Reputation: 6128
Is there a good way to profile code in Mathematica? I would like to be able to recurse (i.e., if I say f[a_] := b[a]
, then Profile[f[1]]
should give almost the same output as Profile[b[1]]
), but I'll settle for being able to do something like applying Timing
to every relevant subexpression. It would be nice if I didn't have to special-case things like Module
, but I'd like, e.g., Profile[Module[{x=1+2},x!]]
to give me an output like
Time Expression Result
0 1 1
0 2 2
0 1 + 2 3
0 x$1234 3
0 x$1234 ! 6
0 Module[{x=1+2},x!] 6
Upvotes: 12
Views: 2434
Reputation: 4420
Yes, Wolfram Workbench does have a profiler, although according to the documentation the output isn't quite in the form you want.
I should note that the issue raised by Mr.Wizard in comments - that cached results will lead to different timing results - can also apply in profile.
If you wanted to do something exclusively in Mathematica, you could try something like:
TableForm[#[[{1,3,2}]]&/@ (Join @@@ ({Timing[f[#]],#} & /@ inputs))]
If you were happy enough to have the output as {timing,output, input}, rather than {timing, input, output} as specified in your question, you could get rid of the #[[{1,3,2}]]
Since I have Workbench, here is an example. I have a package AdvancedPlots
which includes a function CobwebPlot
(and yes, the function itself could improved).
CobwebPlot[x_?MatrixQ, opts___Rule] /;
And @@ (NumericQ /@ Flatten[x]) :=
Module[{n, \[Theta]s, numgrids, grids, struts, gridstyle, min, max,
data, labels, epilabels, pad},
n = Length[First[x]];
\[Theta]s = (2 \[Pi])/n Range[0, n] + If[OddQ[n], \[Pi]/2, 0];
numgrids =
If[IntegerQ[#] && Positive[#], #,
NumberofGrids /.
Options[CobwebPlot] ] & @ (NumberofGrids /. {opts});
{min, max} = {Min[#], Max[#]} &@ Flatten[x];
gridstyle = GridStyle /. {opts} /. Options[CobwebPlot];
pad = CobwebPadding /. {opts} /. Options[CobwebPlot];
grids =
Outer[List, \[Theta]s, FindDivisions[{0, max + 1}, numgrids]];
struts = Transpose[grids];
labels = CobwebLabels /. {opts} /. Options[CobwebPlot];
epilabels =
If[Length[labels] == n,
labels, (1.2 max) Transpose[{Cos[Most[\[Theta]s]],
Sin[Most[\[Theta]s]]}]]], None];
data = Map[Reverse,
Inner[List, Join[#, {First[#]}] & /@ x, \[Theta]s, List], {2}];
Show[ListPolarPlot[grids, gridstyle, Joined -> True, Axes -> False,
PlotRangePadding -> pad],
ListPolarPlot[struts, gridstyle, Joined -> True, Axes -> False],
Sequence @@ FilterRules[{opts}, Options[ListPolarPlot]],
Sequence @@
FilterRules[Options[CobwebPlot], Options[ListPolarPlot]],
Joined -> True, Axes -> None] ,
If[Length[labels] == n, Graphics /@ epilabels,
Sequence @@ FilterRules[{opts}, Options[Graphics]] ]]
Running the package in Debug mode
And then running this notebook
Gives the following output.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 24336
This is an attempt to use TraceScan
to time individual steps of evaluation. It uses raw AbsoluteTime[]
deltas which could be good or bad depending on what you actually expect to time.
Make sure to run this example on a fresh kernel, or Prime
will cache its results and all timings will be ~= 0.
t = AbsoluteTime[]; step = "start";
(Print[AbsoluteTime[] - t, " for ", step]; t = AbsoluteTime[]; step = #) &,
Module[{x = 7 + 7}, Sqrt@Prime[x!]]
0.0010001 for start 0.*10^-8 for Module[{x=7+7},Sqrt[Prime[x!]]] 0.*10^-8 for Module 0.*10^-8 for 7+7 0.*10^-8 for Plus 0.*10^-8 for 7 0.*10^-8 for 7 0.*10^-8 for 14 0.*10^-8 for x$149=Unevaluated[14] 0.*10^-8 for Set 0.*10^-8 for x$149=14 0.*10^-8 for 14 0.*10^-8 for Sqrt[Prime[x$149!]] 0.*10^-8 for Sqrt 0.*10^-8 for Prime[x$149!] 0.*10^-8 for Prime 0.*10^-8 for x$149! 0.*10^-8 for Factorial 0.*10^-8 for x$149 0.*10^-8 for 14 0.*10^-8 for 14! 0.*10^-8 for 87178291200 2.6691526 for Prime[87178291200] 0.*10^-8 for 2394322471421 0.*10^-8 for Sqrt[2394322471421] 0.*10^-8 for Sqrt[2394322471421] 0.*10^-8 for Power 0.*10^-8 for 2394322471421 0.*10^-8 for 1/2
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 24336
As belisarius showed in answer to the question I linked above, it appears that Wolfram Workbench includes a profiler. I do not use Workbench however, so I cannot detail its use.
Upvotes: 1