets)
        return hitFrame.contains(point)

Upvotes: 14

Jacob Jennings
Jacob Jennings

Reputation: 2836

  • Without overriding in categories or extensions
  • 44x44 minimum per guidelines

My take:

open class MinimumTouchAreaButton: UIButton {
    open override func hitTest(_ point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> UIView? {
        guard !self.isHidden, self.isUserInteractionEnabled, self.alpha > 0 else { return nil }
        let expandedBounds = bounds.insetBy(dx: min(bounds.width - 44, 0), dy: min(bounds.height - 44, 0))
        return expandedBounds.contains(point) ? self : nil

Upvotes: -2


Reputation: 57

override func point(inside point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> Bool {
    let inset = UIEdgeInsets(top: -adjustHitY * 0.5, left: -adjustHitX * 0.5, bottom: -adjustHitY * 0.5, right: -adjustHitX * 0.5)
    return UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(bounds, inset).contains(point)

Upvotes: -2


Reputation: 594

Here's Chase's UIButton+Extensions in Swift 3.0.

import UIKit

private var pTouchAreaEdgeInsets: UIEdgeInsets = .zero

extension UIButton {

    var touchAreaEdgeInsets: UIEdgeInsets {
        get {
            if let value = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &pTouchAreaEdgeInsets) as? NSValue {
                var edgeInsets: UIEdgeInsets = .zero
                return edgeInsets
            else {
                return .zero
        set(newValue) {
            var newValueCopy = newValue
            let objCType = NSValue(uiEdgeInsets: .zero).objCType
            let value = NSValue(&newValueCopy, withObjCType: objCType)
            objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &pTouchAreaEdgeInsets, value, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN)

    open override func point(inside point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> Bool {
        if UIEdgeInsetsEqualToEdgeInsets(self.touchAreaEdgeInsets, .zero) || !self.isEnabled || self.isHidden {
            return super.point(inside: point, with: event)

        let relativeFrame = self.bounds
        let hitFrame = UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(relativeFrame, self.touchAreaEdgeInsets)

        return hitFrame.contains(point)

To use it, you can:

button.touchAreaEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: -10, left: -10, bottom: -10, right: -10)

Upvotes: 35


Reputation: 1118

You could also subclass UIButton or a custom UIView and override point(inside:with:) with something like:

Swift 3

override func point(inside point: CGPoint, with _: UIEvent?) -> Bool {
    let margin: CGFloat = 5
    let area = self.bounds.insetBy(dx: -margin, dy: -margin)
    return area.contains(point)


- (BOOL)pointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
    CGFloat margin = 5.0;
    CGRect area = CGRectInset(self.bounds, -margin, -margin);
    return CGRectContainsPoint(area, point);

Upvotes: 51


Reputation: 956

Here's an elegant solution using Extensions in Swift. It gives all UIButtons a hit area of at least 44x44 points, as per Apple's Human Interface Guidelines (

Swift 2:

private let minimumHitArea = CGSizeMake(44, 44)

extension UIButton {
    public override func hitTest(point: CGPoint, withEvent event: UIEvent?) -> UIView? {
        // if the button is hidden/disabled/transparent it can't be hit
        if self.hidden || !self.userInteractionEnabled || self.alpha < 0.01 { return nil }

        // increase the hit frame to be at least as big as `minimumHitArea`
        let buttonSize = self.bounds.size
        let widthToAdd = max(minimumHitArea.width - buttonSize.width, 0)
        let heightToAdd = max(minimumHitArea.height - buttonSize.height, 0)
        let largerFrame = CGRectInset(self.bounds, -widthToAdd / 2, -heightToAdd / 2)

        // perform hit test on larger frame
        return (CGRectContainsPoint(largerFrame, point)) ? self : nil

Swift 3:

fileprivate let minimumHitArea = CGSize(width: 100, height: 100)

extension UIButton {
    open override func hitTest(_ point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> UIView? {
        // if the button is hidden/disabled/transparent it can't be hit
        if self.isHidden || !self.isUserInteractionEnabled || self.alpha < 0.01 { return nil }

        // increase the hit frame to be at least as big as `minimumHitArea`
        let buttonSize = self.bounds.size
        let widthToAdd = max(minimumHitArea.width - buttonSize.width, 0)
        let heightToAdd = max(minimumHitArea.height - buttonSize.height, 0)
        let largerFrame = self.bounds.insetBy(dx: -widthToAdd / 2, dy: -heightToAdd / 2)

        // perform hit test on larger frame
        return (largerFrame.contains(point)) ? self : nil

Upvotes: 67


Reputation: 358

This is my Swift 3 Solution(based on this blogpost:

class ExtendedHitAreaButton: UIButton {

    @IBInspectable var hitAreaExtensionSize: CGSize = CGSize(width: -10, height: -10)

    override func hitTest(_ point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> UIView? {

        let extendedFrame: CGRect = bounds.insetBy(dx: hitAreaExtensionSize.width, dy: hitAreaExtensionSize.height)

        return extendedFrame.contains(point) ? self : nil

Upvotes: 5

Thanh-Nhon Nguyen
Thanh-Nhon Nguyen

Reputation: 3418

Base on giaset's answer above (which I found the most elegant solution), here is the swift 3 version:

import UIKit

fileprivate let minimumHitArea = CGSize(width: 44, height: 44)

extension UIButton {
    open override func hitTest(_ point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> UIView? {
        // if the button is hidden/disabled/transparent it can't be hit
        if isHidden || !isUserInteractionEnabled || alpha < 0.01 { return nil }

        // increase the hit frame to be at least as big as `minimumHitArea`
        let buttonSize = bounds.size
        let widthToAdd = max(minimumHitArea.width - buttonSize.width, 0)
        let heightToAdd = max(minimumHitArea.height - buttonSize.height, 0)
        let largerFrame = bounds.insetBy(dx: -widthToAdd / 2, dy: -heightToAdd / 2)

        // perform hit test on larger frame
        return (largerFrame.contains(point)) ? self : nil

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 2102

I just did the port of the @Chase solution in swift 2.2

import Foundation
import ObjectiveC

private var hitTestEdgeInsetsKey: UIEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsZero

extension UIButton {
    var hitTestEdgeInsets:UIEdgeInsets {
        get {
            let inset = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &hitTestEdgeInsetsKey) as? NSValue ?? NSValue(UIEdgeInsets: UIEdgeInsetsZero)
            return inset.UIEdgeInsetsValue()
        set {
            let inset = NSValue(UIEdgeInsets: newValue)
            objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &hitTestEdgeInsetsKey, inset, objc_AssociationPolicy.OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)

    public override func pointInside(point: CGPoint, withEvent event: UIEvent?) -> Bool {
        guard !UIEdgeInsetsEqualToEdgeInsets(hitTestEdgeInsets, UIEdgeInsetsZero) && self.enabled == true && self.hidden == false else {
            return super.pointInside(point, withEvent: event)
        let relativeFrame = self.bounds
        let hitFrame = UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(relativeFrame, hitTestEdgeInsets)
        return CGRectContainsPoint(hitFrame, point)

an you can use like this

button.hitTestEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(-10, -10, -10, -10)

For any other reference see

Upvotes: 1

Alvin George
Alvin George

Reputation: 14296


override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
        self.sampleButton.frame = CGRectInset(self.sampleButton.frame, -10, -10);

Upvotes: -1


Reputation: 34503

This Swift version lets you define a minimum hit size for all UIButtons. Crucially, it also handles the case when UIButtons are hidden, which many answers neglect.

extension UIButton {
    public override func hitTest(point: CGPoint, withEvent event: UIEvent?) -> UIView? {
        // Ignore if button hidden
        if self.hidden {
            return nil

        // If here, button visible so expand hit area
        let hitSize = CGFloat(56.0)
        let buttonSize = self.frame.size
        let widthToAdd = (hitSize - buttonSize.width > 0) ? hitSize - buttonSize.width : 0
        let heightToAdd = (hitSize - buttonSize.height > 0) ? hitSize - buttonSize.height : 0
        let largerFrame = CGRect(x: 0-(widthToAdd/2), y: 0-(heightToAdd/2), width: buttonSize.width+widthToAdd, height: buttonSize.height+heightToAdd)
        return (CGRectContainsPoint(largerFrame, point)) ? self : nil

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 12667

Implementation through override inherited UIButton.

Swift 2.2:

// don't forget that negative values are for outset
_button.hitOffset = UIEdgeInsets(top: -10, left: -10, bottom: -10, right: -10)
class UICustomButton: UIButton {
    var hitOffset = UIEdgeInsets()

    override func pointInside(point: CGPoint, withEvent event: UIEvent?) -> Bool {
        guard hitOffset != UIEdgeInsetsZero && enabled && !hidden else {
            return super.pointInside(point, withEvent: event)
        return UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(bounds, hitOffset).contains(point)

Upvotes: 3

Phillip Martin
Phillip Martin

Reputation: 1960

Chase's custom hit test implemented as a subclass of UIButton. Written in Objective-C.

It seems to work both for init and buttonWithType: constructors. For my needs it's perfect, but since subclassing UIButton can be hairy, I'd be interested to know if anyone has a fault with it.


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface CustomHitAreaButton : UIButton

- (void)setHitTestEdgeInsets:(UIEdgeInsets)hitTestEdgeInsets;



#import "CustomHitAreaButton.h"

@interface CustomHitAreaButton()

@property (nonatomic, assign) UIEdgeInsets hitTestEdgeInsets;


@implementation CustomHitAreaButton

- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
    if(self = [super initWithFrame:frame]) {
        self.hitTestEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsZero;
    return self;

-(void)setHitTestEdgeInsets:(UIEdgeInsets)hitTestEdgeInsets {
    self->_hitTestEdgeInsets = hitTestEdgeInsets;

- (BOOL)pointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
    if(UIEdgeInsetsEqualToEdgeInsets(self.hitTestEdgeInsets, UIEdgeInsetsZero) || !self.enabled || self.hidden) {
        return [super pointInside:point withEvent:event];
    CGRect relativeFrame = self.bounds;
    CGRect hitFrame = UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(relativeFrame, self.hitTestEdgeInsets);
    return CGRectContainsPoint(hitFrame, point);


Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 15579

I made a library for this very purpose.

You can choose to use a UIView category, no subclassing required:

@interface UIView (KGHitTesting)
- (void)setMinimumHitTestWidth:(CGFloat)width height:(CGFloat)height;

Or you can subclass your UIView or UIButton and set the minimumHitTestWidth and/or minimumHitTestHeight. Your button hit-test area will then be represented by these 2 values.

Just like other solutions, it uses the - (BOOL)pointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event method. The method is called when iOS performs hit-testing. This blog post has a good description on how iOS hit-testing works.

@interface KGHitTestingButton : UIButton <KGHitTesting>

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat minimumHitTestHeight; 
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat minimumHitTestWidth;


You can also just subclass and use the Interface Builder without writing any code: enter image description here

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 1019

None of the answers works perfect for me, because I use background image and a title on that button. Moreover, the button will resize as screen size changes.

Instead, I enlarge the tap area by making the png transparent area larger.

Upvotes: 0

Ortwin Gentz
Ortwin Gentz

Reputation: 54111

I'm using a more generic approach by swizzling -[UIView pointInside:withEvent:]. This allows me to modify hit testing behavior on any UIView, not just UIButton.

Oftentimes, a button is placed inside a container view that also limits the hit testing. For instance, when a button is at the top of a container view and you want to extend the touch target upwards, you also have to extend the touch target of the container view.

@interface UIView(Additions)
@property(nonatomic) UIEdgeInsets hitTestEdgeInsets;

@implementation UIView(Additions)

+ (void)load {
    Swizzle(self, @selector(pointInside:withEvent:), @selector(myPointInside:withEvent:));

- (BOOL)myPointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {

    if(UIEdgeInsetsEqualToEdgeInsets(self.hitTestEdgeInsets, UIEdgeInsetsZero) || self.hidden ||
       ([self isKindOfClass:UIControl.class] && !((UIControl*)self).enabled))
        return [self myPointInside:point withEvent:event]; // original implementation
    CGRect hitFrame = UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(self.bounds, self.hitTestEdgeInsets);
    hitFrame.size.width = MAX(hitFrame.size.width, 0); // don't allow negative sizes
    hitFrame.size.height = MAX(hitFrame.size.height, 0);
    return CGRectContainsPoint(hitFrame, point);

static char hitTestEdgeInsetsKey;
- (void)setHitTestEdgeInsets:(UIEdgeInsets)hitTestEdgeInsets {
    objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &hitTestEdgeInsetsKey, [NSValue valueWithUIEdgeInsets:hitTestEdgeInsets], OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);

- (UIEdgeInsets)hitTestEdgeInsets {
    return [objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &hitTestEdgeInsetsKey) UIEdgeInsetsValue];

void Swizzle(Class c, SEL orig, SEL new) {

    Method origMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(c, orig);
    Method newMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(c, new);

    if(class_addMethod(c, orig, method_getImplementation(newMethod), method_getTypeEncoding(newMethod)))
        class_replaceMethod(c, new, method_getImplementation(origMethod), method_getTypeEncoding(origMethod));
        method_exchangeImplementations(origMethod, newMethod);

The nice thing about this approach is you can use this even in Storyboards by adding a User Defined Runtime Attribute. Sadly, UIEdgeInsets is not directly available as a type there but since CGRect also consists of a struct with four CGFloat it works flawlessly by choosing "Rect" and filling in the values like this: {{top, left}, {bottom, right}}.

Upvotes: 7


Reputation: 23976

I'm using the following class in Swift, to also enable an Interface Builder property to adjust the margin:

class ALExtendedButton: UIButton {

    @IBInspectable var touchMargin:CGFloat = 20.0

    override func pointInside(point: CGPoint, withEvent event: UIEvent?) -> Bool {
        var extendedArea = CGRectInset(self.bounds, -touchMargin, -touchMargin)
        return CGRectContainsPoint(extendedArea, point)

Upvotes: 6

Has AlTaiar
Has AlTaiar

Reputation: 4152

@jlajlar 's answer above seemed good and straightforward but does not match Xamarin.iOS, so I converted it into Xamarin. If you looking for a solution on a Xamarin iOS, there here it goes:

public override bool PointInside (CoreGraphics.CGPoint point, UIEvent uievent)
    var margin = -10f;
    var area = this.Bounds;
    var expandedArea = area.Inset(margin, margin);
    return expandedArea.Contains(point);

You can add this method to the class where you are overriding UIView or UIImageView. This worked nicely :)

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 1358

I am so late to this game, but wanted to weigh in on a simple technique that might solve your problems. Here is a typical programmatic UIButton snippet for me:

UIImage *arrowImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"leftarrow"];
arrowButton = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(15.0, self.frame.size.height-35.0, arrowImage.size.width/2, arrowImage.size.height/2)];
[arrowButton setBackgroundImage:arrowImage forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[arrowButton addTarget:self action:@selector(onTouchUp:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpOutside];
[arrowButton addTarget:self action:@selector(onTouchDown:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown];
[arrowButton addTarget:self action:@selector(onTap:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
[arrowButton addTarget:self action:@selector(onTouchUp:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDragExit];
[arrowButton setUserInteractionEnabled:TRUE];
[arrowButton setAdjustsImageWhenHighlighted:NO];
[arrowButton setTag:1];
[self addSubview:arrowButton];

I'm loading a transparent png Image for my button and setting the background image. I'm setting the frame based on the UIImage and scaling by 50% for retina. OK, maybe you agree with the above or not, BUT if you want to make the hit area BIGGER and save yourself a headache:

What I do, open the image in photoshop and simply increase the canvas size to 120% and save. Effectively you've just made the image bigger with transparent pixels.

Just one approach.

Upvotes: 0

Tommie C.
Tommie C.

Reputation: 13181

There is nothing wrong with the answers presented; however I wanted to extend jlarjlar's answer as it holds amazing potential that can add value to the same problem with other controls (e.g. SearchBar). This is because since pointInside is attached to a UIView, one is able to subclass any control to improve the touch area. This answer also shows a full sample of how to implement the complete solution.

Create a new subclass for your button (or any control)

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface MNGButton : UIButton


Next override the pointInside method in your subclass implementation

@implementation MNGButton

-(BOOL)pointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    //increase touch area for control in all directions by 20
    CGFloat margin = 20.0;
    CGRect area = CGRectInset(self.bounds, -margin, -margin);
    return CGRectContainsPoint(area, point);


On your storyboard/xib file select the control in question and open the identity inspector and type in the name of your custom class.


In your UIViewController class for scene containing the button, change the class type for the button to the name of your subclass.

@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet MNGButton *helpButton;

Link your storyboard/xib button to the property IBOutlet and your touch area will be expanded to fit the area defined in the subclass.

In addition to overriding the pointInside method together with the CGRectInset and CGRectContainsPoint methods, one should take time to examine the CGGeometry for extending the rectangular touch area of any UIView subclass. You may also find some nice tips on CGGeometry use-cases at NSHipster.

For example one could make the touch area irregular using the methods mentioned above or simply choose to make the width touch area twice as large as the horizontal touch area:

CGRect area = CGRectInset(self.bounds, -(2*margin), -margin);

NB: Substituting any UI Class control should produce similar results on extending the touch area for different controls (or any UIView subclass, like UIImageView, etc).

Upvotes: 12


Reputation: 4519

Never override method in category. Subclass button and override - pointInside:withEvent:. For example if your button's side is smaller than 44 px (which is recommended as minimum tappable area) use this:

- (BOOL)pointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    return (ABS(point.x - CGRectGetMidX(self.bounds)) <= MAX(CGRectGetMidX(self.bounds), 22)) && (ABS(point.y - CGRectGetMidY(self.bounds)) <= MAX(CGRectGetMidY(self.bounds), 22));

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 71

Don't change the behavior of UIButton.

@interface ExtendedHitButton: UIButton

+ (instancetype) extendedHitButton;

- (BOOL)pointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;


@implementation ExtendedHitButton

+ (instancetype) extendedHitButton {
    return (ExtendedHitButton *) [ExtendedHitButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];

- (BOOL)pointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
    CGRect relativeFrame = self.bounds;
    UIEdgeInsets hitTestEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(-44, -44, -44, -44);
    CGRect hitFrame = UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(relativeFrame, hitTestEdgeInsets);
    return CGRectContainsPoint(hitFrame, point);


Upvotes: 7


Reputation: 4169

Don't set the backgroundImage property with your image, set the imageView property. Also, make sure you have imageView.contentMode set at UIViewContentModeCenter.

Upvotes: 19

Unreal Dragon
Unreal Dragon

Reputation: 191

I have followed Chase's response and it works great, one single problem when you create the arrea too big, bigger than the zone where the button gets deselected (if the zone wasn't bigger) it doesn't call the selector for the UIControlEventTouchUpInside event.

I think the size is over 200 any any direction or something like that.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 2260

I've been able to increase the hit area of the info button programmatically. The "i" graphic doesn't change scale and remains centered in the new button frame.

The size of the info button seems to be fixed to 18x19[*] in Interface Builder. By connecting it to an IBOutlet, I was able to change its frame size in code without any issues.

static void _resizeButton( UIButton *button )
    const CGRect oldFrame = infoButton.frame;
    const CGFloat desiredWidth = 44.f;
    const CGFloat margin = 
        ( desiredWidth - CGRectGetWidth( oldFrame ) ) / 2.f;
    infoButton.frame = CGRectInset( oldFrame, -margin, -margin );

[*]: Later versions of iOS appear to have increased the hit area of the info button.

Upvotes: 5

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